Timeline of Saints

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The purpose of this article is to complete a chronological list of ALL the relevant Ecclesiastical dates relating to the "deaths" of her Orthodox Saints

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20BC to New Testament period

First century (0-100)

New Testament Era (0-30)

Apostolic Era (30-100)

The Apostolic period can begin with the death of Christ, or from the Day of Pentecost, and ends with the Apostle John and covers about seventy years.

  • 30-35 c, Apostle Stephen, the Protomartyr of Christianity., delivers a speech before the Sanhedrin (Acts 6:8-8:1) and is stoned to death, December 27.
  • 34 Death of Philip, tetrach of Iturea.
  • 35-44 c, The Dormition [4] of the Theotokos, the Mother of Christ, August 15.
  • 44 Agrippa I beheads Apostle James (son of Zebedee and brother of John), July 25; Agrippa I is eaten by worms and dies.
  • 50 Death of Gamaliel, teacher of the Apostle Paul (Acts 22:3)
  • 54 Claudius dies, probably poisoned.
  • 59 c, Probus, bishop of Verona in Italy, January 12 citation needed
  • 60-62 c, Apostle Andrew traditionally thought to have been martyred in Achaia at Patras by cruxifixion.
  • 60-63 c, Second death of Lazarus, Bishop of Kittium.
  • 60 Saints Aristarchos, Pudens (2 Tim. 4:21), and Trophimos, the Apostles of the Seventy, April 14.
  • 61 c, Apostle Barnabas, founder of the Church of Cyprus, traditionally thought to have been martyred in Salamis.
  • 62 Porcius Festus dies.; Apostle James, the brother of the Lord and first bishop of Jerusalem, is stoned to death at the instigation of the Sanhedrin, during the short interval between Porcius Festus and Albinus [5].
  • 64 Clateus, bishop of Brescia in Italy murdered under Nero, June 4; c, 64-67 Peter, son of Jonah and founder of the Church of Antioch, martyred head downwards, June 29; First Martyrs of Rome, falsely charged by Nero, June 30 [6].
  • 65 Torpes, martyr in Pisa in Italy under Nero April 29.
  • 66 Martyrdom of Photine of Samaria, Anatole, Photo, Photis, Paraskeve, Kyriake, Photinos and Joses and the Duke Sebastianos, under Emperor Nero.
  • 67 c, Paul, founder of the Church of Rome, beheaded in Rome;
  • 68 Basilissa and Anastasia martyrs in Rome [7]
  • 90-96 (2nd) Persection of Christians under Emperor Domitian.
  • 90 Onesimus, [8] February 16; Birillus, bishop of Catania (Sicily), [9] March 21; Romulus and companions, [10] July 6; Nicomedes, [11] September 15; Rufus of Rome, [12] November 21.
  • 92 Mark of Galilee, [13] 1st bishop of Abruzzi (Italy), April 28.
  • 96 Martyrdom of Dionysius the Areopagite of the Seventy; Flavius Clemens, Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag, martyred under Trajan, April 15.
  • 100 Nereus and Achilleus, [14] beheaded in Terracina (Italy), May 12; Geruntius of Italica, bishop of Talco (Italica, near Seville) and martyr [15] August 25; Prosdocimus, 1st bishop of Padua in Italy, November 7;
  • 100 Death [16] of St. John the Theologian in Ephesus.
  • Close of the Apostolic Age

Apostles who's deaths have not been recorded or are unknown:

If you know the dates of the deaths of any of the following apostles we would like to hear from you:

Second Century (101-200)

Sub-Apostolic Age (101-200)

The sub-Apostolic age, broadly speaking, begins and ends with the second century.

  • 107 c, Symeon the Zealot (Luke 6:15 and Acts 1:13), 2nd bishop of Jerusalem, is crucified [17] at the age of 120, location disputed; c, Ignatius, 3rd bishop of Antioch, martyred in Rome (or c, 115).
  • 108-124 (3rd) Persection of Christians under Emperor Trajan and continuing under Emperor Hadrian.
  • c.120 Martyrdom of Eleutherios and his mother Anthia.
  • c.130 Death of Apostle Quadratus, of the Seventy; Papias, bishop of Heriopolis and apostolic father.
  • 138 Telephorus, bishop of Rome, the only 2nd-century pope who's martyrdom is historically verifiable.
  • 155 Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, martyred by being burned to death in the arena in Smyrna.citation needed
  • 160 Marcian, heretic, dies.
  • 165 Valentium, Gnostic heretic, dies; Justin Martyr and disciples denounced as Christian, scourged and beheaded for refusing to sacrifice; Peregrinus Proteus becomes Christian and leader of a synagogue, then takes up the life of a Cynic. He ends his life by burning himself on a pyre at the Olympiad of 165 in Athens.
  • 177-180 (4th) Persecutions of Christians under Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161-180).
  • 177 Pothinus, bishop of Lyons, Blandina, Ponticus at others martyr in Lyons dying in the "odor of sanctity".
  • 180 Dyfan of Merthyr first martyr in British Isles, May 14; The twelve Scillitan Martyrs [18] executed in Scillium of North Africa the earliest documented martyrdom of the Church of Africa, July 17; Marcus Aurelius dies of plague.
  • 190 Melito, bishop of Sardis, dies.
  • c.200-202 Irenaeus of Lyons dies, possibly martyrdom.

Third Century (201-300)

Fourth Century (301-400)

Fifth century (401-500)

Sixth centuy (501-600)


Seventh century (601-700)

Eighth century (701-800)

Nineth century (801-900)

Tenth century (901-1000)

Eleventh century (1001-1100)

Twelfth century (1101-1200)

None identified.

Thirteenth century (1201-1300)

Fourteenth century (1301-1400)

Fifteenth century (1401-1500)

Sixteenth century (1501-1600)

Seventeenth century (1601-1700)

Eighteenth century (1701-1800)

Nineteenth century (1801-1900)

Twentieth century (1901-2000)

Twentyfirst century (2001-Present)

See also


  1. St. Ioachim lived for 80 years and Anna for 79. They lived for around seven years after Mary was dedicated, making the holy Theotokos around 10 when they reposed.
  2. The execution of Saint John the Baptist has been recorded in "Antiquitates Judaicae" in Latin published by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephhus about 93 or 94 AD, 18.5.2
  3. 29AD is thought to be the most accurate dating of the death, resurrection and Pentecost amongst academics and has been used for this article in lieu of 33AD.
  4. At the time of her death tradition states she was in her early fifties.
  5. The death of James the Just is also recorded in "Antiquitates Judaicae" published by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, 20.9.1
  6. Source: w:First Martyrs of the Church of Rome
  7. Source:w:Basilissa and Anastasia
  8. The slave who ran away from his master Philemon and was converted by St. Paul in Rome and was the occasion of the Apostle's letter to Philemon.
  9. By tradition he was consecrated first Bishop of Catania in Sicily by the Apostle Peter, with whom he had travelled from Antioch. He reposed in extreme old age.
  10. By tradition ordained by the Apostle Peter as first pastor of Fiesole, he was martyred with several companions under Domitian
  11. By tradition he was a priest martyred in Rome, perhaps under Domitian.
  12. The disciple that St. Paul greets in Romans 16:13.
  13. By tradition, a Galilean and the first bishop, and also martyr, of the Abruzzi in Italy.
  14. Pretorian soldiers, by tradition baptised by the Apostle Peter, and exiled with Flavia Domitilla to Pontia and later to Terracina in Italy
  15. A missionary in Spain in the Apostolic Age
  16. Account of the miracle that occured at his grave: When over 100 years old, St. John took seven disciples outside of Ephesus and had them dig a grave in the shape of a cross. St. John then went into the grave, and the disciples buried him there, alive. Later on, when his grave was opened, St. John’s body was not there. ‘On May 8 of each year, dust rises up from his grave, by which the sick are healed of various diseases.’
  17. The crucifixion of Symeon possibly includes Jewish involvement: From Eusebius' Church History 3.32.4: "And the same writer says that his accusers also, when search was made for the descendants of David, were arrested as belonging to that family." Sidenote 879: "This is a peculiar statement. Members of the house of David would hardly have ventured to accuse Symeon on the ground that he belonged to that house. The statement is, however, quite indefinite. We are not told what happened to these accusers, nor indeed that they really were of David’s line, although the ὡσ€ν with which Eusebius introduces the charge does not imply any doubt in his own mind, as Lightfoot quite rightly remarks. It is possible that some who were of the line of David may have accused Symeon, not of being a member of that family, but only of being a Christian, and that the report of the occurrence may have become afterward confused."
  18. The account of Scillitan Martyrs is based on trial records, though it has been embellished with miraculous and apocryphal material.
  19. http://www.orthodox.cn/localchurch/harbin/stefanwu_en.htm

Further Reading

Sources and literature relating to the Apostolic Age
  • The Canonical books of the New Testament;
  • The post-Apostolic and Patristic writings;
  • Apocryphal and Heretical literature;
  • Jewish Sources such as:
    • The "Acts of the Martyrs." Cross, F.L., ed. The Oxford dictionary of the Christian church. New York: Oxford University press. 2005.
Accredited Orthodox historians
  • Father John Meyendorff:
    • "The Byzantine Legacy in the Orthodox Church"
    • "Rome-Constantinople-Moscow Historical and Theological Studies"
List of Orthodox Saints