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March 11

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Hieromartyr Pionius of Smyrna and those with him (250): Asclepiades, Macedonia, Linus (Limnus), and Sabina; Hieromartyrs Trophimus and Thalus, Priests, of Laodicea (300) (see also March 16); The Holy Syrian Martyrs (4th century); Venerable John Moschos, the ascetic writer of ‘The Spiritual Meadow’ (622); Saint Sophronius I of Jerusalem, Patriarch of Jerusalem (638); Venerable George, Abbot of Sinai (7th century), brother of St. John Climacus; Saint George the New, Wonderworker of Constantinople (c. 970); Martyrs Candidus, Piperion and Companions, 22 martyrs who suffered in North Africa under Valerian and Gallienus (c. 254-259); Martyrs Heraclius and Zosimus, who suffered in Carthage in North Africa under Valerian and Gallienus (263); Martyr Alberta, one of the first victims of the persecution under Diocletian, she suffered in Agen in France with St Faith and others (c. 286); Martyr Constantine, a confessor in Carthage in North Africa; Hieromartyr Constantine of Cornwall and Govan, King of Cornwall, monk, and Protomartyr of Scotland, in Kintyre (576) (see also March 9); Saint Constantine of Strathclyde, King, Monk, Confessor (640); Saint Vigilius, Successor of St Palladius (661) as Bishop of Auxerre, murdered in a forest near Compiègne by order of the mayor of the palace (685); Saint Vindician, a disciple of St Eligius, became Bishop of Arras-Cambrai and bravely protested against the excesses of the Merovingian Kings (712); Saint Benedict Crispus of Milan, Archbishop of Milan in Italy for forty-five years (725); Saint Óengus the Culdee (Óengus of Tallaght, Angus), Bishop of Clonenagh, writer of the Martyrology of Oengus (824); Hieromartyr Eulogius of Córdoba, Metropolitan of Cordoba, who suffered martyrdom for protecting St Leocritia, a young girl converted from Islam (859); Saint Firmian (Fermanus, Firminus), Abbot of San Sabino Piceno near Fermo in Italy (c. 1020); Saint Peter the Spaniard, a pilgrim from Spain to Rome who settled as a hermit in Babuco near Veroli, confessor, renowned for miracles; Saint Theodora of Arta, Queen of Arta, wife of Despot Michael II of Epirus (c. 1275); Saint Sophronius, recluse of the Kiev Caves (13th century); Saint Euthymius II of Novgorod, Archbishop of Novgorod, Wonderworker (1458); Saint Sophronius of Vratsa, Bishop of Vratsa, Bulgaria (1813); Venerable Alexis of Goloseyevsky Skete, Kiev Caves (1917); New Hiero-confessor Patrick (Petrov), hieromonk of Valaam Monastery (1933); New Hieromartyr Basil Malahov, Priest (1937); Other Commemorations: Translation to Constantinople of the relics of Martyr Epimachus of Pelusium, from Alexandria (250); Slaying of Emperor Paul I of Russia (1801).