Baptismal names
A baptismal name is a name given to a newly-baptised Orthodox Christian. For a lengthy time in Orthodox history, Orthodox Christians have been given the names of Orthodox saints.
The following is a list of names who have:
- Orthodox saints, perhaps unexpectedly, attached to either the original name (e.g. Theophany for Tiffany) or to a diminutive (e.g. Gerald for Jerry), or
- Orthodox saints whose names mean the same thing (e.g. St Alban for Bianca [both mean 'white'], or St Maurice for Blake [both mean 'black']).
- If these are not available, a 'closest match' may be given, where the name sounds similar to a saint's name (e.g. St Rumon for Raymond).
However, this is not designed to be a list for existing matchups which have no relation (e.g. Panayiotis for Peter).
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Aaliyah (f) - see Alia (Diminutive)
- Aaron (m) - St Aaron the Priest (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [1]
- Abigail, Abby (f) - Venerable Virgin-martyr Æbbe the Younger of Coldingham, Abbess of Coldingham Priory (April 2 - Sound-alike)
- Adalyn, Adaline (f) - see Adele (Derivative)
- Adam (m) - (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Addison (f) - see Madison (Diminutive)
- Adrian (m) - Saint Adrian
- Adelaide (f) - St Adelaide of Rome; St Adelaide of Burgundy (December 16 - Saint)
- Adele, Adela (f) - St Adela, Abbess of Pfalzel (December 24 - Saint)
- Adrian (m) - St Adrian (August 26 - Saint)
- Aidan, Aiden (m) - St Aidan of Lindisfarne (Saint)
- Aimee (f) - see Amy (Diminutive)
- Alan, Allan, Allen (m) - St Alan of Lavaur (November 25 - Saint); St Elian of Cornwall (January 13 - Saint)
- Alana, Alaina (f) - see Alan (Saint)
- Albert (m) - St Albert (Saint)
- Alex (m/f) - see Alexis, Alexandra or Alexander (Diminutive)
- Alexa (f) - see Alexis or Alexandra (Diminutive)
- Alexander (m) - St Alexander (Saint)
- Alexandra (f) - St Alexandra (April 21 - Saint); Tsaritsa Alexandra (July 4 - Saint)
- Alexis (m/f) - St Alexis the Man of God (March 17 - Saint); Tsarevich Alexei (Saint); see also: Alexis (disambiguation) (Saint)
- Alia (f) - St Elizabeth (Diminutive); or, St Alexandra (Diminiutive, from Russian).
- Alice, Alicia, Alisha (f) - St Alexandra (April 21); Tsaritsa Alexandra (July 4) (Diminutive)
- Alison, Allison (f) - St Alexandra (April 21); Tsaritsa Alexandra (July 4) (Diminutive)
- Alvin (m) - see Elvin (Saint)
- Alyssa, Alissa (f) - see Alice (Diminutive)
- Amanda (f) - St Amandus of Elnon (February 6 - Sound-alike) [2]
- Amber (f) - Mary, the Mother of God (Sound-alike meaning: 'Ambelos', meaning 'vine'); St Ambelus in Sicily (November 20 - Sound-alike meaning: 'Ambelos', meaning 'vine'); St Ambelius of Milan (July 7 - Sound-alike meaning: 'Ambelos', meaning 'vine')
- Amelia (f) - St Emily of Caesarea, mother of St Basil the Great. (Diminutive)
- Amy (f) - St Agapi (daughter of Sophia) (September 17 - Meaning)
- Anastasia, Anastacia (f) - St Anastasia the Roman (October 29 - Saint), St Anastasia the Deliverer from Potions (December 22 - Saint)
- Andrew (m) - St Andrew the First-called Apostle (Saint)
- Anekah (f) - St Anacharius of Auxerre (September 25 - Sound-alike) [3]
- Angela (f) - Synaxis of Bodiless Powers (November 8 - Meaning); Annunciation (or Evangelismos ) to the Theotokos (March 25 - Meaning)
- Angus (m) - St Angus of Keld (Óengus the Culdee, Óengus of Tallaght) (March 11 - Saint)
- Anna (f) - St Anna, mother of the Theotokos (Saint)
- Annabelle (f) - St Amabilis of Riome (Sound-alike); St Amabilis of Rouen (Sound-alike)
- Anthony (m) - St Anthony (Saint)
- April (f) - St Aprus of Toul (September 15 - Sound-alike) [4]
- Archibald, Archie (m) - Saint Erconwald, Bishop of London (April 30 - Saint)
- Aria (f) - St Aria of Rome (August 21 - Saint)
- Arianna, Ariana (f) - St Ariadne of Phrygia (September 18 - Saint)
- Ariel (f) - Martyr Arius (June 5 - Sound-alike) or Martyr Arrian (December 14 - Sound-alike) [5]
- Arnold (m) - St Arnold (July 8) [6]
- Arthur (m) - St Artemius (Sound-alike); St Athanasius (Sound-alike)
- Arya (m/f) - St Eugene (March 7 - Meaning: noble)
- Ash (m/f) - closest is: see Asher or Ashley (Sound-alike)
- Asher (m) - Asher, son of Jacob (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Ashley (m/f) - St Leah (Sunday of the Forefathers - Sound-alike)
- Ava (f) - St Ava of Dinant, Abbess in Belgium (April 29 - Saint)
- Avery (f) - St Alfred the Great (October 26) (Diminutive)
- Aubrey, Aubree (f) - St Alberic of Stavelot-Malmédy (October 28 - Saint); St Alberic of Utrecht (November 14 - Saint) [7]
- Audrey (f) - St Audrey (or Etheldred) of Ely (June 23 - Saint)
- Aurora (f) - St Aurora, martyr (July 4 - Saint)
- Austin, Austen (m) - St Augustine of Canterbury (May 26 - Saint); St Augustine of Hippo (August 28 - Saint)
- Autumn (f) - St Autonomos (September 12 - Sound-alike) [8]
- Ava (f) - see Eve (Derivative)
- Avril (f) - see April (Saint)
- Ayden (m) - St Aidan of Lindisfarne (August 31 - Saint)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Bailey (m) - St Balin (September 7 - Sound-alike) [9]
- Barry (m) - Prophet Baruch (September 28 - Saint); Saint Finbarr of Cork (Barrocus, Barry), (September 25 - Saint); Saint Barrog (Barruc), (September 27 - Saint)
- Beau (m) - St Kallistos of Constantinople (one on June 20, the other on November 22 - Meaning: Beautiful)
- Belinda (f) - St Berlinda, anchoress at Meerbeke (February 3 - Saint)
- Bella (f) - St Elizabeth (Diminutive)
- Benjamin, Ben (m) - Righteous Benjamin, son of Jacob (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Bentley (m) - St Panteleimon (July 27 - Sound-alike)
- Bert (m) - see Albert
- Bertrand (m) - St Bertrand (June 30 - Saint) [10]
- Bess, Beth, Betty (f) - see Elizabeth (Diminutive)
- Bianca (f) - St Alban, Protomartyr of Britain (June 22 - Meaning: white)
- Blake (m) - St Maurice (December 27 - Meaning: black)
- Bradley (m) - St Bradon, venerated on the Isle of Man (October 20 - Sound-alike) [11]
- Braedon, Braydon (m) - St Bradon, venerated on the Isle of Man (October 20 - Saint)
- Brandy (f) - St Brendan the Navigator (May 16) - Sound-alike)
- Brendan, Brendon (m) - St Brendan the Navigator (May 16 - Saint)
- Brett (m) - St Brito (or Britonius) of Trier (May 5 - Meaning: a Briton) [12]
- Brian, Bryan (m) - St Eugene (Meaning: noble); St Birinus of Dorchester (Sound-alike)
- Brianna (f) - St Birinus of Dorchester (Sound-alike)
- Brittany, Brittney, Britney (f) - St Brito (or Britonius) of Trier (May 5 - Meaning: a Briton) [13]
- Brody, Brodie (m) - St Ambrose of Milan (Sound-alike)
- Brooke (f) - Prophet Baruch (September 28 - Sound-alike)
- Brooklyn (f) - St Raphael of Brooklyn (February 27 - Saint based on name of place)
- Bryce, Bryson (m) - St Brice of Tours (November 13 - Saint) [14]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Caden, Cayden (m) - see Aidan (Sound-alike)
- Cadence (f) - see Aidan (Sound-alike)
- Caleb (m) - St Elesbaan, King of Ethiopia (October 24) (Sound-alike)
- Callie (f) - see Charlotte (Diminutive of Derivative)
- Callum (m) - St Columba of Iona (Saint)
- Caitlyn, Caitlin (f) - St Catherine of Alexandria (November 25 - Saint)
- Cameron (m) - St Camerinus, martyr under Diocletian (August 21) (Sound-alike)
- Camden (m) - St Kanten of Lianganten (November 5 - Sound-alike) [15]
- Camilla, Camila (f) - St Camilla, anchoress in France (March 3 - Saint)
- Candace, Candice, Candy (f) - St Candida (Sound-alike) [16]
- Carl (m) - see Charles (Diminutive)
- Carla (f) - see Charlotte (Diminutive)
- Caroline (f) - see Charlotte (Diminutive)
- Carson (m) - St Caron (March 5 - Sound-alike) [17]
- Carter (m) - see Arthur (Sound-alike)
- Casey (m) - St Vigilius of Trent (June 26 - Meaning: vigilant) [18]
- Cassandra (f) - St Kassiani the Hymnographer (Sound-alike)
- Cecilia (f) - St Cecilia of Rome (November 22 - Saint) [19]
- Chad (m) - St Chad of Lichfield (Saint)
- Chantal, Chantel - Apostle Peter (June 29 - Meaning: stony)
- Charity (f) - St Charity (Agapi or Lyubov), daughter of St Sophia (September 17 - Saint)
- Charles, Charlie (m) - St Carloman (King of Austrasia and monk, August 17 - Derivative)
- Charlotte, Charlie, Charley (f) - St Carloman (King of Austrasia and monk, August 17 - Derivative)
- Chase (m) - St John Cassian (Sound-alike); St Chad of Lichfield (Sound-alike)
- Chavez (m) - St Savas (Sound-alike)
- Chelsea (f) - St Celsus of Rome (November 21 - Sound-alike) [20]
- Cheryl (f) - St Charity (Agapi or Lyubov), daughter of St Sophia (September 17 - Meaning: love)
- Chiarina (f) - see Claire
- Chloe (f) - St Chloe, commemorated in ancient Corinth together with holy apostles Titus, Crispus and Justus (the Sunday between February 13 and February 19 - Saint)
- Christian (m) - St Christian of Auxerre (November 22 - Saint) [21]
- Christine, Christina (f) - St Christina of Tyre (Saint)
- Christopher, Chris (m) - St Christopher of Lycia (Saint)
- Chryssa (f) - St Chrysanthus (March 19 - Saint)
- Ciaran (m) - see Kieran (Saint)
- Claire, Clara, Clare (f) - St Photini the Samaritan Woman (Saint)
- Cody (m) - St Boethius (December 7 - Meaning: helpful) [22]
- Cole (m) - see Maurice (Meaning: dark) or Colin (Sound-alike)
- Colin, Collin (m) - St Nicholas (December 6 - Saint)
- Colton (m) - St Colman of Lindisfarne (February 18 - Sound-alike)
- Connor (m) - St Conran (February 14 - Sound-alike) or St Conogan (October 16 - Sound-alike)
- Cooper (m) - closest is St Cyprian (Sound-alike)
- Cora (f) - St Coralia the Virginmartyr (September 1 - Sound-alike)
- Corey (m) - St Corentinus of Quimper (December 12 - Sound-alike) [23]
- Courtney (f) - see Curtis (Derivative)
- Crystal, Chrystal (f) - Celebrated on December 25 (from 'Chrystalla')
- Cruz (m) - Elevation of the Holy Cross (Meaning: Cross)
- Curtis (m) - Apostle Quartus (November 10 - Sound-alike), St Curnutus of Iconium (September 12 - Sound-alike) [24]
- Cynthia (f) - St Cyntianus of Seleucia (15 November - Sound-alike); St Cyntianus (or Cyntion), Hieromartyr & Bishop of Chalcedon (29 April - Sound-alike) [25]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Dane (m) - St Ansgar, Enlightener of Denmark (February 3 - Meaning: Dane, Danish people); St Deiniol of Wales (September 11 - Sound-alike)
- Daniel (m) - St Daniel (Saint)
- Danielle (f) - St Daniel (Saint)
- Daphne (f) - Greek for laurel; Palm Sunday, in remembrance of palms and laurels laid down for Jesus' entry into Jerusalem [26]
- Daria (f) - St Daria (March 19 - Saint)
- Darlene (f) - St Daria (March 19 - Sound-alike); St Darerca, sister of St Patrick (March 22 - Sound-alike)[27]
- Darren (m) - Prophet Aaron (Sunday of the Forefathers - Sound-alike)
- Darrell (m) - St Daria (March 19 - Sound-alike); St Darerca, sister of St Patrick (March 22 - Sound-alike)[28]
- David (m) - St David (Saint)
- Dawn (f) - see Aurora (Meaning: dawn)
- Deborah, Debra, Debbie (f) - St Deborah the Judge (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Declan (m) - St Declan of Ardmore (Wikipedia - Saint)
- Dennis, Denis (m) - St Dionysius the Areopagite (October 3 - Saint); see also: Dionysius (disambiguation).
- Derek, Derrick (m) - St Theodoric of Mont d'Or (July 1 - Saint) [29]
- Devin (m) - St Damian (Saint, Sound-alike)
- Diana (f) - St Tatiana of Rome (Sound-alike)
- Dirk, Dietrich (m) - see Derek (Saint)
- Dolly (f) - see Dorothy (Diminutive)
- Dominic (m) - Hieromartyr Cyriacus (Kyriakos), Bishop of Jerusalem (October 18 - Meaning: Lord); St Kyriakos (Cyriacus the Anchorite) (September 29 - Meaning: Lord).
- Donald (m) - St Donald of Ogilvy (July 15 - Saint)
- Donna (f) - Mary the Mother of God (Meaning: 'Madonna', meaning 'My Lady'); sometimes: see Donald (Diminutive).
- Dorothy, Dora, Doreen, Doris (f) - St Dorothea of Caesarea (February 6 - Saint);
- Dustin (m) - St Dunstan of Canterbury (Sound-alike)
- Douglas, Doug (m) - St Daig (August 18 - Sound-alike) [30]
- Dylan, Dillon (m/f) - St Dillon of Llandaff (February 9 - Saint) [31]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Easton (m) - St Eosterwine of Wearmouth (March 7 - Sound-alike) [32]
- Edward (m) - St Edward the Passion-Bearer of England (March 18 - Saint)
- Edwin (m) - St Edwen, Patron saint of Llanedwen in Anglesey in Wales (November 6 - Saint); St Edwin, King of Northumbria in England (October 12 - Saint)
- Eileen (f) - St Helen (May 21 - Saint); Helen of Caernarfon (May 22 - Saint)
- Elaine, Eleanor, Elena (f) - St Helen (May 21 - Saint); Helen of Caernarfon (May 22 - Saint)
- Electra (f) - see Amber (Meaning: direct translation)
- Eliana (f) - Prophet Elijah (Saint)
- Elijah, Eli (m) - Prophet Elijah (Saint)
- Elizabeth (f) - St Elizabeth (Saint)
- Ella, Ellie (f) - see Elizabeth ('Diminutive)
- Elliot, Elliott (m) - see Elijah (Derivative of Saint)
- Elsa, Elsie (f) - St Elizabeth (Diminutive)
- Elvin (m) - St Elwin of Cornwall (February 22 - Saint) [33]
- Elvis (m) - St Ailbe of Emly (Saint)
- Emily (f) - St Emily of Caesarea, mother of St Basil the Great (January 1 or May 30 - Saint)
- Emma (f) - St Imma of Karlburg (November 25 - Saint)
- Eric, Erik (m) - St Erc of Slane (Saint)
- Erica, Erika (f) - see Eric (Saint, feminine form)
- Ericson (m) - see Eric (Derivative)
- Erin (f) - St Patrick, patron saint of Ireland (Meaning); or, St Irene of Thessaloniki (Sound-alike)
- Estelle (f) - see Stella (Derivative)
- Ethan (m) - Ethan, great-grandson of Jacob (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Eugene (m) - St Eugene
- Eva (f) - Eve the First-Formed (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [34]
- Evan (m) - St John (Derivative of Saint); St Evan of Ayrshire (August 18 - Saint)
- Evelyn (f) - St Abel (Sunday of the Forefathers - Sound-alike)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Faith (f) - St Faith, daughter of St Sophia (September 17 - Saint); St. Faith (Foi, Foy), a holy virgin-martyr burnt to death in France (October 6 - Saint)
- Finn (m) - see Alban (Meaning: fair, white)
- Flynn (m) - St Flannan of Killaloe (December 18 - Saint)
- Frances (f) - see Frank
- Francis (m) - see Frank
- Frank (m) - St Francoveus (Franchy), an ascetic (May 16 - Sound-alike) [35]
- Frederick, Fred (m) - St Frederick of Utrecht (July 18 - Saint)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Gabriel (m) - St Gabriel (Saint)
- Gabrielle, Gabriella (f) - St Gabriel (Saint)
- Gail (f) - see Abigail (Diminutive)
- Gavin (m) - St Gavinus, Protomartyr of Sardinia (May 30 - Sound-alike)
- Garrett (m) - see Gerald (Diminutive)
- Genesis (f) - closest is the Nativity of Christ or the Nativity of the Theotokos (Meaning)
- Genevieve (f) - St Geneviève of Paris (January 3 - Saint)
- Geoffrey, Geoff (m) - St Geoffrey, Abbot of Wearmouth (Saint)
- George (m) - St George the Trophy-Bearer (Saint)
- Gerald, Gerry (m) - St Gerald, Bishop of Mayo (Saint)
- Gertrude (f) - St Gertrude of Nivelles (March 17 - Saint); St Gertrude of Remiremont (November 7 - Saint); St Gertrude the Elder (December 6 - Saint) [36]
- Gianna (f) - St John (Saint)
- Gilbert (m) - St Agilbert of Jouarre (Sound-alike)
- Gillian (f) - see Jillian
- Giselle (f) - St Gezelin (or Ghislain, Gisle or Joscelin), an Ascetic (August 6 - Sound-alike); the Righteous Jesse (Sunday of the Forefathers - Sound-alike)
- Gina (f) - see Regina (Diminutive)
- Giovanna (f) - see Gianna (Diminutive)
- Gloria (f) - as yet unknown
- Grace (f) - St Charis (January 28 - Meaning)
- Grayson (m) - St Villicus of Metz (April 17 - Meaning) [37]
- Gwen, Gwendoline (f) - St Gwen Teirborn of Britain (Saint)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Hadrian (m) - St Adrian (Saint)
- Hailey, Hailee (f) - see Hayley (Derivative)
- Hanalei (m/f) - see Henry (Sound-alike)
- Hank (m) - St John (Derivative, from 'Hankin'); or, see Henry (Diminutive).
- Hannah (f) - St Anna, mother of the Theotokos; St Hannah, mother of the Prophet Samuel (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [38]
- Harlow (f) - as yet unknown
- Harper (f) - closest is St David the Prophet & King (Sunday of the Forefathers - Meaning: Harp-player)
- Harrison (m) - see Harry (Derivative). Or, St Hariton (September 28 - Sound-alike)
- Harry (m) - see Henry (Derivative); or, see Harold (Diminutive)
- Haydon (m) - St Aidan of Lindisfarne (Sound-alike)
- Hayley, Haylee (f) - see Leah (Sound-alike)
- Heather (f) - St Ethelburgh (September 8 - Sound-alike) [39]
- Helen (f) - St Helen (May 21 - Saint); Helen of Caernarfon (May 22 - Saint)
- Henry (m) - St Henry of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre (June 24 - Saint) [40]
- Heidi (f) - see Adelaide (Diminutive)
- Holly (f) - Holy Cross (September 14 - Sound-alike); or, St Hellius the Martyr (July 14 - Sound-alike) [41]; or, St Olive the Virgin-Martyr (June 10 - Sound-alike)
- Hope (f) - St Hope, daughter of St Sophia (September 17 - Saint)
- Hudson (m) - see Hugh or Richard (Diminutive, via 'Hudde')
- Hugh (m) - St Hugh of Rouen (April 9 - Saint) [42]
- Hunter (m) - St Gunthiern in Brittany (July 3 - Sound-alike) [43]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Ian (m) - St John (Saint)
- Ida (f) - St Ita (January 15 - Saint)
- Indigo (f) - St Prophyrios (Meaning: colour (indigo is similar to purple))
- Isa (f) - see Isabel (Diminutive)
- Isaac (m) - St Isaac (Saint)
- Isabel, Isabella, Isabelle (f) - St Elizabeth (Saint)
- Isaiah (m) - Prophet Isaiah (Saint)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Jace, Jase (m) - see Jason (Diminutive)
- Jack (m) - St John (Diminutive); or, see Jacob (Sound-alike)
- Jackson, Jaxon, Jaxson (m) - see Jack (Derivative)
- Jacob, Jake (m) - St Jacob (Son of Isaac - Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint), St Jacob Netsvetov (Saint)
- Jacqueline (f) - St Jacob or St James (Derivative)
- Jade (f) - St Jader (Iader) of Sigum, Bishop in Numidia (September 10 - Sound-alike)
- Jaira (f) - St Lucy of Syracuse (Meaning: He shines/God enlightens)
- Jairos, Jairus (m) - St Lucy of Syracuse (Meaning: He shines/God enlightens)
- James (m) - St James (Saint)
- Jamie (m/f) - see James (Derivative)
- Jan, Jane (f) - St Joanna (Diminutive)
- Janet (f) - St Joanna (Diminutive)
- Janice (f) - St Joanna (Diminutive)
- Jared (m) - (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Jason (m) - St Jason (Saint)
- Jasmine (f) - St Jasimus, Ascetic & Wonderworker (February 4 - Sound-alike)
- Javana (f) - see Giovanna (Sound-alike)
- Jay, Jayce (m) - see James or Jason (Diminutive)
- Jayden, Jaydon (m) - St. Jader (Iader) of Sigum, Bishop in Numidia (September 10 - Sound-alike)
- Jeff, Jeffrey (m) - see Geoffrey (Derivative)
- Jenna (f) - see Jenny (Derivative)
- Jennifer (f) - St Genevieve of Paris (January 3 - Sound-alike)
- Jenny (f) - see Jane (Diminutive); or, see Jennifer (Diminutive)
- Jeoire (m) - St George (April 23 - Derivative from French)
- Jeremiah, Jeremy (m) - Prophet Jeremiah (May 1 - Saint)
- Jerica (f) - St Gertrude of Nivelles (March 17 - Derivative)
- Jerry (m) - see Gerald (Derivative)
- Jesse (m) - St Jesse, son of Obed (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [44]
- Jessie (f) - St Joanna (Saint); St Jesse, son of Obed (Sunday of the Forefathers - Sound-alike) [45]
- Jessica (f) - closest: see Jessie (Sound-alike)
- Jillian (f) - St Julian
- Jo, Joan, Joanna, Joanne (f) - St John (Derivative, feminine form)
- Jocelyn, Joselyn (f) - St Judocus (Josse) of Brittany (December 13 - Sound-alike) [46]
- Jodie (f) - see Judith (Diminutive)
- Joe (m) - see Joseph (Diminutive)
- Joel (m) - Prophet Joel (Saint)
- John (m) - St John (Saint)
- Jonathan, Jonty (m) - Jonathan, son of Saul Sunday of the Forefathers (Saint), or St Theodore (Meaning: God has given)
- Jordan, Jordana (m/f) - The Theophany of Christ (Derivative, name of river)
- Joseph (m) - St Joseph (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Josephine (f) - St Joseph (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Joost (m) - St Judoc of Brittany (Saint)
- Joshua, Josh (m) - St Joshua the son of Nun (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [47]
- Josiah (m) - Prophet Josiah (October 17 - Saint); St Josiah of Cordoba (August 27 - Saint); King Josiah (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Joyce (m/f) - St Judoc of Brittany (Saint)
- Juno (f) - St Junia, Apostle of the 70 (May 17 - Sound-alike) [48]
- Judith, Judy (f) - St Judith, slayer of Holofernes (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [49]; St Jude the Apostle (Saint)
- Julia, Julie (f) - St Julia of Corsica (July 16 - Saint), St Julia of Troyes (July 21 - Saint), or St Julia of Mérida (December 10 - Saint). [50]
- Julian (m) - St Julian of Homs (February 6 - Saint); St Julian of Antioch (June 21 - Saint)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Kaelyn (f) - see Kay (diminutive)
- Kai (m) - see Kay (Saint)
- Kaiden (m) - see Kayden (Derivative)
- Kaitlyn (f) - see Caitlyn (Saint)
- Kallum (m) - see Callum (Saint)
- Karen (f) - St Catherine of Alexandria (Diminutive)
- Katherine, Kathryn (f) - see Catherine (Saint)
- Kathleen (f) - St Catherine of Alexandria (Saint)
- Kay, Kayla, Kaylee, Kaylyn, Kaylynn (f) - St Catherine of Alexandria (Diminutive); St Kay in England (November 5 - Saint) [51]
- Kayden (m) - see Aidan (Saint)
- Kayse (f) - see Casey (Saint)
- Keira (f) - St Kiara (January 5 - Saint) [52]
- Keith (m) - Elevation of the Holy Cross (Meaning: Wood); or, St Nikifor (Sound-alike)
- Kelly (f) - St Ceallach of Killala (May 1 - Diminutive)
- Kelsey (m/f) - St Celsus of Rome (November 21 - Sound-alike) [53]
- Ken, Kenneth (m) - St Kenneth of Wales (August 1 - Saint); St Cainnech of Aghaboe (October 11 - Saint)
- Kennedy (f) - see Kenneth (Sound-alike)
- Kerrian (m/f) - St. Piran of Cornwall (March 5 - Diminutive), who in turn has been identified as the Irish saint Ciarán of Saigir (also March 5)
- Kevin (m) - St Kevin of Glendalough (Saint)
- Khloe (f) - see Chloe (Saint)
- Kieran, Kyran, Kiaran (m) - St. Ciarán of Saigir (Ciarán the Elder, March 5 - Saint); St Kieran of Clonmacnoise (September 9 - Saint)
- Kimberley, Kimberly, Kim (f) - St Cyneburgh, abbess in Northamptonshire (March 6 - Saint) [54]
- Kittie (f) - St Catherine of Alexandria (Diminutive)
- Kristen (f) - see Christina (Diminutive)
- Kruze (m) - see Cruz (Saint)
- Krystal (f) - Celebrated on December 25 (Sound-alike: 'Chrystalla')
- Kyle (m) - St Kilian, abbot of Inishcaltra island, Ireland (July 29 - Sound-alike) [55]
- Kylie (f) - St Kilian, abbot of Inishcaltra island, Ireland (July 29 - Sound-alike) [56]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Lance (m) - as yet unknown
- Landon (m) - St Landericus of Soignies (April 17 - Sound-alike) [57]
- Larry (m) - see Laurence (Diminutive)
- Laura (f) - St Laura of Cordoba, martyred in Spain by the Moors (October 19 - Saint); or, St Laurus (August 18).
- Lauren (f) - St Laurence (Saint)
- Laurence (m) - St Laurence (Saint)
- Layla (f) - St Lelia (August 11 - Sound-alike) [58]
- Leah, Lia (f) - St Leah, the wife of Jacob (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint); St Lea, ascetic in Rome (March 22 - Saint)
- Lee (m) - see Leah (Sound-alike)
- Levi (m) - Apostle Matthew (Saint)
- Leo (m) - St Leo the Great (February 18 - Saint)
- Leon (m) - see Leo
- Leonard (m) - St Leonid of Optina; St Leonard of Avranches (March 4 - Saint), of Vandoeuvre (October 15 - Saint) or of Noblac (November 6 - Saint) [59];
- Leslie (m/f) - St Lelia in Limerick (August 11 - Sound-alike) [60]
- Lia (f) - see Leah (Saint)
- Liam (m) - see William (Diminutive)
- Lila (f) - St Lelia (August 11 - Sound-alike) [61]
- Liliana (f) - see Elizabeth; or, see Lily (Diminutive)
- Lillian (f) - see Elizabeth; or, see Lily (Diminutive)
- Lily (f) - St Lelia (August 11 - Sound-alike) [62]
- Lincoln (m) - All Saints of Lincolnshire (Meaning: named for location) [63]
- Linda (f) - St Linus of Rome (Sound-alike)
- Lindsey (f) - see Lincoln (Derivative); or, see Linda (Sound-alike)
- Lisa (f) - see Elizabeth (Diminutive)
- Logan (m) - St Longin the Centurion (October 16 - Sound-alike)
- London (f) - St Mellitus of London; St Sebbe, founder of Westminster; St Erconwald of London; St Ethelburgh, abbess of Barking; Sts Beocca & Hethor, martyrs of Chertsey; St Wulsin, renewer of St Peter's Monastery; St Dunstan of London; or St Alphege of Canterbury (Meaning: named for location)
- Lorna (f) - St Loarn, disciple of St Patrick (August 30 - Sound-alike) [64]
- Lorraine (f) - see Laura (Sound-alike)
- Louis, Luis (m) - St Ludwin of Trier (September 29 - Derivative) [65]; or St Lewina of Seaford (July 24) [66]
- Louise, Lou (f) - St Ludwin of Trier (September 29 - Derivative) [67]; or St Lewina of Seaford (July 24) [68]
- Lucas (m) - Apostle Luke (Saint)
- Lucy (f) - St Lucy of Syracuse (December 13 - Saint)
- Luke (m) - Apostle Luke (Saint)
- Lydia (f) - St Lydia of Phillipi (May 20 - Saint)
- Lynn (f) - Theophany (Meaning: lake); or, see Linda (Diminutive)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Mabel (f) - St Amabilis of Riome (November 1 - Derivative), St Amabilis of Rouen (July 11 - Derivative)
- Mackenzie (f) - St Kenneth of Wales (August 1 - Derivative: son of Kenneth); St Cainnech of Aghaboe (October 11 - Derivative: son of Kenneth)
- Madelyn, Madeleine, Madeline (f) - St Mary Magdalene (July 22 - Derivative)
- Madison (f) - St Maud (March 14 - Derivative: son of Maud) [69]
- Makayla (f) - see Michaela (Derivative)
- Malcolm (m) - St Columba of Iona (June 9)
- Marcia (f) - St Marcia, martyred under Diocletian (July 2 - Saint)
- Marlow (f) - St Mary Magdalene (Sound-alike of Derivative)
- Maria, Mariah (f) - Mary (Saint); St Mariah the sister of Moses (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [70]
- Marisa, Marissa (f) - see Mary; or, see Louis
- Marshall (m) - St Martial, bishop of Lomoges (June 30 - Sound-alike) [71] [72]; St Servatus of Tongres (May 13 - Meaning: servant) [73]
- Martin (m) - St Martin of Tours (November 11 - Saint)
- Martina, Martine (f) - St Martin of Tours (November 11 - Saint)
- Mary (f) - Mary (Saint)
- Mason (m) - St Maysimus the Ascetic and Syrian (January 23 - Sound-alike)
- Matthew (m) - Apostle Matthew (Saint)
- Max (m) - St Maximos the Confessor (Saint)
- Maxwell (m) - St Magnus the founder of the Füssen monastery (September 6 - Derivative) [74]
- Maya (f) - St Magos (2nd century) (May 31 - Sound-alike)
- Megan (f) - St Margaret (Saint)
- Mehmet (m) - St Demetrios the Neomartyr (April 14 - see Life)
- Melanie (f) - St Melania the Ascetic & Elder (June 8 - Saint); St Melania (Melanie) of Rome, Ascetic (December 31 - Saint)
- Melina (f) - see Melissa (Derivative), or, see Milena (Sound-alike)
- Melinda (f) - St Ermelindis, hermitess (October 29 - Sound-alike); or, see Melissa or Melania (Derivative)
- Melissa, Milena (f) - St Melissinus the Martyr (March 6 - Sound-alike)
- Merissa (f) - see Marissa
- Mhairi, Mhaire (f) - see Mary (Derivative of Saint)
- Mia (f) - see Maria (Diminutive)
- Micah (m) - Prophet Micah (Saint); or, St Micah of Radonezh (May 6 - Saint)
- Michael (m) - Archangel Michael (November 8 - Saint)
- Michaela, Mikayla (f) - Archangel Michael (November 8 - Derivative of Saint)
- Michelle (f) - Archangel Michael (November 8 - Saint)
- Mila (f) - St Milica of Serbia (Derivative of Saint - pronounced Mίlitsa)
- Milena (f) - see Melissa (Derivative)
- Miles (m) - St Milo, hermit at Fontenelle (August 18 - Saint)
- Milly (f) - St Emily of Caesarea, mother of St Basil the Great (January 1 or May 30 - Diminutive); St Mildred of Minster-in-Thanet (July 13 - Diminutive)
- Mitchell (m) - see Michael (Derivative)
- Molly (f) - see Mary (Diminutive)
- Monica, Monique (f) - St Monica of Hippo, mother of St Augustine (Saint)
- Monroe (f) - St Mun, Bishop & Ascetic on island in Lough Ree, Ireland (February 6 - Sound-alike)
- Morgan (f) - St Maughold (December 28 - Sound-alike), St Modan (February 4 - Sound-alike) or St Morwenna (July 8 - Sound-alike) [75]
- Mohammed, Muhammed, Muhammad (m) - St Demetrios the Neomartyr (April 14 - see Life)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Nadine, Nadia, Nadya (f) - St Hope, daughter of St Sophia (September 17 - Saint: Nadezhda)
- Naomi (f) - Prophet Naum (December 1 - Sound-alike)
- Natalie (f) - St Natalia (Saint)
- Nathan (m) - Prophet Nathan (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Nathaniel (m) - Apostle Bartholomew (aka Nathaniel) (Saint)
- Nevaeh (f) - St Ourania of the Forty Virgin-martyrs in Thrace (September 1 - Meaning: 'heaven' in reverse)
- Neil, Nigel (m) - St Nil (May 7 - Saint)
- Ngaire (f) - St Nereus (May 12 - Sound-alike) [76]
- Nicholas (m) - St Nicholas of Myra (December 6 - Saint)
- Nicole (f) - St Nicholas of Myra (December 6 - Saint)
- Noah (m) - Righteous Noah (Saint)
- Noel (m/f) - The Nativity of Christ (Meaning: Christmas)
- Nolan (m) - St Eugene (March 7 - Meaning: noble); St Paulinus of Nola (Sound-alike of placename), St Felix of Nola (Sound-alike of placename), St Maximus of Nola (Sound-alike of placename), St Arnold (Sound-alike), Maginold (Sound-alike), Reinold (Sound-alike).
- Nora (f) - St Helen (Diminutive: Elanora)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Oliver (m) - St Oliver of Ancona (February 3 - Saint)
- Olivia (f) - St Olivia of Palermo (June 10 - Saint)
- Onyx (f) - St Maurice (December 27 - Meaning)
- Oren (m) - St Orentius of Loret (May 1 - Sound-alike) or St Orentius of Auch (May 1 - Sound-alike) [77]
- Oscar (m) - St Ansgar (February 3 - Saint)
- Owen (m) - St Eugene of Trebizond (January 21 - Saint)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Paige (f) - St Pega of England (January 8 - Sound-alike) [78]
- Paisley (f) - St Basil the Great (Meaning: Paisley -> Basilica)
- Parker (m) - St Phylax (August 30 - Sound-alike) [79]
- Patricia (f) - St Patrick of Ireland (Saint)
- Penelope (f) - St Penelope the Virgin Martyr (September 1 - Saint)
- Peyton, Payton (f) - St Pega, anchoress in England (January 8 - Saint) [80]
- Phoenix (m/f) - St Felix (Sound-alike)
- Piper (f) - St Piperion (March 11 - Sound-alike) [81]
- Poppy (f) - St Poppo, Abbot of Stavelot-Malmédy in Belgium (January 25 - Sound-alike) [82]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Quentin (m) - St Quentin of France (October 31 - Saint)
- Quinn - St Quintus, Quintius or Quintilla (Various namesdays - Sound-alike)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Rachel (f) - St Rachel, wife of Jacob (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Raine, Rain (f) - see Regina (Meaning: queen)
- Ralph (m) - St Ralph of Bourges (June 21 - Saint) [83]
- Raymond (m) - St Rumon (August 30 - Sound-alike) [84]; St Ebremund, Founder & Abbot of Fontenay-Louvet near Séez (June 10 - Sound-alike) [85]; St Ammon (Sound-alike); St Amon of Toul (October 23 - Sound-alike) [86]
- Reagan, Regan (f) - St Reginus, Bishop of Skopel (February 25 - Sound-alike); St Reginus, Martyr of Cyprus (August 20 - Sound-alike) [87]
- Rebecca (f) - St Rebecca, wife of Isaac (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Regina (f) - Mary, the Mother of God (Meaning: Queen); or, St Regina of Autun (September 7 - Saint) [88]
- Reginald (m) - Mary, the Mother of God (Meaning: Queen).
- Richard (m) - St Richard (February 7 - Saint) [89]
- Rider (m) - see Ryder (Saint)
- Riley, Ryley (m/f) - St Reineldis (July 16 - Sound-alike) [90]
- River (m) - Theophany (Meaning: link between River and the River Jordan)
- Robert (m) - see Rupert (Saint)
- Robin (f) - St Photini (Meaning: bright, shining)
- Roderick, Rod (m) - St Rodericus, one of the 48 Martyrs of Cordoba (March 13 - Saint)
- Roger (m) - St Roger, one of the 48 Martyrs of Cordoba (September 16 - Saint)
- Ronald (m) - St Reinold, martyr at Pantaleon Monastery in Germany (January 7 - Saint)
- Rosa, Rose, Rosy, Rosita (f) - St Triantafyllos (August 8 - Meaning) [91]; St. Rose of Sardinia (Saint) [92]
- Rosemary (f) - see Mary, or, see Rose (Saint)
- Rowan (m) - St Ruadhán of Lorrha (April 15 - Sound-alike)
- Rowena (f) - St Ruadhán of Lorrha (April 15 - Sound-alike)
- Roxana, Roxanne, Roxy (f) - St Photine of Samaria, or, see Aurora (Meaning: Bright or Dawn)
- Ruby (f) - St Maelrubius (April 21 - Sound-alike) [93]
- Rupert (m) - St Rupert of Salzburg (March 27 - Saint)
- Ruth (f) - (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Ryan (m) - St Rhian, abbot (March 8 - Sound-alike); or, Emmanuel (being a translation referring to the infant Christ - Meaning).
- Ryder (m) - Synaxis of the Bodiless Powers (November 8 - Meaning: messenger); or, St Ruadan of Lothra (April 15 - Sound-alike) [94], St Ida of Nivelles (May 8 - Sound-alike), St Idea of Herzfeld (September 4 - Sound-alike) or St Idus of Alt-Fadha in Leinster (July 14 - Sound-alike).
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Sadie (f) - see Sarah (Diminutive)
- Sage (m) - Martyr Saïs (January 5 - Sound-alike)
- Samantha, Sam (f) - Prophet Samuel (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Samuel, Sam (m) - Prophet Samuel (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint)
- Sarah, Sara (f) - Sarah, wife of Abraham (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint); St Sarah of the Desert (July 13 - Saint)
- Savannah (f) - St Savina of Milan (January 30 - Sound-alike) [95]
- Scarlett, Scarlet (f) - St Scarthin (January 6 - Sound-alike) [96]
- Scott (m) - Apostle Andrew, patron of Scotland (Meaning: Scottish person); or St Columba, enlightener of Scotland (Meaning: Scottish person).
- Scout (f) - St Escoos, a martyr (March 26 - Sound-alike) [97]
- Sean, Shaun (m) - St John (Saint)
- Sebastian (m) - St Sebastian the Martyr (December 18 - Saint)
- Serenity (f) - St Galina of Corinth, martyr (April 16 - Meaning: Galina means serenity); Sts. Serenicus and Serenus, monastic brothers (May 7 - Saint); St Serenus of Marseilles (August 9 - Saint)
- Serena (f) - Sts. Serenicus and Serenus, monastic brothers (May 7 - Saint); St Serenus of Marseilles (August 9 - Saint)
- Shane (m) - St John (Saint)
- Shannon (m/f) - see Sean (Sound-alike)
- Shantelle (f) - see Chantal (Saint)
- Shardae, Sharday (f) - St Jader of Numidia in North Africa (September 10 - Sound-alike) [98]
- Shelby (f) - Apostle Silvan (Sound-alike)
- Sheldon (m) - St Elwin in Cornwall (February 22 - Sound-alike)
- Shiloh (f) - St Galina, martyr at Corinth (one on April 16, another on March 10 - Meaning: tranquil)
- Simone (f) - Apostle Simon (Saint)
- Simpson (m) - St Acoustios (April 21 - Meaning: listening); or, St Sampson (Sound-alike)
- Siobhan (f) - see Jeanne (Saint)
- Skye (f) - St Ourania of the Forty Virgin-martyrs in Thrace (September 1 - Meaning: Sky and Heavens)
- Skylar, Skyler (f) - St Scholastica, sister of St Benedict (Meaning: Skylar derived from Schuyler, meaning 'scholar')
- Sloane (m) - St Silouan the Athonite (Sound-alike)
- Sophia, Sophie (f) - St Sophia (mother of Sts Faith, Hope & Love) (September 17 - Saint)
- Stella (f) - St Stylianos of Paphlagonia (November 26 - Saint)
- Stephanie (f) - St Stephen the Protomartyr (Saint)
- Summer (f) - St Sunaman, an ascetic and martyr (February 15 - Sound-alike) [99]; St Therissus (or Thyrsus), bishop of Karpasia, Cyprus (July 23 - Meaning: Summer) [100]
- Susanna (f) - St Susanna, martyred in Salerno (January 18 - Saint); St Susanna the Just (Sunday of the Forefathers - Saint) [101]
- Sydney (f) - St Sidonius of Clermont (August 21 - Sound-alike), St Sidonius of Rouens (November 14 - Sound-alike), or St Sedna of Ossory (March 10 - Sound-alike) [102]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Tabitha (f) - St. Tabitha (October 25 - Saint)
- Tania, Tanya (f) - see Tatiana (Diminutive)
- Tara (f) - St Tarsila, aunt of St Gregory the Great (December 24 - Sound-alike) [103]
- Tatiana (f) - St Tatiana of Rome (Saint)
- Taylor (f) - St Talarican in Scotland (October 30 - Sound-alike) [104]
- Teresa (f) - St Therissus (or Thyrsus), bishop of Karpasia, Cyprus (July 23 - Derivative)
- Tess (f) - see Teresa (Diminutive)
- Thierry (m) - see Derek (Saint)
- Thomas (m) - Apostle Thomas (Saint)
- Tia (f) - St Tatiana of Rome (Sound-alike); or, saints ending in '-tia' (Sound-alike); or, saints beginning in 'Theo-' (e.g. Theodora) (Sound-alike).
- Tiana (f) - see Tatiana or Christiana (Diminutive)
- Tiffany (f) - The Theophany of our Lord (January 6 - Saint)
- Travis (m) - St Triverius of Dombes (January 16 - Sound-alike) [105]
- Trevor (m) - St Triverius, hermit in Dombes (January 16 - Sound-alike) [106]
- Tristan (m) - St Drostan (or Drustan), abbot in Aberdeenshire (July 11 - Saint) [107]
- Troy (m) - St Troyen of Saintes (November 30 - Sound-alike) [108]
- Trudy (f) - see Gertrude (Saint); or, St Tudy of Wales (January 30 - Sound-alike) [109]
- Ty (m) - see Tyler, Tyson or Tyrone (Diminutive)
- Tyler (m) - St Tillo of Belgium (January 7 - Sound-alike) [110]
- Tyrone (m) - see Owen (Saint)
- Tyson (m) - St Dyfan of Britain (May 26 - Sound-alike) [111]
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Ulla (f) - St Ulric of Einsiedeln, son of St Gerold (May 29 - Derivative); St Ulric (or Uldaricus, Udalric), Bishop of Augsburg (July 4 - Derivative); St Ulric the Ascetic & Martyr (April 9 - Derivative) [112]
- Unity (f) - St Uni of Bremen-Hamburg (September 17 - Meaning: One) [113]
- Uriel (m) - Archangel Uriel (November 8 - Saint)
- Ursula (f) - St Ursula, Virgin-Martyr in Cologne (October 21 - Saint) [114]
- Usher (m) - see Asher (Sound-alike)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Valentina (f) - St Valentine [115]
- Valerie (f) - St Valery of Leuconay (April 1 - Saint) [116]; St Valeria of Milan (April 28 - Saint); St Valeria martyred in France (December 9 - Saint) [117]
- Vanessa (f) - Esther (of the Book of Esther - Saint: name invented, based on 'Esther')
- Veronica (f) - St Veronica (Saint)
- Victor (m) - St Victor (Saint).
- Victoria (f) - Virgin-Martyr Victoria (December 23 - Saint) [118]
- Vincent (m) - St Vincent of Lerins (May 24 - Saint) [119]
- Violet (f) - St Lydia, seller of purple (May 7 - Meaning: Violet & Purple)
- Vivian (f) - St Vivian, martyred in Rome (December 2 - Saint)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Walter (m) - St Vladimir (Meaning)
- Warren (m) - St Warren of France (August 25 - Saint) [120]
- Wendall (m) - St Wendolinus (October 21 - Soundalike) [121]
- Whitney (f) - St Wite in Dorset (June 1 - Soundalike) [122]
- William (m) - St William of Gellone (Saint)
- Willow (f) - St Willa, an ascetic (October 15 - Sound-alike) [123]
- Winnie (f) - St Winifred of Wales (November 3 - Saint)
- Winston (m) - St Wistan (June 1 - Soundalike) [124]
- Wyatt (m/f) - see William
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Xavier (m) - St Ava, Abbess of Denain (April 29 - Sound-alike); St Avy of Micy (June 17 - Sound-alike); St Avitus (Sound-alike) [125]
- Xander (m) - see Alexander (Diminutive)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Yvette (f) - St Ywi, ascetic of Lindisfarne (October 8 - Sound-alike) [126]; or, see Eve or Janette (Sound-alike)
- Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
- Zachary, Zach (m) - St Zachariah, father of St John the Baptist (Saint)
- Zeke (m) - Prophet Ezekiel (Saint)
- Zhadee (f) - St Jader of Numidia in North Africa (September 10 - Sound-alike) [127]
- Zoe, Zoey (f) - Life-Giving Spring (Bright Friday); Exuperius and Zoe (May 2); Zoe of Rome (December 18) (Saint)
See also
- The Latin Saints of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Rome
- The Saints of Spain
- Aliens in This World Category: Saint Names
- The Orthodox Saints of the Ancient Church in the British Isles and Ireland
- GREEK NAME DAYS for the year 2015 (source ©:
- Roman Catholic Saints
- When is my nameday?, compiled by Fr Christopher Klitou