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September 1

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Feasts and Events


Feasts: Start of the Indiction, beginning the Liturgical Year; Protection of the Environment Day (Eastern Orthodox Earth Day) (1989); Saints: Righteous Joshua, the son of Nun (ca. 16th c. BC); Martyrs Callista and her brothers Evodos and Hermogenes at Nicomedia (309); Holy 40 ascetic virgin-martyrs and their teacher the Hieromartyr Ammon the Deacon at Heraclea in Thrace (321-323); Martyr Aeithalas the Deacon of Persia (380); Venerable Martha, the mother of St Simeon Stylites (428); Saint Symeon the Stylite the Elder (459); Venerable Evanthia; Saint Symeon of Lesbos (ca. 845); Hieromartyr Priscus of Capua, first Bishop of Capua in Italy, where he was sent by the Apostle Peter, and martyred under Nero (ca. 66); Hieromartyr Terentian, Bishop of Todi in Umbria in Italy, under Hadrian (118); Virgin-martyr Vibiana, in Rome, whose relics are now venerated in Los Angeles, of which she is the main patron-saint (3rd c.); Saint Sixtus of Reims, first Bishop of Rheims in France (ca. 300); Hieromartyr Firminus of Amiens, third Bishop of Amiens in France (ca. 303); The 12 Holy Brothers, Martyrs, who suffered in the south of Italy and were brought together and enshrined at Benevento in 760 (ca. 303): Donatus, Felix, Arontius, Honoratus, Fortunatus, Sabinian, Septimius, Januarius, another Felix, Vitalis, Sator, and Repositus; Saint Verena of Zurzach (Switzerland) (ca. 350); Saint Victorius (Victurius), a disciple of St. Martin of Tours who became Bishop of Le Mans in France in ca. 453 (ca. 490); Saint Constantius of Aquino, Bishop of Aquino in Italy (ca. 520); Saint Regulus (San Regolo), exiled from North Africa by the Arian Vandals, he landed in Tuscany in Italy and was martyred under Totila (545); Saint Lupus of Sens, a monk at Lérins who became Bishop of Sens in France in 609 (623); Saint Nivard of Rheims, Archbishop of Rheims in France (673); Saint Giles (Aegidius), monastic founder along the Rhone (ca. 712); Saint Lythan (Llythaothaw), a saint in Wales to whom two churches are dedicated; Saints Giles (Aegidius) and Arcanus, founded a monastery that later grew into Borgo San Sepulcro in central Italy (1050); Saint Meletius the Younger, of Thebes, Greece(1105); Venerable Nicholas of Courtaliatis in Crete, monk (1670); New-Martyr Angelis of Constantinople (1680); Venerable Anthony of Agyia; Saint Haido of Stanos (1820-1821); Virgin-martyrs Tatiana and Natalia (1937); Other Commemorations: Commemoration of the Great Fire of Constantinople (ca. 470); Synaxis of the Most-Holy Theotokos of Miasena Monastery, in memory of the finding of her icon (864); Celebration of the first miracle of the Icon of the Theotokos (Eletskaya) at Chernigov-Gethsemane (Chernihiv-Hefsemanska) (1869); Celebration of the "All-Blessed" or "Pamakarista" Icon (11th c.) of Our Lady of Kazan (1905).