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Baptismal names

Revision as of 02:54, April 6, 2015 by Pistevo (talk | contribs) (V: Violet -> Lydia)

A baptismal name is a name given to a newly-baptised Orthodox Christian. For a lengthy time in Orthodox history, Orthodox Christians are given the names of Orthodox saints.

The following is a list of names who have:

  • Orthodox saints, perhaps unexpectedly, attached to either the original name (e.g. Theophany for Tiffany), or
  • Orthodox saints whose names mean the same thing (e.g. St Alban for Bianca [both mean 'white'], or St Maurice for Blake [both mean 'black']).
  • If these are not available, a 'closest match' may be given, where the name sounds similar to a saint's name (e.g. St Rumon for Raymond).

However, this is not designed to be a list for existing matchups which have no relation (e.g. Panayiotis for Peter).

nb. Different sections are being upgraded to indicate the reason that a saint's name was chosen. Where differentiation applies, the key will be included at the start of the letter.







Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
  • Faith (f) - St Faith, daughter of St Sophia (September 17 - Saint)
  • Flynn (m) - St Flannan of Killaloe (December 18 - Saint)
  • Frederick, Fred (m) - St Frederick of Utrecht (July 18 - Saint)


  • Gabrielle (f) - Archangel Gabriel
  • Gail (f) - see Abigail
  • Gavin (m) - St Gavinus, Protomartyr of Sardinia (May 30)
  • Garrett (m) - see Gerald
  • Genesis (f) - closest is the Nativity of Christ or the Nativity of the Theotokos
  • Geoffrey, Geoff (m) - St Geoffrey, Abbot of Wearmouth
  • Gerald, Gerry (m) - St Gerald, Bishop of Mayo
  • Gianna (f) - St John
  • Gilbert (m) - St Agilbert of Jouarre
  • Gina (f) - see Regina
  • Giovanna (f) - see Gianna
  • Grace (f) - St Charis (January 28)
  • Grayson (m) - St Villicus of Metz (April 17) [27]
  • Gwen, Gwendoline (f) - St Gwen Teirborn of Britain


  • Hanalei (m/f) - see Henry (Sound-alike)
  • Hank (m) - St John, or see Henry.
  • Hannah (f) - St Anna, mother of the Theotokos; St Hannah, mother of the Prophet Samuel (Sunday of the Forefathers) [28]
  • Harper (f) - closest is St David the Prophet & King (Sunday of the Forefathers)
  • Harry (m) - see Henry or Harold
  • Haydon (m) - St Aidan of Lindisfarne
  • Hayley, Hailey, Haylee (f) - closest: see Leah
  • Heather (f) - closest is St Ethelburgh (September 8) [29]
  • Henry (m) - St Henry of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre (June 24) [30]
  • Heidi (f) - see Adelaide
  • Holly (f) - Holy Cross (September 14 - Sound-alike); or, St Hellius the Martyr (July 14 - Sound-alike) [31]; or, St Olive the Virgin-Martyr (June 10 - Sound-alike)
  • Hope (f) - St Hope (daughter of St Sophia)
  • Hudson (m) - see Hugh or Richard
  • Hugh (m) - St Hugh of Rouen (Apr 9) [32]
  • Hunter (m) - closest is St Gunthiern in Brittany (July 3) [33]


Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
  • Ian (m) - St John (Saint)
  • Isabel, Isabella (f) - St Elizabeth (Saint)




  • Landon (m) - closest is St Landericus of Soignies (April 17) [45]
  • Larry (m) - St Laurence of Canterbury (February 2)
  • Laura (f) - St Laura of Cordoba, martyred in Spain by the Moors (October 19)
  • Lauren (f) - St Laurence
  • Layla (f) - closest is St Lelia (August 11) [46]
  • Leah, Lia (f) - St Leah, the wife of Jacob (Sunday of the Forefathers); St Lea, ascetic in Rome (March 22)
  • Lee (m) - see Leah
  • Leonard (m) - St Leonard of Avranches (March 4), of Vandoeuvre (October 15) or of Noblac (November 6) (Saint) [47]
  • Leslie (m/f) - closest is St Lelia in Limerick (August 11) [48]
  • Liam (m) - see William
  • Lillian (f) - see Elizabeth; or, see Lily
  • Lily (f) - St Lelia (August 11) [49]
  • Lincoln (m) - All Saints of Lincolnshire [50]
  • Linda (f) - closest is St Linus of Rome
  • Lindsey (f) - see Lincoln; or, see Linda
  • Lisa (f) - see Elizabeth
  • Logan (m) - closest is St Longin the Centurion (October 16)
  • London (f) - closest is St Mellitus of London; St Sebbe, founder of Westminster; St Erconwald of London; St Ethelburgh, abbess of Barking; Sts Beocca & Hethor, martyrs of Chertsey; St Wulsin, renewer of St Peter's Monastery; St Dunstan of London; or St Alphege of Canterbury
  • Lorna (f) - St Loarn, disciple of St Patrick (August 30) [51]
  • Louis, Luis (m) - St Ludwin of Trier (September 29) [52]; or St Lewina of Seaford (July 24) [53]
  • Lucy (f) - St Lucy of Syracuse (December 13)
  • Lydia (f) - St Lydia of Phillipi (May 20)
  • Lynn (f) - see Linda; or, closest is Theophany




Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.


Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.


Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.






Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.


Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
  • Xavier (m) - St Ava, Abbess of Denain (April 29 - Sound-alike); Avy of Micy (June 17 - Sound-alike); Avitus I of Clermont (August 21 - Sound-alike); Avitus, Apostle of Canary Islands (January 27 - Sound-alike); Avitus of Vienne (February 5 - Sound-alike); Avitus II of Clermont (February 21 - Sound-alike); Avitus of Micy (December 19 - Sound-alike) [95]


Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
  • Yvette (f) - St Ywi, ascetic of Lindisfarne (October 8 - Sound-alike) [96]; or, see Eve or Janette (Sound-alike)


Key: If a name has a saint directly attached to it (or a foreign/derivative form of it), then Saint is used. If the name is short for a longer name that has a saint attached to it, then Diminutive is used. If the name is known to have the same meaning as a saint's name, then Meaning is used. If it is known only that the name sounds similar to a saint's name, then Sound-alike is used.
  • Zachary, Zach (m) - St Zachariah, father of St John the Baptist (Saint)
  • Zeke (m) - Prophet Ezekiel (Saint)
  • Zhadee (f) - St Jader of Numidia in North Africa (September 10 - Sound-alike) [97]
  • Zoe, Zoey (f) - Life-Giving Spring (Bright Friday); Exuperius and Zoe (May 2); Zoe of Rome (December 18) (Saint)

See also
