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Prophet Daniel

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Old Testament Prophets

Major Prophets

Minor Prophets

The Prophet Daniel appears in the Old Testament in the Book of Daniel as a captive carried away to Babylon by order of Nebuchadnezzar after the fall of the kingdom of Judah during the sixth century before Christ. His ministry as a prophet came late in his life. He is commemorated by the Church on the December 17.

The name Daniel is from the Hebrew and means "God is my Judge" or "God is judging."

While remaining loyal to his faith in the one God, Daniel attained a high position of the court of Nebuchadnezzar and was known for his skill in the interpretation of dreams (Daniel 1:17 and 2:14) and of mysterious handwritings on the wall. He is included in the Septuagint among the prophets and was referred to by Christ as a prophet in Mark 13:14 and in Matthew 24:15. The time and circumstances of Daniel's death are not recorded. By tradition his age at death was near 100 years. A number of places have claimed to be his place of burial, including Susa in present day Iran, Daniel's Tomb in Kirkuk in Iraq, as well as Babylon, Egypt, and Tarsus.


  • ca. 604 BC to 536 BC - the seventy years of the Babylonian exile of the Jews.
  • 559 BC - Cyrus the Persian's reign begins.
  • 556 BC
  1. [Daniel 10:1-3] - Daniel (or Baltasar) commences a three week Passover fast (see Deut. 16:5-6) held in the first month and in Jerusalem.
  2. [Daniel 10:4-7] - Daniel has a vision on the 24th day of that month.
According to St Basil and St Hippolytos, this was of the prefiguration of the Incarnation of Christ. According to St Ephraim the Syrian and St Chrysostom, Daniel beheld a vision of an angel.
  • 539 BC - Darius Mede begins his reign over the Chaldean kingdom (Babylon had been taken by the Medes and Persians under Cyrus in the year 539-538).
  • 539 BC to 536 BC
  1. [Daniel 9:1-3] - Daniel prays for the people in supplications, fasts and dons sackcloth.
  • 536 BC - Babylonian exile of Jews is completed.
  • 530 BC (ca.529 BC) - Cyrus the Persian dies in August.

Prophetic content (Summary)

  • The Vision of the Four Beasts [Dan 7]
  • The Son of Man, the Ancient of Days [Dan 7]

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