Difference between revisions of "OrthodoxWiki:Articles from the DEC"
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*[[Joshua the Stylite]] | *[[Joshua the Stylite]] | ||
*[[Justiniana Prima]] | *[[Justiniana Prima]] | ||
− | *[[Justin | + | *[[Justin Popovich]] |
*[[Juvenaly of Alaska]] | *[[Juvenaly of Alaska]] | ||
Revision as of 00:48, September 15, 2008
The following is a list of topics of selected articles from the Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity (DEC) (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1999) which it is believed would make good articles on OrthodoxWiki. Articles with red links either need to be created or redirects put in place to existing articles.
The selection was mainly (but not exclusively) made in terms of articles concerning the Chalcedonian Orthodox churches. In some cases, spelling was adjusted to reflect the most common spellings used in English-speaking Orthodox churches (as per the Style Manual).
Working on articles from this list will help to avoid the systemic bias inherent in creating articles solely based on one's own interest.
Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- Abgar
- Abouna
- Akedia
- Adam and Eve
- Addai
- Africa
- Agnoetai
- Ainoi
- Akathist
- Akolouthia
- Alaska
- Albania
- Alexandria
- Allatius, Leo
- Alleluia
- Alousia
- Altai mission
- Altar
- Ambon
- America
- Amnos
- Anabathmoi
- Analogion
- Anargyroi
- Anastasimatarion
- Anastasis
- Anatolika
- Andrew of Crete
- Andrew the Apostle
- Andrew the Scythian
- Anestenaria
- Angels
- Annunciation icon
- Anoixantaria
- Anthimos the Georgian
- Antidoron
- Antimension
- Antioch
- Apatheia
- Aphrahat
- Apokrisarios
- Apodeipnon
- Apodosis
- Apokatastasis
- Apolysis
- Apolytikion
- Apophatic theology
- Aposticha
- Apostle
- Arab Christianity
- Arabonismos
- Arbela, Chronicle of
- Archdeacon
- Archimandrite
- Architecture, church
- Armenian liturgy
- Aresenios Autoreianos
- Artoklasia
- Artophorion
- Ascension icon
- Asceticism
- Asmatike Akolouthia
- Assist
- Assyrian Church of the East
- Athanasius
- Athenagoras I
- Athonitissa
- Athos
- Australia and New Zealand
- Autocephaly
- Automelon
- Auxentios the Persian
- Avoidance rituals
- Avvakum
- Azymite
- Bachkovo Monastery
- Balsamon, Theodore
- Bardesanes of Edessa
- Barlaam and Ioasaph
- Barsanuphius and John
- Basil of Ancyra
- Basil of Seleucia
- Basil Preobrazhenskii
- Basil the Bogomil
- Baskania
- Belarusian Orthodox Church
- Berdyaev, Nikolai
- Bessarion
- Bible
- Blachernitissa
- Bogomilism
- Bread stamp (Prosphora)
- British Isles
- British Orthodox Church
- Bulgakov, Sergius
- Bulgaria
- Byzantine Christianity and Greek Orthodoxy
- Byzantine liturgy
- Cabasilas, Nicholas
- Calendar, Byzantine rite
- Canon
- Canonarch
- Canonization
- Cappadocians
- Catholicos
- Caucausus
- Chalcedonian
- Charalampos
- Cheese Week
- Cheirothesia
- Cheirotonia
- Cherubikon
- Chinese Orthodox Church
- Chionadites
- Chorepiscopus
- Christology
- Chrysography
- Chrysostom of Smyrna
- Classical names
- Clement of Alexandria
- Communicatio idiomatum
- Communion of the Apostles
- Constantine the Great
- Coptic Christianity
- Coptic liturgy
- Cross
- Crusades
- Cyprus, Church of
- Cyril and Methodius
- Cyril of Alexandria
- Cyril of Jerusalem
- Cyril V of Constantinople
- Cyril VI of Constantinople
- Czech and Slovakian Orthodox Church
- Daily office
- Daniel of Moscow
- David the Dendrite
- Deacon
- Decani Monastery
- Deesis
- Deification (Theosis)
- Demetrios Gangastathis
- Diadochus of Photike
- Diakonikon
- Diaspora
- Diatessaron
- Didymus the Blind
- Dikaios
- Diodore of Tarsus
- Dionysius of Olympus
- Dionysius the Areopagite
- Discrimination
- Divine Wisdom
- Dormition
- Doxastikon
- Doxology
- Dura-Europos
- Dyophysitism
- Eastern Catholic
- Ecumenical councils
- Ecumenical Patriarch
- Ecumenism
- Edessa, Chronicle of
- Eiletarion
- Eileton
- Ekphonesis
- Ekthesis
- Eleousa
- Elias
- Elizabeth Feodorovna
- Elizabeth of Thrace
- Entry into Jerusalem
- Ephrem, "Greek"
- Ephrem the Syrian
- Epiphanius of Salamis
- Epitrachelion
- Era
- Eritrean Orthodox Church
- Estonian Orthodox Church
- Ethiopian Orthodox Church
- Ethiopian liturgy
- Ethnomartyrs
- Euchologion
- Eulogetaria
- Eunomius
- Euphrosyne of Polotsk
- Eusebius of Caesarea
- Eusebius of Dorylaeum
- Eusebius of Nicomedia
- Evagrius Ponticus
- Exaposteilarion
- Exarch
- Feast days
- Filioque
- Finnish Orthodox Church
- Flavian
- Florence, Council of
- Florensky, Pavel
- Florovsky, Georges
- Frumentius of Axum
- Gaza Triad
- Gelati Monastery
- Gemistos Plethon
- Gennadios I of Constantinople
- Gennadius II Scholarius of Constantinople
- George of Cappadocia
- George of Ioannina
- Georgian Orthodox Church
- Germanos I of Constantinople
- Germanos Hatziyiorgis
- Gerontika
- Glukharev, Mikhail Iakovlevich
- Glykophilousa
- Golindokht
- Gorazd Pavlik
- Gracanica Monastery
- Great Week
- Greece, Church of
- Great Martyrs (Saint commemorations)
- Greek Catholic
- Greek Orthodox
- Gregory Palamas
- Grottaferrata
- Haji
- Hatherly, Stephen
- Heirmologion
- Henotikon
- Heortologion
- Heothina
- Hesperinos
- Hesychasm
- Hexapsalmos
- Hieratikon
- Hilandar Monastery
- Hodegetria
- Holy fools
- Holy mountains
- Holy Russia
- Horaiozele of Byzantium
- Horologion
- Hungarian Orthodox Church
- Hypakoe
- Ibas of Edessa
- Iconoclasm
- Iconoclast
- Iconophile
- Iconostasis
- Iconography
- Idiomelon
- Ignatios Agallanios
- Ilia Chavchavadze
- India, Syrian Christian community
- India, Syrian Christianity in South
- Indiction
- Innokentii Borisov
- Irene Chrysovalantou
- Isaac of Nineveh
- Isidora Barankis
- Isochristi
- Italo-Greek Orthodoxy
- Jacob Baradaeus
- Jacobite
- Japan
- Jassy, Synod of
- Jeremiah II of Constantinople
- Jerusalem
- Jerusalem, Saint
- Jerusalem, Synod of
- Jesus Prayer
- Jizyah
- John Chrysostom
- John Climacus
- John Karastamatis
- John Maximovitch
- John of Damascus
- John the Baptist
- John the Faster
- John the Russian
- John the Theologian
- John Vladimir
- Jonas Pokrovsky
- Joseph Gerontoyiannis
- Joshua the Stylite
- Justiniana Prima
- Justin Popovich
- Juvenaly of Alaska
- Kali of Lesbos
- Kalymavchion
- Karamanlis
- Karshuni
- Kassiane
- Katanyxis
- Katavasia
- Kathisma
- Keratea
- Khomiakov, Alexei
- Kollyva
- Kollyvades
- Kontakion
- Korean Orthodox Church
- Kosmas Phlamiatos
- Kouvouklion
- Koura
- Kritopoulos, Metrophanes
- Latinization
- Latinophrones
- Latvian Orthodox Church
- Laurentios of Megara
- Lavra
- Lesnovo Monastery
- Lithuanian Orthodox Church
- Lucaris, Cyril
- Lyons, Second Council of
- Macarius the Great
- Macedonian Orthodox Church
- Mandorla
- Manicheanism
- Maria of Bizye
- Maronite Catholic Church
- Matthew the Poor
- Maxim Sandovich
- Maximus the Confessor
- Meeting in the Temple
- Megale Idea
- Megalynarion
- Meletios Metaxakis
- Melkite
- Melkite Greek Catholic Church
- Men, Aleksandr
- Menaion
- Mesonyktikon
- Metanoia
- Meteora
- Michael and Gabriel
- Michael Cerularius
- Michael Pitkevich
- Middle East Council of Churches
- Mileseva Monastery
- Military saints
- Mogila, Peter
- Monasticism
- Monophysitism
- Monothelitism
- Moses Putilov
- Music
- Myroblytes
- Mysteries
- Nag Hammadi
- Names
- Naos
- Nativity of Christ icon
- Nativity of the Mother of God
- Neophytos-Omar
- Nestor Anisimov
- Nestorianism
- Newly Revealed saints
- New Martyrs
- Nicholas Kasatkin
- Nicholas of Sion
- Nicholas Velimirovic
- Nikanor of Kallistratos
- Nicephorus I of Constantinople
- Nicodemus of Emathia
- Nicodemus the Hagiorite
- Nikon of Moscow
- Nepsis
- Non-Possessors
- Northern Thebaid
- Ode (Biblical Odes)
- Odes of Solomon
- Oktoechos
- Old Believers
- Old Calendarists
- Optina Monastery
- Orarion
- Orchomenos
- Origen
- Orthodox Church in America
- Orthros
- Ottoman rule and Eastern Christianity
- Outremer
- Overbeck, Joseph Julian
- Paisios Eznepidis
- Paissii Velichovskii
- Palut
- Panagia
- Panagis Vasias
- Panormitis
- Panslavism
- Pantocrator
- Paraklesis
- Parakletike
- Pareskeve the Roman
- Paschal offices, Byzantine rite
- Passion Bearers
- Patriarch
- Paulicians
- Paul of Latros
- Paul the Silentiary
- Pelagonia martyrs
- Pelagonitissa
- Pentarchy
- Pentecost icon
- Pentecostarion
- Perichoresis
- Peshitta
- Peter Mongos
- Peter the Fuller
- Peter the Iberian
- Petritsi, Ioane Tchimtchimeli
- Phaneromene
- Phelonion
- Pherbutha
- Philokalia
- Philoponos, John
- Philosophical vocabulary
- Philothei
- Philoumenos
- Philoxenus of Mabbug
- Photini
- Photius the Great
- Pilgrimage
- Plato Jovanovic
- Platonism
- Platytera
- Pokrov
- Polish Orthodox Church
- Polyeleos
- Prokeimenon
- Prote Anastasis
- Prothesis
- Prousiotissa
- Psalterion
- Psaltes
- Psychosabbaton
- Rabbula
- Rabbula Gospels
- Reader
- Religious dress
- Repentance
- Resafa
- Rhipidion
- Rila Monastery
- Romanian Christianity
- Romanus the Melodist
- Rostislav
- Royal doors
- Royal office
- Rublev, Andrei
- Rufina Kokoreva
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
- Russian religious philosophy
- Russian sects
- Sacred utensils
- Sava Nemanja
- Seleucia, Council of
- Semandron
- September events
- Seraphim Chichagov
- Seraphim of Boiotia
- Seraphim of Sarov
- Serbian Christianity
- Serbian New Martyrs
- Sergius of Radonezh
- Seventy
- Severian
- Severus of Antioch
- Sian-Fu stele
- Sinai
- Slava
- Slavophones
- Sofrony Vladislavov
- Soloviev, Vladimir
- Sophiology
- Sopocani Church
- Soterichos Panteugenos
- Spiritual relationships
- Spiritual theology
- Starets
- Staro Nagoricino
- Stavriotes
- Stephen of Perm
- Sticheron
- Strigol'niki
- Studenica Monastery
- Stylite
- Symeon Popvic
- Symeon Stylites
- Symeon the New Theologian
- Synodikon Orientale
- Syrian Catholic Church
- Syrian Christianity
- Syrian liturgy
- Syriac Orthodox Church
- Tablitho
- Tatian
- Tbilisi martyrs
- Telemachos
- Terentii
- Theochares Douias
- Theodora of Arkadia
- Theodora of Pontus
- Theodore Abu Qurrah
- Theodore Sladich
- Theodore the Studite
- Theodoret of Cyrrhus
- Theology
- Theopaschite formula
- Theophan the Greek
- Theophan the Recluse
- Theophany
- Theotokion
- Theotokos
- Thermi Convent
- Third Rome
- Thomas Paschidis
- Three Hierarchs
- Throne
- Tikhon of Zadonsk
- Timothy Ailouros
- Timothy Salophakialos
- Transfiguration icon
- Trinity
- Trinity icons
- Triodion
- Troparion
- Trisagion
- True Orthodox Church
- Tryphon
- Typikon