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Patron saint

Revision as of 00:11, April 15, 2015 by Basil (talk | contribs) (For marital difficulties: adding Ss. Cyril & Mary)

A patron saint is regarded as the intercessor and advocate in heaven of a nation, place, craft, activity, class, or person. Since the time of the early Christians up to the present, a vast number of patron saints have been recorded.

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The following is a list of saints who are often called upon for special purposes.

Against demons and witchcraft

Against drinking

Against the plague

Delivery from sudden death

For a good end to one's life

For animals and livestock

For captives and court cases

For care and protection of infants

For chastity and help in carnal warfare

For children

For church chanting

For cobblers

  • St. Eustathius the Cobbler of Georgia (July 29)

For ears

For eyes

For finding employment

For finding things

For guilelessness and simplicity

For headaches

  • Holy New Martyr Demas of Smyrna (April 10)

For help against quick-temper and despondency

For help in distress or poverty

For help in studies

For hernias and intestinal disorders

For iconographers

For marital difficulties

  • Venerable Schema-monastics Cyril and Mary (January 18) (Kirill and Maria), parents of the venerable Sergius of Radonezh (September 25)
  • Ss. Peter and Febronia of Muron: also for newlyweds (June 25)
  • Holy Martyrs Samonas, Gurias, and Habibus (Shamuna, Guria, and Habib) (November 15)

For meeting a difficult situation

For mental disorders

For patient endurance of affliction

For perfumers

For physicians

  • St. Panteleimon (July 27)
  • The Holy Unmercenaries
  • St Agapit the Physician of Kievo-Pechersk (June 1)

For protection against thieves

For protection of crops from pests

For protection of gardens against pests

  • Holy Great Martyr Tryphon: also for hunters and Patron of Moscow (February 1)

For safe childbirth

For soldiers

For spiritual help, consolation, and compunction

For stone-workers

For teeth

For the kitchen and home

For the throat

For trading

  • St. Paraskevi (July 26)

For travelers

  • St. John the Russian: for transport, auto, buses (May 27)
  • St. Nicholas: in general, and specifically for sea travel (December 6)
  • St. Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople: for safety at sea (August 11)

For workers in hospitals

For young people

  • Holy Great Martyr Demetrios the Wonderworker (October 26)

To have a child


See also