Timeline of Orthodoxy in Russia

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Problem of periodisation of Russian Church history

Russian Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople

  • First century Apostle Andrew First-called visits the future Russian lands, planted a cross on one of the high hills of Kiev
  • 864 Patriarch Photius sends bishop to Kiev
  • 954 Princess Ol'ha (Olga) of Kiev baptized.
  • 983 Protomartyrs Theodor and his son John

Period of the Kievan Metropolia (988-1304)

Russian Church after the mongol invasion (since 1237)

  • 1245 Martyrdom of right-believing Prince Michael of Chernigov and his boyarin Theodore in Gold Orda
  • 1261 Sarai diocese (in Gold Orda) was established
  • †1263 Right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky
  • 1267 The first authentically known yarlyk (decree) of Mongol khans granted freedom for the faith and tax exemption to the Church.
  • 1342 Sergius of Radonezh with his brother Stephan founded Holy Trinity Lavra;
  • 1379-1396 Missionary activity of Equal-to-the-Apostles Stephan of Perm (1340-1396), Enlightener of Komi
  • 1378 † Metropolitan Alexis of Moscow
  • 1392 † St. Sergius of Radonezh, September 25;

South-west (Kievan-Lithuanian) Metropolis (1458—1686) under the Patriarch of Constantinople

  • 1596 Union of Brest, large persecutions on the Orthodoxy in Polish–Lithuanian_Commonwealth
  • 1646 †Peter Mogila, Metropolitan of Kiev
  • 1686 Kievan metropolis passed from jurisdiction of Constantinople under Moscow Patriarchate

Autocephalous Russian Metropolis

  • 1448 Russian Church (Moscow Metropolis) became autocephalous
  • 1471 †Metropolitan Jonas of Moscow
  • 1508 †Nilus of Sora
  • 1515 †Joseph of Volokalamsk
  • 1551 Council of a Hundred Chapters (Stoglav) in Moscow
  • 1555 Kazan Diocese is established
  • 1566, July 25 - 1568, November 4 St. Phillip, Metropolitan of Moscow
  • †1569 St. Phillip was martyred by Tsar Ivan IV (the terrible), January 23
  • †1570 Cornelius of the Pskov Caves was martyred by Tsar Ivan IV (the terrible), February 20;
  • 1580 †John of Rostov, September 3
  • 1588 Tsar Theodore applies for permission to form a new Patriarchate for the Russian people.

First Patriarchate Period

The Synodical Church (1700-1917)

Russian Orthodox Church during Communist ruling

Russian Orthodox Church after the collapse of the Soviet Union

Further reading

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  1. Jump up Source: "A LIFELONG PASSION, NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA THEIR OWN STORY"., Andrei Maylunas and Sergi Mironenko., Doubleday, New York., February 1997., pp. 638-639).