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Timeline of Orthodoxy in Russia

Revision as of 17:30, September 8, 2009 by Imerek (talk | contribs) (Problem of periodisation of Russian Church history: for the further translation)

Problem of periodisation of Russian Church history

In the church-historical science there are some points of view on a problem of a periodization of Russian Church history. The most notable have been formulated by such famous historians of Russian Church as archbishop of Chernigov Philaret Gumilevsky, Moscow metropolitan Macarius Bulgakov, Evgeny Golubinsky and Igor Smolich.

So, archbishop Philaret (Gumilevsky) in the work «History of the Russian Church» (M, 1850-1851) has allocated five periods in the history of Russian Church:

  1. 988-237
  2. 1238-1409
  3. 1410-1588
  4. 1589-1720
  5. 1720-1825

Russian Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople

  • First century Apostle Andrew First-called visits the future Russian lands, planted a cross on one of the high hills of Kiev
  • 864 Patriarch Photius sends bishop to Kiev
  • 954 Princess Ol'ha (Olga) of Kiev baptized.
  • 983 Protomartyrs Theodor and his son John

Period of the Kievan Metropolia (988-1304)

Russian Church after the mongol invasion (since 1237)

  • 1245 Martyrdom of right-believing Prince Michael of Chernigov and his boyarin Theodore in Gold Orda
  • 1261 Sarai diocese (in Gold Orda) was established
  • 1263 † Right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky
  • 1267 The first authentically known yarlyk (decree) of Mongol khans granted freedom for the faith and tax exemption to the Church.
  • 1342 Sergius of Radonezh with his brother Stephan founded Holy Trinity Lavra;
  • 1379-1396 Missionary activity of Equal-to-the-Apostles Stephan of Perm (1340-1396), Enlightener of Komi
  • 1378 † Metropolitan Alexis of Moscow
  • 1392 † St. Sergius of Radonezh, September 25;

South-west (Kievan-Lithuanian) Metropolis (1458—1686) under the Patriarch of Constantinople

  • 1596 Union of Brest, large persecutions on the Orthodoxy in Polish–Lithuanian_Commonwealth
  • 1646 †Peter Mogila, Metropolitan of Kiev
  • 1686 Kievan metropolis passed from jurisdiction of Constantinople under Moscow Patriarchate

Autocephalous Russian Metropolis

  • 1448 Russian Church (Moscow Metropolis) became autocephalous
  • 1471 †Metropolitan Jonas of Moscow
  • 1508 †Nilus of Sora
  • 1515 †Joseph of Volokalamsk
  • 1551 Council of a Hundred Chapters (Stoglav) in Moscow
  • 1555 Kazan Diocese is established
  • 1566, July 25 - 1568, November 4 St. Phillip, Metropolitan of Moscow
  • †1569 St. Phillip was martyred by Tsar Ivan IV (the terrible), January 23
  • †1570 Cornelius of the Pskov Caves was martyred by Tsar Ivan IV (the terrible), February 20;
  • 1580 †John of Rostov, September 3
  • 1588 Tsar Theodore applies for permission to form a new Patriarchate for the Russian people.

First Patriarchate Period

The Synodical Church (1700-1917)

Russian Orthodox Church during Communist ruling

Russian Orthodox Church after the collapse of the Soviet Union

Further reading

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  1. Source: "A LIFELONG PASSION, NICHOLAS AND ALEXANDRA THEIR OWN STORY"., Andrei Maylunas and Sergi Mironenko., Doubleday, New York., February 1997., pp. 638-639).