List of Serbian saints

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The following is a list of Serbian saints. All dates are according to the Julian Calendar, and most names are listed in both their Serbian and Anglicized forms.


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  • Gorazd of Czeh and Moravia (Свети свештеномученик Горазд чешкоморавски) (August 22)
  • Hristo, martyr (November 28)
  • Ss Cyril and Methodius (Света браћа Кирило и Методије просветитељи словенски) (May 11)
  • Venerable David (преподобни Давид) (September 24)
  • Đorđe Kratovac, George of Kratovo, saint new-martyr (Свети новомученик Ђорђе Кратовац) (February 11 and May 26)
  • Hieromartyr Đorđe of Našice (Свети свештеномученик Ђорђе нашички) (July 4)
  • Venerable Jelena (Helen) of Dečani , venerable (May 20)
  • Jelena, Helen, saint – queen (October 30)
  • Venerable Jelisaveta (Elisabeth), venerable (in world empress Jelena)
  • Venerable Jelisaveta, Elisabeth, venerable (in world princes Jelena Štiljanović)(October 4)
  • Jefrosinija or Euphrosyne a Schema-Abbess (преподобнa схи-игуманија Јефросинија српска) (in World princess Milica)(July 19)
  • Venerable Euphtimius of Dečani, venerable (преподобни Јефтимије дечански) (November 11)
  • Venerable Joasaph of Serbia the Meteorite (April 20)
  • Prince John Vladimir of Zeta (May 22)
  • Jovan or John the New Brankovic, holy – despot (December 10)
  • Joseph the New, metropolitan saint (September 15)
  • Milutin, saint – king (October 30)
  • Venerable Simeon the Monk, venerable (in World king Stefan Uroš I) (May 1)
  • Venerable Simon the Monk, venerable (in World king, Stefan Prvovencani, the First-Crowned) (September 24)
  • Venerable Sinaites*, venerable (May 6 and December 7)
  • Venerable Sisoj, Syssoes, (August 7)(also with Sinaites from Ravanica)
  • Venerable Sinaites from Gornjak, venerables (December 7)
  • Venerable Sinaites from Ravanica, venerables (May 6)
  • Spiridon or Spyridon, saint – patriarch (Свети Спиридoн патријарх српски) (June 15)
  • King Stefan or Stephen of Dečani (Свети краљ Стефан дечански) (November 11)
  • Stefan Lazarević, saint – despot (July 19)
  • Venerable Stephan of Piperi, venerable (May 19)
  • Stephen the Blind, despot (October 9)
  • Stefan Uroš V , saint emperor ( December 2)
  • Stefan Urošic Nemanjić , saint – prince (November 11)
  • Stefan Štiljanović saint prince (свети кнез Стефан Штиљановић) (October 4)
  • Teodor or Theodore hieromartyr (Свети свештеномученик Теодор вршачки) (May 16)
  • Theodore of Komogovo, holy martyr (свети мученик Теодор (Сладић) комоговински (first Saturday of Great Lent)
  • Theoctist, venerable – Dragutin, king (October 30)
  • Varnava of Hvosno (Свети Варнава Нови Исповједник) (October 30)
  • Vukašin of Klepci (May 16)
  • Vladislav, saint king (September 24)
  • Zosima of Tuman, venerable (August 8)
  • Zlata of Meglen (Света мученица Злата мегленска) (October 13)
  • 90 holy hieromartyrs from Montenegro (June 4)