Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia

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Metr. Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia (September 11, 1934 - August 24, 2022, also known by his lay name, Timothy Ware) was a titular metropolitan of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Great Britain. From 1966-2001, he was Spalding Lecturer of Eastern Orthodox Studies at Oxford University, and had authored numerous books and articles pertaining to the Orthodox Christian faith, and Orthodoxy's relationship to broader culture, including the sciences. He reposed in the Lord after struggling with various illness on August 24th, 2022.


Born Timothy Ware in Bath, Somerset, England, Metropolitan Kallistos was educated at Westminster School (to which he had won a scholarship) and Magdalen College, Oxford, where he took a Double First in Classics as well as reading Theology. In 1958, at the age of 24, he embraced the Orthodox Christian faith (having been raised Anglican), traveling subsequently throughout Greece, spending a great deal of time at the Monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos. He also frequented other major centers of Orthodoxy such as Jerusalem and Mount Athos. In 1966, he was ordained to the priesthood and was tonsured as a monk, receiving the name Kallistos, in honour of St. Kallistos Xanthopoulos.[note 1]

In the same year, he became a lecturer at Oxford, teaching Eastern Orthodox Studies, a position which he held for 35 years until his retirement. In 1979, he was appointed to a Fellowship at Pembroke College, Oxford, and in 1982, he was consecrated to the episcopacy as a titular bishop with the title Bishop of Diokleia, appointed to serve as the assistant to the bishop of the Ecumenical Patriarchate's Orthodox Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain. Despite his elevation, Kallistos remained in Oxford and carried on his duties both as the parish priest of the Oxford Greek Orthodox community and as a lecturer at the University.

Since his retirement in 2001, Kallistos had continued to publish and to give lectures on Orthodox Christianity, traveling widely. Until recently, he was the chairman of the board of directors of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge. He was the chairman of the group Friends of Orthodoxy on Iona and served on the advisory board of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship.

On March 30, 2007, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elevated the Diocese of Diokleia to Metropolis and Bishop Kallistos to Titular Metropolitan of Diokleia.

List of Writings by Kallistos (Timothy) Ware, Bishop of Diokleia

Metropolitan Kallistos was perhaps best known as the author of the book The Orthodox Church, published when he was a layman in 1963 and subsequently revised several times. More recently, he produced a companion volume, The Orthodox Way.

However his most substantial publications have emerged from his translation work. Together with G. E. Palmer and Philip Sherrard), he had undertaken to translate the Philokalia (four volumes of five published to date); and with Mother Mary he produced English translations of the Lenten Triodion and Festal Menaion.

The list below contains the complete writings of Metropolitan Kallistos (up until the year 2001), as published in the Festschrift that was written for him,[note 2] celebrating his retirement from active professional responsibilities in 2001.[note 3] Each section below is listed in chronological order .


  • The Orthodox Church (Pelican Original: Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963), 352 pp.
[New edition, fully revised (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1993). Translated into various languages.]
  • Eustratios Argenti: A Study of the Greek Church under Turkish Rule (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1964), xii + 196pp.
[Photographic reprint (California: Eastern Orthodox Books, 1974).]
  • The Orthodox Way (London & Oxford: Mowbrays/Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary press, 1979), 195pp. [Translated into various languages.]
  • The Ordination of Women in the Orthodox Church (Geneva: WCC Publications, 2000), 96 pp.


  • Translated and edited with Mother Mary (of Bussy-en-Othe), The Festal Menaion (London: Faber & Faber, 1969), 564 pp.
[The introduction and appendices are by KW; the translation was made jointly.]
  • Translated and edited with Mother Mary (of Bussy-en-Othe), The Lenten Triodon (London: Faber and Faber, 1978), 699pp.
[The introduction is by KW, the translation was made jointly.]
  • Translated with Mother Mary (of Bussy-en-Othe), The Lenten Triodon. Supplementary Texts, duplicated publication by the Orthodox Monastery of the Veil of the Mother of God, Bussy-en-Othe, 1979 [in fact 1980], 305pp.


  • “ ‘Economy’ according to Orthodox Theology: Its Application to Non-Orthodox Sacraments,” Chrysostom, 5 (1961), 6-8.
  • “ ‘Guarding the Walls’: The Greek Orthodox Monk and his Service to the World,” Chrysostom, 9 (1962), 5-7.
  • “Saints and Beasts: The Undistorted Image,” The Franciscan, 5.4 (1963) , 144-52.
  • “The Communion of Saints,” in A.J. Philippou (ed.), The Orthodox Ethos, Studies in Orthodoxy, 1 (Oxford: Holywell Press, 1964), 140-9.
  • “The Orthodox Church in England,” in Zoe Brotherhood (ed.), A Sign of God: Orthodoxy 1964 (Athens: Zoe, 1964), 47-62.
  • “The Doctrine of the Church in Reunion Discussions,” Eastern Churches Newsletter, 48 (1968), 4-13.
  • “The Mother of God in Orthodox Theology and Devotion,” in the series “Mother of Jesus,” No. 6 (Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary), 1970, 14pp.
[Reprinted in A. Stacpoole (ed.), Mary’s Place in Christian Dialogue (Slough: St Paul’s Publications, 1982), 169-81.]
  • “The Sacrament of Baptism and the Ascetic Life in the Teaching of Mark the Monk,” Studia Patristica, X, Texte und Untersuchungen, 107 (Berlin, 1970), 441-52.
  • “Orthodox and Catholics in the Seventeenth Century: Schism or Intercommunion?” in Derek Baker (ed.), Schism, Heresy and Religious Protest, Studies in Church History, 9 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972), 259-76.
  • The Power of the Name: The Jesus Prayer in Orthodox Spirituality, Fairacres Publications no. 43 (Oxford, 1974), 25pp.
[New edition: Oxford: Fairacres Publications, 1986.]
[Reprinted in Elisabeth Behr-Sigel, The Place of the Heart: An Introduction to Orthodox Spirituality (Torrance, CA: Oakwood Publications, 1992), 135-73.]
  • “The Ecumenical Councils and the Conscience of the Church,” in Kanon, II, Jahrbuch der gesellschaft fur das Recht der Ostkirchen (Vienna, 1974), 217-33.
  • “Death and Life,” Christian, 2.4 (175), 363-9.
  • “The Fifth Earl of Guilford (1766-1827) and His Secret Conversion to the Orthodox Church ,” in D. Baker (ed.), The Orthodox Churches and the West, Studies in Church History, 13 (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, for the Ecclesiastical History Society, 1976), 247-56.
  • “Mount Athos Today,” Christian, 3.4 (1976), 322-33.
  • “ ‘Separated from All and United to All’: The Hermit Life in the Christian East,” in A. M. Allchin (ed.), Solitude and Communion, Fairacres Publications, 66 (Oxford: Fairacres Publications, 1977), 30-47.
  • “The Moscow Conference, 1976,” in Kallistos Ware and Colin Davey, Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue, (London: SPCK, 1977), 39-81.
[French trans. Istina, 24 (Jan-Mar 1979), 7-43.]
  • “Conversation with Kallistos Ware,” in E. Robinson (ed.), This Time-Bound Ladder: Ten Dialogues on Religious Experience (Oxford: The Religious Experience Research Unit, Manchester College, 1977), 107-23.
  • “Man, Woman, and the Priesthood in Christ,” in Peter Moore (ed.), Man, Woman, and Priesthood (London: SPCK, 1978), 68-90, 177-80.
[Reprinted in Thomas Hopko (ed.), Women and the Priesthood (Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1983), 9-37.]
  • “The ARCIC Agreed Statement on Authority: An Orthodox Comment,” One in Christ, 14.3 (1978), 198-206.
  • “The Holy Spirit in the Personal Life of the Christian,” in Unity in the Spirit – Diversity in the Churches, The Report of the Conference of European Churches, Assembly VIII, 18th-25th October, 1979, Crete (Geneva: WCC, 1980), 139-69.
  • “Kirkon Salaisuus” [“The Mystery of the Church”], Ortodoksia, 29 (1980), 7-75. [In Finnish: the English original remains unpublished.]
  • “Patterns of Episcopacy in the Early Church and Today: An Orthodox View,” in Peter Moore (ed.), Bishops: But What Kind? (London: SPCK, 1982), 1-24.
  • “The Church: A Time of Transition,” in R. Clogg (ed.), Greece in the 1980s (London: Macmillan, 1983), 208-30.
  • “Salvation and Theosis in Orthodox Theology,” in Luther et la Reforme allemande dans une perspective oecumenique (Chambesy: Editions du centre Orthodoxe du Patriarchat Oecumenique, 1983), 167-84.
  • “Unity and Mission,” in Unity and Mission, The Report of the Eleventh General Assembly of Syndesmos, (Kuopio: Syndesmos, 1984), 5-15.
  • “The Sanctity and Glory of the Mother of God: Orthodox Approaches,” The Way, Supplement 51, Papers of the 1984 International Congress of the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1984), 79-96.
  • “The Humanity of Christ,” The Fourth Constantinople Lecture, 29/30 November 1984 (London: The Anglican and Eastern Churches Association, 1984), 12pp.
  • “Bishop Kallistos of Oxford Looks at Ecumenism” (Interview with A. Kelleher), Diakonia, 19.1-3 (1984-85), 132-6.
  • “Image and Likeness: An Interview with Bishop Kallistos Ware” (by J. Morgan), Parabola, 10.1 (1985), 62-71.
  • “Why I am an Orthodox,” The Tablet (16 February 1985), 159-60.
  • “The Jesus Prayer in St. Diadochus of Photice,” Aksum Thyateira: A Festschrift for Archbishop Methodios (London, 1985), 557-68.
  • Nous and Noesis in Plato, Aristotle and Evagrius of Pontus,” Diotima 13, Proceedings of the Second International Week on the Philosophy of Greek Culture, Kalamata 1982, Part II (1985), 158-63.
  • “Ways of Prayer and Contemplation. I. Eastern,” in B. McGinn & J. Meyendorff (edd.), Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century, World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest, vol. 16 (New York: Crossroad, 1985), 395-414.
  • Praying Home: The Contemplative Journey, with Mary Clare and Robert Llewelyn (Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications, 1987).
  • “The Theology and Spirituality of the Icon,” From Byzantium to El Greco, Royal Academy of Arts, (London, 1987), 37-9.
  • “Spirit, Church, Eucharist,” The Franciscan, 29.2 (1987), 77-84.
  • “The Unity of the Human Person according to the Greek Fathers,” in Arthur Peacocke and Grant Gillett (edd.), Persons and Personality. A Contemporary Inquiry, Ian Ramsey Centre Publication no. I (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987), 197-206, 215-17.
  • How to Read your Bible (Mt. Hermon , Ca: Conciliar Press, 1988), 16pp.
  • “Orthodoxy in Britain: Its Origins and Future,” in Directory of Parishes and Clergy in the British Isles 1988/89 (Stylite Publishing and Orthodox Fellowship of St. John the Baptist, 1988), 3-6.
  • “St. Maximos of Kapsokalyvia and Fourteenth-Century Athonite Hesychasm,” in Julian Chrysostomides (ed.), ΚΑΘΗΓΗΤΡΙΑ: Essays presented to Joan Hussey for her 80th birthday (London: Porphyrogenitus, 1989), 409-30.
  • “Mary Theotokos in the Orthodox Tradition,” Epiphany, 9.2 (1989), 48-59.
[Reprinted in Marianum 52, 1-2 (1990), 210-27.]
  • “The Feast of Mary’s Silence: The Entry into the Temple (21 November),” The Month, August/September (1989), 337-41.
[Also printed in Alberic Stacpoole (ed.), Mary in Doctrine and Devotion: Papers of the Liverpool Congress of the Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dublin: The Columba Press, 1990), 34-41.]
  • “The Meaning of ‘Pathos’ in Abba Isaias and Theodoret of Cyrus,” Studia Patristica, XX (Leuven: Peeters, 1989), 315-22.
  • “Orthodoxy in Britain: Its Origins and Future,” Sourozh, 42 (1990), 23-8.
[Reprinted in Irenee Hausherr, Spiritual Direction in the Early Christian East, Cistercian Studies Series, 116 (Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1990), vii-xxxiii.]
  • “Eastern Christendom,” in John McManners (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990), 122-61.
  • “The Meaning of the Divine Liturgy for the Byzantine Worshipper,” in Rosemary Morris (ed.), Church and People in Byzantium, Twentieth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Manchester, 1986 (Birmingham: Center for Byzantine, Ottoman, and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham, 1990), 7-28.
  • “Tradition, the Bible and the Holy Spirit,” Epiphany, II.2 (1991), 7-16.
  • “Saints in the Image of the Trinity,” in The Reckless Saints: Sermons from All Saints Margaret Street, Festival 1990 (London, 1991), 1-5.
  • “The Sacrament of Love: The Orthodox Understanding of Marriage and its Breakdown,” The Downside Review, 109, no. 375 (April 1991), 79-93.
  • “Praying with Icons,” in Paul McPartlan (ed.), One in 2000? Towards Catholic-Orthodox Unity (Slough: St. Paul’s, 1993), 141-168.
  • “Athos after Ten Years: the Good News and the Bad,” Friends of Mount Athos, Annual Report 1992 (published 1993), 8-17.
  • “How to Read the Bible,” in Peter E. Gillquist (ed.), The Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament and Psalms (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1993), 726-70. (revised version on 1988 Conciliar Press pamphlet).
  • “The Church of God: Our Shared Vision,” Logos, 34.1-2 (1993), 10-29.
  • “Response to the Presentation by His Grace Bishop Basil (Losten): ‘The Roman Primacy and the Church of Kiev,’ ” Logos, 34.1-2 (1993), 107-16.
  • “Prayer and Sacraments in the Synagogue,” in Margaret Mullett and Anthony Kirby (edd.), The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh-Century Monasticism, Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations 6.1 (Belfast, 1994), 325-47.
  • “The Tension Between the ‘Already’ and ‘Not Yet,’ “ in Colin Davey (ed.), Returning Pilgrims. Insights from British and Irish participants in the Fifth World Faith and Order Conference Santiago de Compostela 3-14 August 1993 (London: Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland, 1994), 29-33.
  • “The Understanding of Salvation in the Orthodox Tradition,” in Rienk Lannoy (ed.), For Us and Our Salvation, IIMO Research Publication 40 (Utrecht-Leiden, 1994), 107-31.
[Reprinted separately with the title How are we Saved? The Understanding of Salvation in the Orthodox Tradition (Minneapolis Mn: Light and Life, 1996), 19 pp.]
  • “Response to Fr Andriy Chirovsky: ‘Towards an Ecclesial Self-Identity for the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church,’ ” Logos, 35.1-4 (1994), 125-31.
  • “Gerald Palmer, the Philokalia and the Holy Mountain,” in Friends of Mount Athos, Annual Report 1994 (published 1995), 23-28.
  • “The Way of the Ascetics: Negative of Affirmative?” in Vincent L. Wimbush and Richard Valantasis (edd.), Asceticism (New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995), 3-15.
  • “A Fourteenth-Century Manual of Hesychast Prayer: The Century of St. Kallistos and St. Ignatios Xanthopoulos” (Toronto: Canadian institute of Balkan Studies, 1995), 32pp.
  • “ ‘Act out of Stillness’: The Influence of Fourteenth-Century Hesychasm on Byzantine and Slav Civilization,” The “Byzantine Heritage” Annual Lecture, 28 May, 1995, ed. Daniel J. Sahas (Toronto: The Hellenic Canadian Association of Constantinople and the Thessalonikean Society of Metro Toronto, 1995), 25pp.
  • “ ‘In the Image and Likeness’: The Uniqueness of the Human Person,” in John T. Chirban (ed.), Personhood: Orthodox Christianity and the Connection Between Body, Mind, and Soul (Westport, CN: Bergin & Garvey, 1996), 1-13.
  • Spirituality: Eastern and Western Perspectives, talks given by Bishop Kallistos Ware and Philip Sheldrake, Great St. Mary’s Papers, Two (Cambridge, 1996), 41pp.
  • “Has God Rejected His People? Saint Paul on the Vocation of Israel,” Saint John of Kronstadt Bulletin (September 1996); also In Communion, Journal of Orthodox Peace Fellowship (October 1996), 1-4.
  • “Lent and the Consumer Society,” in Andrew Walker and Costa Carras (edd.), Living Orthodoxy in the Modern World (London: SPCK, 1996), 64-84.
  • “St Athanasius the Athonite: Traditionalist or Innovator?” in Anthony Bryer and Mary Cunningham (edd.), Mount Athos and Byzantine Monasticism. Papers from the Twenty-Eighth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Birmingham, March 1994, Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies Publications, 4 (Aldershot: Variorum/Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 1996), 3-16.
  • “An Icon of Human Freedom,” in Mircea Pacurariu and Aurel Jivi (edd.), Teologie, Slujire, Ecumenism: Inalt Prea Sfintului Dr Antoine Plamadeala, Mitropolitul Ardealului, la implinirea varstei de 70 ani (Facultatea de Teologie “Andrei Saguna”), extract from Revista Teologica, 3-4 (Sibiu, 1996), 103-9.
  • Through the Creation to the Creator (London: Friends of the Centre, 1997), 30pp.
  • “ ‘My Helper and My Enemy’: The Body in Greek Christianity,” in Sarah Coakley (ed.), Religion and the Body (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 90-110.
  • “The Trinity, Heart of Our Life,” in James S. Cutsinger (ed.), Reclaiming the Great Tradition (Downers Grove, Illinois: Inter Varsity Press, 1997), 125-46.
  • “Confession” Saint John of Kronstadt Bulletin (December 1997).
  • Mary Theotokos in the Orthodox Tradition (Wallington, Surrey: The Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1997), 20pp.
  • “The Place of Mary: I. No New Dogmas, Please,” The Tablet (17 January 1998), 93.
[Reprinted in Edward Yarnold (ed.), The Place of Mary in the Church: Mariologists on Mary – Co-Redeemer (Wallington, Surrey: Ecumenical Society of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1998), 3-5.]
  • “God of the Fathers: C. S. Lewis and Eastern Christianity,” in David Mills (ed.), The Pilgrim’s Tale: C. S. Lewis and the Art of Witness (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998), 53-69.
  • “Man, Woman and the Priesthood of Christ” [revised version of 1978], in Thomas Hopko (ed.), Women and the Priesthood (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1999), 5-53.
[Reprinted in Elisabeth Behr-Sigel and Kallistos Ware, The Ordination of Women in the Orthodox Church (Geneva: Risk Book Series, WCC Publications, 2000), 49-96.
French trans. “Homme, femme et pretrise du Christ,” in Elisabeth Behr-Sigel (ed.), L’ordination des femmes dans l’Eglise orthodoxe (Paris : Cerf, 1998), 51-96.]
  • “The Soul in Greek Christianity,” in M. James C. Crabbe (ed.), From Soul to Self (London & New York: Routledge, 1999), 49-69.
  • “Prayer in Evagrius of Pontus and the Macarian Homilies,” in Ralph Waller and Benedicta Ward (edd.), An Introduction to Christian Spirituality (London: SPCK, 1999), 14-30.
  • “The Passions: Enemy or Friend?” In Communion, 17, Journal of Orthodox Peace Fellowship (Fall 1999), I-8. [Also translated into Dutch and Finnish.]
  • “Open to a New Situation: A Fresh Approach to Old Problems?” in Orientale Lumen II: Conference Proceedings-1998 (Washingtom DC: Eastern Churches Journal, 1999), 101-20.
  • “Not Peace, But a Sword,” in Orientale Lumen III: Conference Proceedings-1999 (Washingtom DC: Eastern Churches Journal, 1999), 187-91.
  • “With All Our Heart, In Thanksgiving Let Us Offer The World Back To God,” in The Orthodox Church, 35.10-11 (October-November 1999), 3, 9, 16.
  • “Personal Experience of the Holy Spirit according to the Greek Fathers,” Stranitsi 4.1 (Moscow: St. Andrew’s Biblical College, 1999), 10-23. [Russian trans.; English text still unpublished.]
  • “What is a Saint?” Sermon at the St. Birinus Pilgrimage Service, Dorchester. II July 1999 (issued separately).
  • “Body, Intellect, Heart: Prayer of the Total Self,” The St. Nina Quarterly, 3.1 (Winter 1999), I, 9-11, 15.
  • “The Use of the Jesus Prayer in Daily Life,” Saint Mark Annual Review 1999 (Bethesda, Maryland: Saint Mark Orthodox Church, 2000), 1-13.
  • “The Witness of the Orthodox Church in the Twentieth Century,” Address at the Tenth Orthodox Congress in Western Europe, Paray-le-Monial, 30 October - 1 November 1999, Sourozh, 80 (May 2000), 1-14.
[Reprinted in The Ecumenical Review, 52.1 (2000), 46-56; also in translation in French, Italian, Flemish, and Greek.]
  • “The Nearness yet Otherness of the Eternal in Meister Eckhardt and St. Gregory Palamas,” Eckhardt Review, 9 (Spring 2000), 41-53.
  • “Go Forth in Peace,” In Communion (May 2000), I-7. [Also trans. Into Dutch.]
  • “A Peaceful Ending to our Life.” Lecture given at Vezelay, April 1999; in Finnish trans., Aamun Koitto, 2 (2000), 4-8.
  • “What is Eastern Christianity? The Christian East: Unity and Diversity,” in William Joseph Buckley (ed.), Kosovo: Contending Voices on Balkan Interventions (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2000), 116-19.
  • The Inner Kingdom, The Collected Works, vol. 1 (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2000).
  • “Eastern Orthodox Theology,” in Adrian Hastings et al. (edd.), The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought (Oxford: OUP, 2000), 184-7.
  • “ ‘The Light that Lightens Everyone’: The Knowledge of God Among Non-Christians according to the Greek Fathers and St. Innocent,” Greek Orthodox Theological Review, 44, “1999” (in fact, 2001), 557-64.
  • “The Orthodox Understanding of Pilgrimage,” Forerunner, 38 (Winter 2001-2). 1-10.
  • “Glorify God with your Body,” In Communion (Spring 2001), 7-13.
  • “Eastern Christianity,” in Richard Harries and Henry Mayr-Harting (edd.), Christianity: Two Thousand Years (Oxford: OUP, 2001), 65-95.
  • “ ‘The Earthly Heaven’: The Mother of God in the Teaching of St. John of Damascus,” in William M. McLoughlin and Jill Pinnock (edd.), Mary for Earth and Heaven (Leominster: Gracewing, 2002), 355-68.
  • “How do we enter the heart?” in James S. Cutsinger (ed.), Paths to the Heart: Sufism and the Christian East (Bloomington, Ind.: World Wisdom/Fons Vitae, 2002), 2-23.

In ‘Eastern Churches Review’

  • “Patmos and its Monastery,” Eastern Churches Review, 1.3 (1967), 231-7.
  • “Orthodoxy in Alaska: The Centenary of the Sale to America,” Eastern Churches Review, 1.4 (1967-8), 395-8.
  • “Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow,” Eastern Churches Review, 2.1 (1968), 24-28.
  • “Orthodoxy in America: Some Statistics,” Eastern Churches Review, 2.1 (1968), 70-3.
  • “A Conference on the Problems of the Orthodox Diaspora,” Eastern Churches Review, 2.2 (1968), 185-9.
  • “Inter-Orthodox Committee at Geneva, 1968,” Eastern Churches Review, 2.2 (1968), 189-90.
  • “Orthodoxy and the Ecumenical Movement: Recent Developments in America,” Eastern Churches Review, 2.4 (1969), 422-4.
  • “Primacy, Collegiality, and the People of God,” Eastern Churches Review, 3.1 (1970), 18-29.
[reprinted in A. J. Philippou (ed.), Orthodoxy: Life and Freedom. Essays in honour of Archbishop Iakovos (Oxford: Studion Publications, 1973), 116-29.]
  • “Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch” (recent events), Eastern Churches Review, 3.1 (1970), 78-81.
  • “Tradition and Personal Experience in Later Byzantine Theology,” Eastern Churches Review, 3.2 (1970), 131-141.
  • “Autocephaly Crisis: Deadlock between Constantinople and Moscow,” Eastern Churches Review, 3.3 (1971), 311-15.
  • “Members of Christ: Extracts from the Hymns of St. Symeon the new Theologian (949-1022),” Eastern Churches Review, 3.4 (1971), 415-18.
  • “Chalcedonians and Non-Chalcedonians: The Latest Developments,” Eastern Churches Review, 3.4 (1971), 428-32.
  • “The Jesus Prayer in St. Gregory of Sinai,” Eastern Churches Review, 4.1 (1972), 3-22.
  • “The Jesus Prayer and the Mother of God,” Eastern Churches Review, 4.2 (1973), 149-50.
  • “Towards the Great Council?” Eastern Churches Review, 4.2 (1972), 162-8.
  • “Scholasticism and Orthodoxy: Theological Method as a Factor in the Schism,” Eastern Churches Review, 5.1 (1973), 16-27.
  • “Thessalonika and Crestwood: Two International Conferences of Orthodox Theologians,” Eastern Churches Review, 5.1 (1973), 60-2.
  • “Orthodoxy and the Charismatic Movement,” Eastern Churches Review, 5.2 (1973), 182-6.
  • “Solzhenitsyn and the Moscow Patriarchate,” Eastern Churches Review, 6.1 (1974), 94-7.
  • “Cyprus” (recent events), Eastern Churches Review, 6.1 (1974), 100-2.
  • “Greece” (recent events), Eastern Churches Review, 6.1 (1974), 103-7.
  • “Athos” (recent events), Eastern Churches Review, 6.1 (1974), 108-11.
  • “The Monk and the Married Christian” Some Comparisons in early Monastic Sources,” Eastern Churches Review, 6.1 (1974), 72-83.
  • “The Problem of Mixed Marriages: A Recent Correspondence,” Eastern Churches Review, 6.2 (1974), 194-9.
  • “God Hidden and Revealed: The Apophatic Way and the Essence-Energies Distinction,” Eastern Churches Review, 7.2 (1975), 125-36.
  • “The Theology of the Icon: A Short Anthology,” Eastern Churches Review, 8.1 (1976), 74-8.
  • “Religious Persecution and the Nairobi Assembly,” Eastern Churches Review, 8.1 (1976), 74-8.
  • “A Common Easter: How Soon?” Eastern Churches Review, 8.1 (1976), 79-81.
  • “The Debate about Palamism,” Eastern Churches Review, 9.1-2 (1977), 45-63.
  • “Catholicity and Nationalism: A Recent Debate at Athens,” Eastern Churches Review, 10.1-2 (1978), 10-16.

In ‘Sobornost’

  • “Between Heaven and Earth: Some Notes on Contemporary Greek Monasticism,” Sobornost, 4.7 (1962), 398-408.
  • “The Transfiguration of the Body,” Sobornost, 4.8 (1963), 420-434. Reprinted (with revisions) in A.M. Allchin (ed.), Sacrament and Image (London: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1967), 17-32.
  • “Intercommunion: The Decisions of Vatican II and the Orthodox Standpoint.” Sobornost, 5.4 (1967), 258-72.
  • “The Value of Material Creation,” Sobornost, 6.3 (1971), 154-65.
  • “The Mystery of God and Man in St. Symeon the New Theologian,” Sobornost, 6.4 (1971), 227-36.
  • “Church and Eucharist, Communion and Intercommunion,” Sobornost, 7.7 (1978), 550-67.
[Issued also as pamphlet: Communion and Intercommunion (Minneapolis Mn: Light and Life Publishing Company, 1980), 39pp.]

New Series

  • “Orthodoxy and the World Council of Churches,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 1.1 (1979), 74-82.
  • “The Mystery of the Human Person,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 3.1 (1981), 62-9. [Translated into Greek, 1991].
  • “ ‘One Body in Christ’: Death and the Communion of the Saints,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 3.2 (1981), 179-91.
  • “The Library of the House of St Gregory and St. Macrina, Oxford: The D.J. Chitty Papers,” with S. Brock, Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 4.1 (1982). 56-8.
  • “The Holy Name of Jesus in East and West: The Hesychasts and Richard Rolle,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 4.2 (1982), 163-84.
  • “Anglican-Orthodox Dialogue. 1982: A Second Spring,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 4.2 (1982), 219-22.
  • “Wolves and Monks: Life on the Holy Mountain Today,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 5.2 (1983), 56-68.
  • “The House of St. Gregory and St. Macrina: The First Quarter Century,” with Ralph Townsend, Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 6.2 (1984), 55-63.
  • “The Human Person as an Icon of the Trinity,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 8.2 (1986), 6-23.
  • “The Spirituality of the Philokalia,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 13.1 (1991), 6-24.
  • “Praying with the Body: The Hesychast Method and Non-Christian Parallels,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 14.2 (1992), 6-35.
  • “Address on Orthodox/Catholic Dialogue,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 15.1 (1993), 44-5.
  • “Father Lev Gillet and the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 15.2 (1993), 7-15. [French trans. Contacts, 36 (1994), 36-44.]
  • “ ‘The Monk of the Eastern Church’ and the Jesus Prayer,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 15.2 (1993), 17-27. [French trans. Contacts, 36 (1994). 60-70.]
  • “C. S. Lewis: An ‘Anonymous Orthodox’?” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 17.2 (1995) , 9-27.
  • “The Estonian Crisis: A Salutary Warning?” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 18.2 (1996), 59-68.
  • “ ‘We Must Pray for All’: Salvation according to St. Silouan,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 19.1 (1997), 34-51.
  • “Kenosis and Christ-Like Humility according to Saint Silouan,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 21.2 (1999), 21-31.
[French trans. In Buisson Ardent: Cahiers Saint Silouane l’Athonite 6, (2000), 30-8;
Italian trans. In Adalberto Mainardi (ed.), Silvano dell’ Athos (Magnano: Edizione Qiqajon, Communita di Bose, 1999), 63-77.]
  • “ ‘It Is Time For The Lord To Act’: The Divine Liturgy as Heaven on Earth,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 23.1 (2001), 7-22.

Included in “The Inner Kingdom” (2001)[note 4]

  • “ ‘Pray Without Ceasing’: The Ideal of Continual Prayer in Eastern Monasticism,” Eastern Churches Review, 2.3 (1969), 253-261.
  • “The Theology of Worship,” Sobornost, 5.10 (1970), 729-37.
  • “The Spiritual Father in Orthodox Christianity,” Cross Currents, 24.2-3 (1974), 296-313.
[Reprinted (with revisions) in Spiritual Direction: Contemporary Readings, ed. K. G. Culligan (Locust Valley: Living Flame Press, 1983), 20-40.]
  • “Silence in Prayer: The Meaning of Hesychia,” in A. M. Allchin (ed.), Theology and Prayer, Studies Supplementary to Sobornost, no. 3 (1975), 8-28.
[Also in M. Basil Pennington (ed.), One Yet Two: Monastic Tradition East and West, Cistercian Studies 29 (Kalamazoo, MI: Cistercian, 1976), 22-47.]
  • “The Orthodox Experience of Repentance,” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 2.1 (1980), 18-28.
  • “What is a Martyr?” Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 5.1 (1983), 7-18.
  • “Time: Prison or Path to Freedom?” Fairacres Chronicle, 22.3 (1989), 5-15.
  • “A Sense of Wonder,” in Dan Cohn-Sherbok (ed.), Tradition and Unity: Sermons Published in Honour of Robert Runcie (London: Bellew Publishing, 1991), 79-83.
  • “ ‘Go Joyfully’: The Mystery of Death and Resurrection,” in Dan-Cohn-Sherbok and Christopher Lewis (edd.), Beyond Death: Theological Reflections on Life after Death (Basingstoke and London: Macmillan, 1995), 27-41.
  • “Strange Yet Familiar,” in Thomas Doulis (ed.), Towards the Authentic Church. Orthodox Christians Discuss Their Conversion: A Collection of Essays (Minneapolis: Light and Life, 1996), 145-68.
  • “Dare We Hope for the Salvation of All?” Theology Digest, 45.4 (1998), 303-17.


  • Contributions to H. Cunliffe-Jones & B. Drewery (edd.), A History of Christian Doctrine (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1978 [in fact 1979]):
“Christian Theology in the East 600-1453,” pp.181-225;
“A Note on Theology in the Christian East: The Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries,” pp.307-9;
“A Note on Theology in the Christian East: The Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries,” pp.455-7.
  • Contributions to Cheslyn Jones, Geoffrey Wainright & Edward Yarnold (edd.), The Study of Spirituality (London: SPCK, 1986):
“The Eastern Fathers, Introduction,” pp. 159-60;
“The Origins of the Jesus Prayer: Diadochus, Gaza, Sinai,” pp. 175-84;
“The Spirituality of the Icon,” pp. 195-8;
“Symeon the New Theologian,” pp.235-42;
“The Hesychasts: Gregory of Sinai, Gregory Palamas, Nicolas Cabasilas,” pp. 242-55;
“The Hesychast Renaissance,” pp. 255-8.
  • Contributions to Mircea Eliade (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1987):
“Cyril I (Loukaris),” 4.189-91;
“Eastern Christianity,” 4.558-76;
“Petr Moghila,” II.260-I.
  • Contributions to Nicholas Lossky et al. (edd.), Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement (Geneva: WCC Publications/Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 1991):
“Ethnicity,” p.373;
“Tradition and traditions,” pp.1013-18.


  • “The Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I” (obituary), Eastern Churches Review, 4.2 (1972), 156-62.
  • “Derwas James Chitty 1901-1971” (obituary), Eastern Churches Review, 6.1 (1974), 1-6.
  • “Archbishop Makarios of Cyprus” (obituary), Eastern Churches Review, 10.1-2 (1978), 151-2.
  • “Archbishop Evgenios of Cyprus” (obituary), Eastern Churches Review, 10.1-2 (1978), 152-3.
  • “Archbishop Athenagoras of Thyateira (1909-79)” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review) , new series 2.1 (1980), 58-68.
  • Nicolas Zernov (1898-1980)” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 3.1 (1981), 11-32.
  • “Patriarch Benedict of Jerusalem” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 3.1 (1981), 102.
  • “Mother Mary” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 3.1 (1981), 103.
  • “Joice Loch” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 5.1 (1983), 71-2.
  • “In Memoriam Demetrios Koutroubis” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 6.1 (1984), 67-71.
  • “Archbishop Basil of Brussels” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 8.1 (1986), 51-4.
  • “David Balfour” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 12.1 (1990), 52-61.
  • “Father Dumitru Staniloae” (obituary), Forerunner (The Orthodox Fellowship of St John the Baptist). No. 23 (Summer, 1994), 14-17.
  • Philip Sherrard” (obituary), Sobornost (incorporating Eastern Churches Review), new series 17.2 (1995), 45-52.
[Reprinted with corrections in Friends of Mount Athos, Annual Report 1995 (published 1996), 26-34.]
  • “Constance Babington Smith” (obituary), Forerunner, 36 (Winter 2000-1). 34-5.

Introductions to Other Works

  • Edited, with an introduction: Igumen Chariton, The Art of Prayer: An Orthodox Anthology, translated by E. Kadloubovsky and E. M. Palmer (London: Faber & Faber, 1966), 287pp. [Introduction: pp.9-38.]
  • Introduction of Bishop Ignatius Brianchaninov, The Arena: An Offering to Contemporary Monasticism, trans. by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore (Madras, 1970), iii-xvi.
  • Introduction to Leo Allatius, De Ecclesiae Occidentalis atque Orientalis Perpetua Consensione, reprint (Farnham: Gregg International Publishers, 1970), 5pp. [Not numbered.]
  • Introduction to John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, The Classics of Western Spirituality (New York NY: Paulist Press, 1982), 1-70.
  • Edited with George Every and Richard Harries, Seasons of the Spirit: Readings through the Christian Year (London: SPCK, 1984), x + 259pp. [Published in the USA by St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, Crestwood NY with the title The Time of the Spirit.]
  • Introduction to Marc le Moine, translated by Soeur Claire-Agnes Zirnheld, Spiritualite Orientale, 41 (Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1985), ix-li.
  • Edited: A Monk of the Eastern Church (Lev Gillet), The Jesus Prayer (Crestwood NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1987) 120pp. [Foreward on pp. 5-20.]
  • Preface to George Maloney, Pseudo-Macarius: The Fifty Spiritual Homilies and the Great Letter, The Classics of Western Spirituality (Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1992), pp. xi-xviii.
  • Foreward to Journals of the Priest Ioann Veniaminov in Alaska, 1823-1836, trans. by Jerome Kisslinger, ed. by S. A. Mousalimas, The Rasmuson Library Historical Translation Series, Vol. VII (Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 1993), ix-xi.
  • Foreward to Dumitru Staniloae, The Experience of God, trans. Ioan Ionita and Robert Barringer (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1994), ix-xxvii.
  • Foreward to David and Mary Ford, Marriage as a Path to Holiness: Lives of Married Saints (South Canaan, PA: St. Tikhon’s Seminary Press, 1994), ix-xii.
  • Foreward to Mother Thekla, The Dark Glass: Meditations in Orthodox Spirituality (London: Harper/Collins (Fount), 1996), v-vii.
  • Introduction to Nikolai Velimirovic, Bishop of Ochrid, Homilies, I, translated by Mother Maria (Rule) (Birmingham: Lazarica Press, 1996), v-vii.
  • Foreward to Donald Nicoll, Triumphs of the Spirit in Russia (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1997), ix-x.
  • Foreward to Barbara Pappas, The Christian Life in the Early Church and Today according to St Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians (Westchester, Illinois: Amnos Publications, 1998), ix-xi.
  • Introduction to Philip Sherrard, Christianity: Lineaments of a Sacred Tradition (Brookline, MA: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 1998), ix-xiv.
  • Foreward to Columba Graham Flegg, An Introduction to Reading the Apocalypse (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1999), vii-viii.
  • Foreward to Elisabeth Behr-Sigel, Lev Gillet (Oxford: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1999), 9-13.
  • Preface to Alphonse and Rachel Goettmann, Priere de Jesus: Priere du Coeur (Paris: Albin Michael, 1999), II-21.
  • Foreward to The Blackwell Dictionary of Eastern Christianity (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999), viii-ix.
  • Foreward to Emil Bartos, Deification in Eastern Orthodox Theology. An Evaluation and Critique of the Theology of Dumitru Staniloae (Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1999), ix-x.
  • Foreward to Hilarion Alfeyev, The Spiritual World of Isaac the Syrian, Cistercian Studies Series 175 (Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 2000), 9-13.
  • Foreward to John Chryssavgis, Soul Mending. The Art of Spiritual Direction (Brookline: Holy Cross Orthodox Press, 2000), ix-xi.

In Other Languages

In French

  • “L’unite dans la diversite: La vocation orthodoxe en Europe occidentale,” Contacts, 35.2, no. 122 (1983), 179-90 .
  • “Philocalie,” in Dictionaire de Spiritualite, 12 (1984), cols. 1336-52.
  • Le royaume interieur (Pully, Switzerland : Le Sel de la Terre, 1993; 2nd edn. 1994), 112pp. [Introduction by Maxime Egger, pp. 6-17. French trans. by Lucie & Maxime Egger of:
“Go Joyfully: The Mystery of Death and Resurrection” (1995);
“The Mystery of the Human Person” (1981);
“The Orthodox Experience of Repentance” (1980);
“The Spiritual Father in Orthodox Christianity” (1974);
“Silence in Prayer: The Meaning of Hesychia” (1975).]
(I) Greek trans. Η εντος ημων βασιλεια, trans. Joseph Roilidis (Athens: Akritas, 1994), 151pp.;
(II) Italian trans. Riconoscete Cristo in Voi?, trans. Riccardo Larini (Magnano: Edizioni Qiqajon, Communita di Bose, 1994), 128pp.
  • “L’education theologique selon l’Ecriture et les Peres,” in Planete St-Serge: Les feuillets de Saint Serge, 4 (Nov. 1998), 3-11. [Romanian trans. in Renastearea (Archdiocese of Cluj), nos. 10-11 (1994).]
  • “Orient et Occident: Sources et esperances de l’Eglise indivise,” in Philipp Baud and Maxime Egger (edd.), Les richesses de l’Orient chretien (Pully, Switzerland: Le Sel de la Terre, 2000), 171-92.

In German

  • “Diadochus von Photice,” Theologische Realenzyklopadie, 8 (1981), 617-20.
  • “Gottesdienst. Orthodoxe Kirche,” Theologische Realenzyklopadie, 14.1-2 (1985), 46-51.
  • “Gefangnis oder Weg zur Freiheit?” Oikumenische Rundschau, 49.2 (2000), 191-200. [Translation of a University Sermon given in St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, II June 1989.]

In Greek

  • “The Monastic Life as a Sacrament of Love,” Εκκλησια και Θεολογια, 2 (1981), 690-700.
  • “The Exercise of Authority in the Orthodox Church,” Εκκλησια και Θεολογia, 3 (1982), 941-69. [French trans. Irenikon, 54.4 (1981), 451-71; 55.1 (1982), 25-34.]
  • « Η δοξα της Μεταμορφωσης. Θεματα απ΄ τα λειτουργικα κειμενα,» in Μεταμορφωση (Athens: Akritas, 1984), 13-33.
  • “The Monastic Ideal according to St. Christodoulos of Patmos,” in Διεθνες Συμποσιο. Πρακτικα. Ι. Μονη Αγ. Ιωαννου του Θεολογου. 900 Χρονια Ιστορικης Μαρτυριας (1088-1988), Πατμος, 22-24 Σεπτεμβριου 1988, Εταιρεια Βυζαντινων και Μεταβυζαντινων Μελετων. Διπτυχων Παραφυλλα 2, (Athens, 1989), 23-35.
  • «Ενορια και Ευχαριστια. Η ορθοδοξη εμπειρια στον Δυτικο Κοσμο,» Ενορια. Προς μια νεα ανακαλυψη της (Athens: Akritas, 1991), 125-34.
  • «Πορευεσθε μετα χαρας» Το μυστυριο του θανατου και της αναστασεως, in Συναξη, 49 (Jan.-March, 1994), 19-33.
  • «Αθηνα και Ιερουσαλημ: η Κλασσικη Παραδοσι και οι Ελληνες Πατερες,» in Ορθοδοξια Ελληνισμος: Πορεια στην Τριτη Χιλιετια, 2, Ιερα Μονη Κοθτλοθμουσιου, Αγιον Ορος, (1996) , 43-9.
  • «Αληθως Θεος και Αληθως Ανθρωπος,» in Athenagoras Dikaikos et al. (edd.), 2000 Χρονια μετα. Τινα με λεγουσιν οι ανθρωποι ειναι; (Athens: Akritas, 1999), 86-9.

In Italian

  • “Possiamo parlare di spiritualita della Filocalia?” in Olivier Racquez (ed.), Amore del Bello: Studi sulla Filocalia, Atti del “Simposio Internationale sulla Filocalia,” Pontificio Collegio Greco, Roma, novembre 1989 (Magnano: Edizioni Qiqajon, Communita di Bose, 1991), 27-52.


  1. Jump up A late 13th and early 14th century Byzantine theological polymath, the last of the Greek ecclesiastical historians.
  2. Jump up John Behr, Andrew Louth, Dimitri Conomos (eds.). Abba, The Tradition of Orthodoxy in the West: Festschrift for Bishop Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2003. 376 pp. ISBN 0-88141-248-1
  3. Jump up For 35 years, from 1966 to 2001, he was Spalding Lecturer of Eastern Orthodox Studies at the University of Oxford.
  4. Jump up The Inner Kingdom, The Collected Works, vol. 1 (Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2000).

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Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia
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