Monastery of the Holy Cross (Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales)

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Holy Monastery of the Holy Cross
Jurisdiction GOA Aus
Type Female Monastery
Founded 1995
Superior Abbess Philothei
Approx. size 5 nuns
Location Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales, Australia
Liturgical language(s) Greek
Music used Byzantine Chant
Calendar Revised Julian
Feastdays celebrated Jul 28 (Chapel)
Sep 14 (Monastery)
Official website none advertised

The Holy Monastery of the Holy Cross is a monastic community for women under the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia. The monastery is located in Mangrove Mountain, New South Wales (west of Sydney), and was established in 1995 under the omophorion of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia. The current abbess is Mother Philothei; there are currently 4 nuns (including the abbess) and one novice in residence. Currently the abbot of the Monastery of Pantanassa is the spiritual father, and priestly services are done by the priestmonks of the Monastery of Pantanassa.


  • 1995: The Monastery of Pantanassa moves from St Arsenios' House to current site on Mangrove Mountain. In the same year the Monastery of the Holy Cross, a female monastery, under the guidance of Archimandrite Stephanos (Pantanassiotis), is established at St Arsenios' House. Three nuns make up the founding sisterhood and elect an abbess amongst themselves. All three of the founding nuns are Greek-Australians who went to Greece and then came back to Australia to start a new monastery.
  • ~2003: The Monastery of the Holy Cross moves to present location on Mangrove Mountain, approximately 5km from the Monastery of Pantanassa.
  • 2006 Apr 14: Led by the St Nicholas Punchbowl youth group, approximately 40 youth from various Antiochian churches in Sydney make a daytrip to Holy Cross Monastery
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Orthodoxy in Australia: Monasteries
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia
Male: Pantanassa | St George | St John
Female: Gorgoepikoos | Holy Cross
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Male: Holy Transfiguration | Archangel Michael
Proph. Elias | St John the Baptist | Holy Trinity
Female: Our Lady of Kazan | Presentation
Other Jurisdictions
Male: New Kalenic (Serbian) | St Sava (Serbian)
Female: St Anna (Antiochian) | Nativity Skete (Serbian)