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January 11

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Afterfeast of the Theophany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; Martyr Mairus - (see also February 15); Martyrs Peter, Severius and Leucius, at Alexandria; Venerable Theodosius of Antioch, ascetic of Rhosus and Antioch, Wonderworker (412) - (see also February 5 - Greek); Venerable Theodosius the Cenobiarch (Theodosius the Great) (529); Venerable Theodorus; Venerable Archimandrite Agapius of Apamea in Syria; Saint Vitalis of Gaza, of the Monastery of Abba Seridus in Gaza (ca.609-620); Hieromartyr Hyginus, Pope of Rome (142); Saint Leucius of Brindisi, venerated as the first Bishop of Brindisi, where he had come as a missionary from Alexandria (180); Hieromartyr Alexander of Fermo, Bishop, martyred under Decius (ca.250); Saints Ethenia and Fidelmia, Princesses, daughters of King Laoghaire in Ireland, veiled as nuns by St Patrick (433); Martyr Salvius, in North Africa, eulogized by St Augustine; Saint Brandan, Abbot, opponent of Pelagianism (5th c.); Saint Honorata, nun, sister of St. Epiphanius of Pavia (ca.500); Saint Anastasius of Castel Sant'Elia, Abbot (ca.570); Saint Boadin the Irish, hermit in Gaul; Saints Paldo, Taso and Tato, three brothers, Abbots of San Vincenzo on the Voltorno (8th c.); Venerable Theodosius of Mt. Athos, Metropolitan of Trebizond (1392); Venerable Michael of Klopsk Monastery in Novgorod, Fool-for-Christ and Wonderworker (1456); Venerable Job of Manyava, Igumen of Manyava Skete (1621) - (see also June 24); New Martyr Nikephoros of Crete, by hanging, for renouncing Islam and confessing his faith in Christ (1832); Saint Joseph the New of Cappadocia (ca.1860) - (see also: Moveable Feast, on the Sunday After Theophany); New Hieromartyr Nicholas Matsievsky of Perm, Priest (1919); New Hieromartyr Theodore Antipin of Perm, Priest (1919); New Hieromartyr Vladimir Fokin of Krasnoyarsk, Priest (1919); New Hiero-Confessor Vladimir (Khirasko), Archpriest, of Minsk (1932); Other Commemorations: Synaxis of the Myriads of Holy Angels (Synaxis of the Myriangelon); Consecration of the Church of St. Stephen in Placidia Palace, Constantinople; Chernigov-Eletskaya Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1060); Repose of Blessed Nun Eupraxia of Teliakov village, Kostroma (1823).