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Revision as of 03:35, November 27, 2005 by FrJohn (talk | contribs)

This is the OrthodoxWiki:News page, detailing important news about OrthodoxWiki itself. It is strongly recommended that you add it to your watchlist so that you can keep track of whenever it's updated. New updates will always appear at the top of this page. Old news items will be archived, so headings should not be considered permalinks.

To see what the newest articles are, see: Special:Newpages.
For the most recent changes to articles, see: Special:Recentchanges.
For new conversation regarding this project, see: OrthodoxWiki:Community Portal.

November 26, 2005

OrthodoxWiki is launching an ambitious initiative to organize all the images on the site. We will need your help! What we'd like to to is stamp all the images with appropriate image categories. These automatically become photo galleries! Please see OrthodoxWiki:Photo galleries for details. Thanks!

November 23, 2005

OrthodoxWiki finally has an explicit privacy policy in place, prominently linked from the page footer. Your feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

November 21, 2005

The OrthodoxWiki Promotional Store is now open! We're advertising it as "a great place to do your Christmas shopping." We don't expect to make much money on the merchandise offered here for sale, but we wanted to be able to provide another way to promote our work here. (If the profits are large enough, Fr. John might get a free mug out of this.) Please contact Fr. John if you have any comments or suggestions.

We've also announced a revised default copyright policy to the effect that all new edits and submissions will be dual licensed under the GFDL and CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 licenses by default (unless explicitly stated otherwise). We have also rolled out more detailed "click-through" language in order to make it easier to republish the content under the terms of the licenses. If you're willing to reissue your prior edits under this new policy, please add "{{acceptrevised}}" to your user page. This could make things much simpler in the future! Thanks.

November 20, 2005

  • We've had some talk recently about a patron saint. I would like to go ahead and ask St. John of Damascus to fulfill this role for us. As a great apologist and compiler of Orthodox teaching, he offers an inspiring example for OrthodoxWiki. He is recognized as a teacher and revealed as a saint throughout the Orthodox world. Please join me in asking him to be present with us, and to guide and inspire our humble project by his prayers. Fr. John
  • Hotlinking (pulling OrthodoxWiki images directly into another site) has been disabled to forestall abuse, but a few sites have been grandfathered in. Please see OrthodoxWiki:Hotlinks for details. Direct links to OrthodoxWiki images from other websites are now redirected to OrthodoxWiki:Image links.

November 16, 2005

I'm pleased to announce that User:HappyGrevling has won the OrthodoxWiki:Logo Contest with his Image:SealLogo1.gif submission. Thanks to Zander and to all who participated!

November 7, 2005

We're happy to announce some feature enhancements for those users who spend a good deal of time on OrthodoxWiki:

We've also added a list of keyboard shortcuts on the Tools and hacks page and outlined a variety of search possibilities on OrthodoxWiki:Searching.

November 6, 2005

We've recently added a number of MediaWiki extensions to help us deal with persistent spam problems (see OrthodoxWiki:Vandalism#Anti-spam_measures for details). Additionally, OrthodoxWiki now has the ability to pull in and display external RSS/RDF and Atom newsfeeds -- see Category:Newsfeeds for more information and examples.

October 31, 2005

We've recently added a Roadmap of where we think OrthodoxWiki is headed. Your feedback is welcomed on the discussion page. Also, we've issued some guidelines for dealing with automated vandalism and are looking into some other possibilities to protect ourselves more in the future.

October 26. 2005

We successfully completed an upgrade to the new version of the MediaWiki software, albeit with some downtime. Also, the end of the OrthodoxWiki:Logo_Contest was announced -- we won't be accepting new submissions after November 15. New stats will be posted soon on OrthodoxWiki:Statistics.

October 18, 2005

A Bulgarian-lanaguage OrthodoxWiki is now in active development. We hope it will be ready for launch be about Christmastime. For more information, please contact User:Constantine.

September 10, 2005

Attention! The OrthodoxWiki Logo Contest is now open!

September 8, 2005

Recently, I've recently become aware of a number of other related wiki projects which are based on MediaWiki, just like OrthodoxWiki:

I like WikiKto's bright colorful design. Maybe we could take it as an inspiration for the future? With that in mind, does anyone who is keen at graphics want to donate some time to making OrthodoxWiki sparkle? I found some alternative skins are available here, but maybe it'll be sufficient to take some inspiration from the Wikis above. To this effect, I've lifted the nifty Mozilla-specific CSS from WikiKto which rounds the corners of the boxes on the site. If you're viewing with IE, you're missing out!

I've also added InterWiki Links for WikiKto and CopticWiki to make cross references easier.

- Fr. John 12:50, 8 Sep 2005 (EDT)

July 15, 2005

An official IRC channel has been created for the OrthodoxWiki. The channel is a place for live discussion about work on the wiki. Please feel free to use it as an addendum to wiki discussion via article talk pages.

Our channel is registered through freenode and classifies as a primary, on-topic channel because it is used to primarily talk about official work on the wiki. We are further classified as a Web Media channel, as we are an online community reference site. You can find out more about freenode at their frequently asked questions page.

For information about how to use IRC, please see the OrthodoxWiki:Chat.

June 8, 2005

We had a few hours of downtime on the site tonight after phpsuexec was set up on the server. We've had a problem locating the exact cause of the incompatibility in the mediawiki script. Because of security considerations, we won't be taking suexec off, so we will have to figure out how to make things work. In the meantime, we've moved OrthodoxWiki to another server that does not have phpsuexec installed at this point. Once we get things straightened out, we're planning to move it back -- but that part should be invisible to the users. As of now, everything is up and running as before.(You'll just notice that change from "www" to "www2" in the url. This is temporary.) Sorry for the inconvenience! - Fr. John 23:39, 8 Jun 2005 (EDT)

June 1, 2005

Competition! This just in from by way of Fr. Joseph H.:

MOSCOW, June 1 (RIA Novosti) - An electronic version of the Orthodox Christian Encyclopedia will shortly appear on the Internet. A resolution was made on that score as three bodies of the Orthodox Christian Encyclopedia ecclesiastical research center-the Observation Council, the Council of Trustees, and the Public Council-held a joint session in Moscow, May 31, His Beatitude Alexis II the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia chairing.

Information, references and the latest news will make a greater part of materials from the encyclopedia to be offered for free access on the, Internet portal of the Orthodox Christian Encyclopedia ecclesiastical research center.

"The electronic versions will appear as the encyclopedia volumes come out in book form," said the Patriarch.

Offered to the conferees was an electronic version of Volume One, which concerns Russian Orthodox Church history.

Ten volumes of the Orthodox Christian Encyclopedia have come out of print for now. The edition is expected to comprise thirty or so.

May 5, 2005

Christ is Risen! OrthdoxWiki has received permission to use many of the icons and images from They can't give blanket permission though, since some of the images on there are copyrighted to a third party. To obtain permission for a particular image, please send a brief request to both "tocmed at hotmail dot com" and "tocmed at aol dot com". If approved, please include Template:oca on the image's page by including the following text in the "Summary" field or when you edit the image's entry: {{oca}}. Many thanks for their contribution to our website beautification effort!

April 21, 2005

Because of a recent spam attack which was automated, used multiple IPs and cost one of our Sysops more than half an hour of his life, we've restricted editing to registered users. This also means that those of us who have been lazy, editing without logging in, will have to make sure we're cookied.

March 28, 2005

Dr. Carl Rasmussen of Holy Land Photos has granted OrthodoxWiki permission to use images from his website. Here is the response received from Dr. Rasmussen, who answered my email inquiry on March 28, 2005:

Yes, you may use the images as requested up to a maximum of 100 images for your site and with the direct links, etc. that you mention in your email.
I hope this will help you in your very worthwhile project. If 100 images is not enough, please contact me again with further information.

A template has been created for all images that are imported from the site. Be sure to include it when you upload the image by including the following text in the "Summary" field or when you edit the image's entry later: {{hlp}}

Rdr. Andrew

March 26, 2005

OrthodoxWiki was moved without incident to a new server.

March 24, 2005

Be sure to check out the new How to write a great article page for piles of helpful tips and guidelines for making sure that OrthodoxWiki articles continue to be what our reputation is already proclaiming them to be.

Additionally, we welcome all our newly registered editors. Our total count is now over 50!

Rdr. Andrew

March 4, 2005

Holy Transfiguration Monastery of Brookline, Massachusetts, has granted OrthodoxWiki permission to use the icon images from their website. Here is the response received from Fr. Parthenios, who answered my email inquiry:

As long as credit is given as you describe, permission is granted. God help you in your pious endeavours.

A template has been created for all images that are imported from their site. Be sure to include it when you upload the image by including the following text in the "Summary" field or when you edit the image's entry later: {{htm}}

Rdr. Andrew

February 3, 2005

In case you haven't noticed, we have a new design for the Main Page! Besides being prettier and easier to use, it should also make things a bit easier to maintain. The feasts of the day are dynamically loaded (just New Calendar at this point), and there are also multiple modular sections.

Another section that should be updated regularly is the Featured article. If you'd like to suggest a page to be featured, let an admin know, and we'll take a look at the article and perhaps give it a listing on the front page.

Rdr. Andrew

January 13, 2005

The fine folks over at St. Isaac of Syria Skete have given OrthodoxWiki permission to use the icon images from their website. Here is the response received from Stan Kain, their marketing and website manager:

We do not mind if non-commercial websites use "some" of our icon images.
We do always appreciate a credit or mention and/or link to our website.
May God bless your good works!

A template has been created for all images that are imported from their site. Be sure to include it when you upload the image by including the following text in the "Summary" field or when you edit the image's entry later: {{}}

Rdr. Andrew

January 11, 2005

There's now a whole new category and set of articles dedicated to vestments. There's plenty of work there to be done expanding the current articles and adding some new ones. See vestments for links that need filling, and consider tracking down some usable images, as well. Also see the related Category:Liturgics.

A whole new set of possibilities is opened up at Holy Scripture, as well. We'll need articles on every book of the Bible and some fleshing out on the main article itself.

Thanks for all your work so far!

Rdr. Andrew

January 7, 2005

Merry Christmas! Blessed Theophany! Happy New Year!

Work continues apace, and massive expansion is occurring in multiple categories, thanks to our multiple new contributors. In the past few weeks, we've significantly simplified and organized the Main Page, which should make the site a good bit more usable and attractive. Additionally, for examples of some of the more developed articles we've been working on, see: Mount Athos, Lindisfarne, Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, Autocephaly, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Monastery (South Canaan, Pennsylvania) and Iona.

We're also working on the individual days on the Church Calendar, with much more to do! Take a look at the numerous categories on the Main Page (or go to Special:Categories), click around, and see what needs doing. Please also stop by Orthodox Church and Ecumenical Councils to flesh out the content in these central articles, and definitely pop in to Category:Saints, Category:Monasteries, and Category:Jurisdictions to see the growth in those areas.

We're currently still adding to the OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual, but its essential structure and a lot of the basic content structure for OrthodoxWiki are now in place. A lot remains to be done on the meta-side of things, however, especially on the Help section.

Thanks to everyone who's helped out so far, and please be sure to bring your friends.

Your lowly sub-sysop,

Rdr. Andrew