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Baptismal names

Revision as of 02:20, December 31, 2014 by Pistevo (talk | contribs) (Adding in names from the Sunday of the Forefathers.)

A baptismal name is a name given to a newly-baptised Orthodox Christian. For a lengthy time in Orthodox history, Orthodox Christians are given the names of Orthodox saints.

The following is a list of names who, perhaps unexpectedly, have Orthodox saints attached to them.

(Note: this is not designed to be a list of matchups between names with no real connection. For example, Hannah can be matched with St Anna, because it's the same name; but Peter and Panayiotis have no direct relation)


  • Aaliyah (f) - see Alia
  • Aaron (m) - (Sunday of the Forefathers)
  • Abigail, Abby (f) - St w:Gobnait (February 11)
  • Adam (m) - (Sunday of the Forefathers)
  • Addison (f) - see Madison
  • Adelaide (f) - St Adelaide of Rome, St Adelaide of Burgundy
  • Adele (f) - St Adela (Abbess of Pfalzel)
  • Adrian (m) - St Adrian
  • Alan, Allan, Allen (m) - St Alan of Lavaur, St Elian of Cornwall
  • Alexa (f) - see Alexis or Alexandra
  • Alexis (m/f) - St Alexis Man of God, Tsarevich Alexei
  • Alia (f) - St Elizabeth
  • Alice, Alicia, Alisha (f) - St Alexandra
  • Alison, Allison (f) - St Alexandra
  • Alyssa, Alissa (f) - not yet completed
  • Amelia (f) - St Emily of Caesarea (mother of St Basil the Great)
  • Angus (m) - St Angus of Keld
  • Annabelle (f) - St Amabilis of Riome, St Amabilis of Rouen
  • Aria (f) - St Aria of Rome
  • Arianna, Ariana (f) - St Ariadne of Phrygia (September 18)
  • Arnold (m) - St Arnold (in Germany - July 8)
  • Ashley (f) - not yet completed
  • Ava (f) - St Ava (Abbess in Belgium - April 29)
  • Avery (f) - not yet completed
  • Aubrey, Aubree (f) - not yet completed
  • Audrey (f) - St Audrey (or Etheldred) of Ely (June 23)
  • Austin (m) - St Augustine of Canterbury, St Augustine of Hippo
  • Autumn (f) - not yet completed
  • Ayden (m) - St Aidan of Lindisfarne


  • Belinda (f) - St Berlinda (Anchoress at Meerbeke - February 3)
  • Bella (f) - St Elizabeth
  • Bess (f) - St Elizabeth
  • Beth (f) - St Elizabeth
  • Betty (f) - St Elizabeth
  • Bentley (m) - St Panteleimon
  • Blake (m) - St Maurice (December 27)
  • Brandon (m) - St Brendon the Navigator
  • Braydon (m) - St Bradon (venerated on the Isle of Man - October 20)
  • Brian, Bryan (m) - St Birinus of Dorchester
  • Brianna (f) - St Birinus of Dorchester
  • Brody, Brodie (m) - not yet completed
  • Brooklyn (f) - St Raphael of Brooklyn (February 27)
  • Bryce (m) - St Brice/Brictius of Tours


  • Caleb (m) - not yet completed
  • Caitlyn, Caitlin (f) - St Katherine of Alexandria
  • Cameron (m) - not yet completed
  • Camden (m) - not yet completed
  • Camilla, Camila (f) - not yet completed
  • Carl (m) - see Charles
  • Carla (f) - not yet completed
  • Caroline (f) - not yet completed
  • Carson (m) - not yet completed
  • Carter (m) - not yet completed
  • Charles (m) - not yet completed
  • Charlotte (f) - not yet completed
  • Chase (m) - not yet completed
  • Chloe (f) - not yet completed
  • Claire, Clare (f) - St Photini the Samaritan Woman
  • Colin, Collin (m) - St Nicholas
  • Colton (m) - not yet completed
  • Connor (m) - not yet completed
  • Cooper (m) - not yet completed



  • Easton (m) - not yet completed
  • Edward (m) - St Edward the Passion-Bearer of England
  • Eli (m) - Prophet Elijah
  • Ella, Ellie (f) - St Elizabeth
  • Elsa, Elsie (f) - St Elizabeth
  • Eileen (f) - St Helen
  • Elaine (f) - St Helen
  • Eleanor (f) - St Helen
  • Elvis (m) - St Ailbe of Emly
  • Emily (f) - St Emily of Caesarea (mother of St Basil the Great)
  • Emma (f) - not yet completed
  • Eric (m) - St Erc of Slane
  • Ethan (m) - not yet completed
  • Eva (f) - not yet completed
  • Evan (m) - St John
  • Evelyn (f) - not yet completed


  • Faith (f) - St Faith (daughter of St Sophia)


  • Gail (f) - see Abigail
  • Gavin (m) - not yet completed
  • Genesis (f) - not yet completed
  • Geoffrey, Geoff (m) - St Geoffrey, Abbot of Wearmouth
  • Gerald, Gerry (m) - St Gerald, Bishop of Mayo
  • Gianna (f) - St John
  • Gilbert (m) - St Agilbert of Jouarre
  • Grace (f) - not yet completed
  • Grayson (m) - not yet completed
  • Gwen, Gwendoline (f) - St Gwen Teirborn of Britain


  • Hailey, Haylee (f) - not yet completed
  • Hannah (f) - St Anna, mother of the Theotokos
  • Harper (f) - not yet completed
  • Haydon (m) - St Aidan of Lindisfarne
  • Henry (m) - not yet completed
  • Hope (f) - St Hope (daughter of St Sophia)
  • Hudson (m) - not yet completed
  • Hunter (m) - not yet completed


  • Ian (m) - St John
  • Isabel, Isabella (f) - St Elizabeth




  • Landon (m) - not yet completed
  • Larry (m) - St Laurence of Canterbury
  • Laura (f) - St Laura of Cordoba (martyred in Spain by the Moors)
  • Lauren (f) - not yet completed
  • Layla (f) - not yet completed
  • Leah, Lia (f) - St Leah, wife of Jacob
  • Lee (m) - not yet completed
  • Liam (m) - see William
  • Lillian, Lily (f) - not yet completed
  • Lincoln (m) - not yet completed
  • London (f) - not yet completed
  • Lorna (f) - not yet completed
  • Louis, Luis (m) - not yet completed
  • Lucy (f) - St Lucy of Syracuse (December 13)
  • Lydia (f) - St Lydia of Phillipi


  • Mabel (f) - St Amabilis of Riome, St Amabilis of Rouen
  • Mackenzie (f) - St Kenneth of Cornwall
  • Madelyn, Madeleine, Madeline (f) - St Mary Magdalene
  • Madison (f) - not yet completed
  • Malcolm (m) - St Columba of Iona
  • Marcia (f) - St Marcia (martyred under Diocletian - July 2)
  • Martin (m) - St Martin of Tours
  • Martina, Martine (f) - St Martin of Tours
  • Maya (f) - St Magos (2nd century)
  • Megan (f) - St Margaret
  • Melanie (f) - St Melangell (Abbess in Wales)
  • Mia (f) - see Amelia or Maria
  • Mikayla (f) - Archangel Michael
  • Mila (f) - St Milica of Serbia
  • Milly (f) - St Emily of Caesarea (mother of St Basil the Great), St Mildred of Minster-in-Thanet
  • Morgan (f) - not yet completed



  • Oliver (m) - St Oliver of Ancona (February 3)
  • Olivia (f) - St Oliva of Brescia (martyred under Hadrian - March 5); Olivia of Palermo (June 10)
  • Oscar (m) - St Ansgar
  • Owen (m) - St Eugene of Trebizond


  • Paisley (f) - not yet completed
  • Parker (m) - not yet completed
  • Penelope (f) - St Penelope the Virgin Martyr (1 Sep)
  • Peyton, Payton (f) - not yet completed
  • Piper (f) - not yet completed


  • Rachel (f) - St Rachel (wife of Jacob - Sunday of the Forefathers)
  • Rebecca (f) - St Rebecca (wife of Isaac - Sunday of the Forefathers)
  • Riley (f) - not yet completed
  • Robert (m) - St Rupert of Salzburg (March 27)
  • Roderick (m) - St Rodericus (one of the 48 Martyrs of Cordoba - March 13)
  • Roger (m) - St Roger (one of the 48 Martyrs of Cordoba - September 16)
  • Ronald (m) - St Reinold (Martyr at Pantaleon Monastery in Germany - January 7)
  • Rowan (m) - St Ruadhán of Lorrha (April 15)
  • Rowena (f) - St Ruadhán of Lorrha (April 15)
  • Ruby (f) - not yet completed
  • Ruth (f) - (Sunday of the Forefathers)
  • Ryan (m) - not yet completed



  • Taylor (f) - not yet completed
  • Tiffany (f) - The Theophany of our Lord (January 6)
  • Tristan (m) - not yet completed
  • Tyler (m) - not yet completed



  • Walter (m) - St Vladimir
  • Warren (m) - not yet completed
  • William (m) - St William of Gellone
  • Winnie (f) - St Winifred of Wales
  • Wyatt (m) - see William


  • Xavier (m) - not yet completed


See also
