Vladimir (Guettée)
Father Vladimir Guettée (born Réné-Francois Guettée, December 1, 1816 - March 10, 1892), was a renowned French historian and Roman Catholic priest who became convinced that the Orthodox Church was the true Church. In the 1860s, he converted to Orthodoxy and took the name Father Vladimir.
[hide]Early Life
Born in the town of Blois, on the Loire River in central France, René-Francois, as he was called, received an upbringing typical for a boy from a wealthy and respected family of that time. From his first lessons with the local curé, he went on to seminary and completed the graduate program. Even then he sensed the error of the scholastic approach, although it was still some time before he was sufficiently equipped to be able to repudiate it.
Ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1839, he was first an assistant pastor in a small country town, and later had his own flock elsewhere, where he organized a school for children. His scholarship, his work in the libraries, and his love for reading and textual analysis drew the attention of the local bishop. It was at this time that the 32-year old Guettée came out with his 12-volume History of the Church in France (1847-1856).
Soon thereafter Guettée moved to Paris, where he found himself under attack by the cardinal of that city and the ultramontanist Jesuits, who vehemently objected to the strongly Gallican spirit of his History.
Disaffection with Roman Catholicism
With the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Holy Virgin in 1854, which likewise troubled many other clergy and laity, Guettée began publication of The Catholic Review, a journal in which he tried to refute this error. As he himself later recalled, the issue forced him to reexamine the grounds for the Roman Catholic teaching regarding the papacy.
- "Here I began to look at the papacy first-hand. ... And I saw it for what it really was. ... I re-read the words of the most erudite defenders of the papacy, and I became convinced that it is based neither on Holy Scripture nor on the Tradition of the Church Universal."
Guettée's examination of the papacy opened his eyes to a whole system of errors, which, under his scrutiny, "collapsed like the walls of Jericho at Joshua's trumpets."
Increasingly disaffected by Roman Catholicism, Guettée would no doubt have wandered about in limbo for some time were it not for a providential encounter with Fr. Joseph Vassiliev, who served the chapel in the Russian embassy on rue Grenelle, and who assisted Guettée in his move towards Orthodoxy. Fr. Guettée renamed his journal The Christian Union. Initially published under the editorial guidance of Fr. Joseph, the journal attracted a number of collaborators, including the Russian slavophile, Alexei Khomiakov. It held aloft the banner of Orthodoxy, deflecting the attacks and slanders of its adversaries, and exposing the propaganda spread by Russians who had fallen prey to the Jesuits. In its pages Vladimir Soloviev was soundly rebuffed for his Uniate pretentions. The journal likewise proved valuable in acquainting Roman Catholic theologians with the teachings of the Orthodox faith.
Conversion to Orthodoxy
If Fr. Guettée had any lingering doubts concerning Orthodoxy, they were dispelled by Bishop Leonty of Petersburg, who came to Paris for the consecration of the Russian church. By this time no half-way solution such as Jansenism or Old Catholicism could satisfy Fr. Guettée. He saw that outside of Orthodoxy, everything else simply wandered around or near the truth, but only Orthodoxy possessed it.
"From my conversations with His Grace," wrote Fr. Guettée, "it became clear that although formally I was not Orthodox, I was nevertheless a genuinely Orthodox writer....And I fervently desired to become Orthodox in deed, i.e., to belong to the Russian Church." An exception was made and, by order of the Holy Synod, Guettée was received into the Orthodox Church in his clerical rank (under the present circumstances such economy would clearly be inadmissible). "I became Orthodox," said Fr. Guettée, "without having read a single book about Orthodoxy, simply having studied the Fathers of the Church, the decrees of the first ecumenical councils, and the incontestable facts of the history of the Church."
In answer to those who scornfully referred to Orthodoxy as a "schism," Fr. Vladimir titled the first part of his theologico-historical work, The Schismatic Papacy (1863). It was followed by a second volume, The Heretical Papacy (1874). Instead of any scholarly refutations or arguments, Fr. Guettée was showered with abuse, anonymous letters, threats. Still, among the more perceptive and honest of the Roman Catholic theologians were those who understood the essence of these works. An eminent German theologian responded, "This is one of those works which is absolutely irrefutable!"
Trip to Russia
Fr. Vladimir became Orthodox from within, from study and reflection. Apart from the services in the Russian Church in Paris, he was still not acquainted with the external aspects of Orthodoxy. Then he went to Russia, where he found himself immersed in a thoroughly Orthodox milieu.
- "Everything in the conduct of the services was majestic, solemn, superb-without being in the least theatrical! Such a contrast to what we have become accustomed in the West. This is what struck me first. In their profound simplicity of services, which transport the spirit back to the Church of the first centuries, the bishop, priest, deacon, and devout people comprise a single entity, offering praise to God and entreating His mercy."
At the recommendation of the professors of the Moscow Academy, Fr. Vladimir was awarded the rank of Doctor of Theology, and he was given a diploma written up by Metropolitan Philaret himself. He also had the honor of being received by Tsar Alexander II.
His enthusiasm and love for Russian Orthodoxy did not mean, however, that in order to be Orthodox one necessarily had to become Russian, Greek, Serbian... And this point of view, held by Fr. Guettée, was wholly shared by his Russian friends and supporters.
Returning to France he commenced work on his monumental History of the Church. The work was designed to show:
- what seems evident enough-that the Orthodox Church is the heir of the Early Church. And a faithful heir, having neither added to nor changed the doctrines of the faith. For this reason this is the true Apostolic Church of Christ."
Emigration to Luxembourg
In order to work in peace, Fr. Guettée was compelled to emigrate from his native France. He moved to Luxembourg, and there managed to produce seven of the ten proposed volumes of his History.
His missionary accomplishments also include translation into French of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, with explanatory notes, and publication of An Explanation of the Doctrine of the Orthodox Church: Differences with other Christian Churches.
His autobiographical book, Memoirs of a Roman Catholic Priest Who Became Orthodox (Paris 1889), was soon translated into Russian and, in view of Roman Catholic proselytizing efforts today, deserves to be reprinted.
Guettée died March 10/23, 1892, at the age of 76. His remains were brought back to Paris for the funeral and were buried in the Batignole cemetery.
On the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, 1992, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of his repose, clergy of the Russian Church Abroad served a memorial service at his grave.
List of Works
Periodicals Edited
- L' Observateur Catholique (The Catholic Review)
- L' Union Chretienne (The Christian Union)
Books in English Translation
- Abbé Guettée (D.D.). The Papacy: Its Historic Origin and Primitve Relations with the Eastern Churches. Transl. from the French, with an introduction by Arthur Cleveland Coxe (Bp. of Western NY). New York; London: S Low, Son & Co.. 1867. 383 pp. (Also online here)
Books in French
- Histoire de l'Eglise de France, composée sur les documents originaux et authentiques, par l'abbé Guettée. Paris, V. Masson ( J. Renouard, etc. ), 1847-1856. 12 volumes in-8°.
- Histoire de l'Eglise, depuis la naissance de N. - S. Jésus-Christ jusqu'à nos jours, composée sur les documents originaux et authentiques, par Wladimir Guettée, 7 volumes, parus Paris, Cherbuliez, Sandoz et Fischbacher (1869). In-8°.
- La Papauté schismatique, ou Rome dans ses rapports avec l'Eglise orientale (Orthodoxe), par M. l'abbé Guettée. Paris, librairie de l'Union chrétienne, 1863. In-8°, XV - 398 p.
- La Papauté hérétique, exposé des hérésies, erreurs et innovations de l'Eglise romaine depuis la séparation de l'Eglise catholique au IXème siècle, par Wladimir Guettée. Paris, Sandoz et Fischbacher, 1874. In-8°, XII - 376 p.
- La Papauté moderne condamnée par Saint Grégoire-le-Grand, extraits des ouvrages de Saint Grégoire-le-Grand traduits et commentés par l'abbé Guettée. Paris, Dentu, 1861. In-8°, 61 p.
- Histoire des Jésuites, composée sur les documents authentiques en partie inédits, par l'abbé Guettée. Paris, Huet, 1858 - 1859. 3 vol. In-8°. 2ème édition - Paris, A. Sagnier, 1872.
- Jansénisme et jésuitisme ou Examen des accusations de jansénisme soulevées par M. Lequeux… contre M. l'abbé Guettée…, Paris, Huet, 1857, 118 p.
- Souvenirs d'un prêtre romain devenu orthodoxe, Paris, Fischbacher, 1889
- Vie de Henri Arnauld, évêque d'Angers par Jérome Besoigne…; nouvelle édition, accompagnée d'une introduction par M. l'abbé Guettée, Angers, J. Lemesle, 1863
- Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de l’Eglise de France pendant le XIXe siècle, Paris, Fischbacher, 1881, 481 p.
Further Reading
- Jean-Paul Besse, (Préface De l'Archimandrite Serge (Yazadjiev) de l'Eglise Patriarcale Bulgare). Un précurseur : Wladimir Guettée (1816-1892), du Gallicanisme à l'Orthodoxie. Lavardac, Monastère Orthodoxe Saint-Michel, 1992. (In French)
See also
- Timeline of Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic relations
- Patriarchal Exarchate for Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe
- Pierre Leclerc
External Links
- Wladimir Guettée at the French Wikipedia.
- Gallicanism
- Jansenism
- Ultramontanism (A religious philosophy within the Catholic Church that places strong emphasis on the prerogatives and powers of the Pope)
- Category:Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy from Catholicism
- A Roman Catholic Abbe Who Became an Orthodox Priest. Orthodox America.
- (From an article in Pravoslavnaya Rus', No. 9, 1992, compiled from materials in the Diocesan Messenger of the Western-European Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad)
- Wladimir Guettée at the French Wikipedia.
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