Second Century (101-200) the sub-Apostolic Age
More commonly referred to as the "sub-Apostolic age", begins and ends with the second century.
- 105 Plutarch, Bp. of Byzantium (Constantinople)
- 106 c, Thekla the Protomartyr, September 24.
- 107 Eudokia of Heliopolis, beheaded March 1; c, Symeon the Zealot (Luke 6:15 and Acts 1:13), 2nd Bp. of Jerusalem, at the age of 120 is crucified [1], location disputed April 27; c, Ignatius, 3rd Bp. of Antioch, martyred in Rome (or c, 115) december 20.
108-124 (3rd) Persection of Christians under Emperor Trajan and continuing under Emperor Hadrian.
- 112 c.-116 Zacchaeus, 4th Bp. of Jerusalem August 23.
- 114 Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher born at Sychem.
- 120 c.Martyrdom of Eleutherios, Bp. of Illyria, and his mother Anthia, December 15.
- 121 c. Lydia the Martyr, with her husband Philetus and sons Macedonius and Theoprepius, March 23.
- 130 c. Death of Apostle Quadratus, of the Seventy September 21; Papias, Bp. of Heriopolis and apostolic father.
- 135 Romans build temple of Aphrodite over the site of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
- 138 Telephorus, Bp. of Rome, the only 2nd-century pope who's martyrdom is historically verifiable.
- 150 "Shepherd of Hermas" written.
- 155 Polycarp, Bp. of Smyrna, martyred by being burned to death in the arena in Smyrna.citation needed; First Apology by Justin the Philosopher.
- 160 Marcian, heretic, dies.
- 161 Second Apology by Justin the Philosopher.
- 165 Valentium, Gnostic heretic, dies; Justin Martyr and disciples denounced as Christian, scourged and beheaded for refusing to sacrifice; Peregrinus Proteus becomes Christian and leader of a synagogue, then takes up the life of a Cynic. He ends his life by burning himself on a pyre at the Olympiad of 165 in Athens.; Leucius the Confessor, 1st Bishop of Brindisi ordained.
- 166 The Holy Martyrs Justin the Philosopher, Chariton, Euelpistos, Ierax, Peonus, Valerian, Justus and the Martyress Charita, beheaded June 1.
- 167 Abercius of Hieropolis, wonderworker and Equal to the Apostles November 4
- 170 c, Hieromartyr Constantius, Bp. of Perugia, January 29.
- 180 Leucius the Confessor, 1st Bp. of Brindisi, June 20.
177-180 (4th) Persecutions of Christians under Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161-180)
- 177 Pothinus, Bp. of Lyons, Blandina, Ponticus at others martyr in Lyons dying in the "odor of sanctity".
- 178
- "Against Heresies" written by Irenaeus of Lyons.
- 180
- Protomartyr Dyfan of Merthyr of the British Isles, May 14;
- The twelve Scillitan Martyrs [2] executed in Scillium of North Africa the earliest documented martyrdom of the Church of Africa, July 17; Marcus Aurelius dies of plague.
- Paraskevi the Parthenomartyr, July 26;
- 189 Demetrius, Bp. of Alexandria.
- 190 Melito, Bp. of Sardis dies.
- 193 Dionysius of Vienne, 6th Bp. of Vienne, France, d. May 8.
- 200 c.-202 Irenaeus of Lyons dies, possibly martyrdom.
- Jump up ↑ The crucifixion of Symeon possibly includes Jewish involvement: From Eusebius' Church History 3.32.4: "And the same writer says that his accusers also, when search was made for the descendants of David, were arrested as belonging to that family." Sidenote 879: "This is a peculiar statement. Members of the house of David would hardly have ventured to accuse Symeon on the ground that he belonged to that house. The statement is, however, quite indefinite. We are not told what happened to these accusers, nor indeed that they really were of David’s line, although the ὡσ€ν with which Eusebius introduces the charge does not imply any doubt in his own mind, as Lightfoot quite rightly remarks. It is possible that some who were of the line of David may have accused Symeon, not of being a member of that family, but only of being a Christian, and that the report of the occurrence may have become afterward confused."
- Jump up ↑ The account of Scillitan Martyrs is based on trial records, though it has been embellished with miraculous and apocryphal material.