List of Patriarchs of Jerusalem

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The following is a list of primates of Jerusalem.

  1. James the Just (to 62)
  2. Simeon I (62-107)
  3. Justus I (107-112)
  4. Zacchaeus (112-116)
  5. Tobias (?)
  6. Benjamin I (?-117)
  7. John I (117-119)
  8. Matthew I (119-120)
  9. Philip (?-124)
  10. Senecas (?)
  11. Justus II (?)
  12. Levi (?)
  13. Ephraim I (?)
  14. Joseph I (?)
  15. Judas (?-134)
  16. Mark (134-156)
  17. Cassianos (?)
  18. Pouplios (?)
  19. Maximos I (?)
  20. Julian I (?)
  21. Gaius I (?)
  22. Gaius II (?)
  23. Symmachos (?)
  24. Julian II or Valens (?)
  25. Capion (?)
  26. Maximos II (?)
  27. Antonios (?)
  28. Valens (?)
  29. Dolichianos (?--185)
  30. Narcissus (185-212)
  31. Dios (?)
  32. Germanion (?)
  33. Gordios (?)
  34. Alexander (213-251)
  35. Mozabanus (251-266)
  36. Hymeneus (266-298)
  37. Zambdas (298-300)
  38. Hermon (300-314)
  39. Macarius I (314-334)
  40. Maximus III (334-348)
  41. Cyril I (350-386)
  42. John II (386-417)
  43. Praylius (417-422)
  44. Juvenal (422-458)
  45. Anastasius I (458-478)
  46. Martyrius (478-486)
  47. Sallust (486-493)
  48. Elias I (494-516)
  49. John III (516-524)
  50. Peter (524-544)
  51. Macarius II (544-552)
  52. Eustochius (552-564)
    Macarius II (564-575) second time
  53. John IV (575-594)
  54. Amos (594-601)
  55. Isaac (601-609)
  56. Zacharias (609-632)
  57. Modestus (632-634)
  58. Sophronius I (634-638)
    See vacant (638-?)
  59. Anastasius II (?-706)
  60. John V (706-735)
  61. John VI (735-760)
  62. Theodore (760-782)
  63. Elias II (782-797)
  64. George (797-807)
  65. Thomas I (807-821)
  66. Basil (821-842)
  67. Sergius I (842-844)
    See vacant (844-855)
  68. Solomon (855-860)
    See vacant (860-862)
  69. Theodosius (864-879)
  70. Elias III (879-907)
  71. Sergios II (908-911)
  72. Leontius I (911-929)
  73. Athanasios I (929-937)
  74. Nicholas (937)
  75. Christodoulus I (937-950)
  76. Agathon (950-964)
  77. John VII (964-966)
  78. Christodulus II (966-969)
  79. Thomas II (969-978)
    See vacant (978-981)
  80. Joseph II (981-985)
  81. Orestes (986-1006)
    See vacant (1006-1012)
  82. Theophilus I (1012-1020)
  83. Nicephorus I (1020-1048)
  84. Ioannikios (1048-?)
  85. Sophronios II (?-1059)
  86. Efthimios I (?-1084)
  87. Simeon II (1084-1106)
  88. Savvas (1106-?)
  89. John VIII (1106-1156)
  90. Nicholas (?-1156)
  91. John IX (1156-1166)
  92. Nikiphoros II (1166-1170)
  93. Leontius II (1170-1190)
  94. Dositheos I (1191)
  95. Mark II (1191-?)
    See vacant (?-1223)
  96. Euthemios II (1223)
  97. Athanasios II (1224-1236)
  98. Sophronios III (1236-?)
  99. Gregory I (?-1298)
  100. Thaddeus (1298)
    See vacant (1298-1313)
  101. Athanasius III (1313-1334)
  102. Gregory II (1332)
  103. Lazarus (1334-1368)
  104. Arsenios (1344)
    See vacant (1368-1376)
  105. Dorotheos I (1376-1417)
  106. Theophilos II (1417-1424)
  107. Theophanes I (1424-1431)
  108. Joachim (1431-1450)
  109. Theophanes II (1450-1452)
  110. Athanasios IV (1452-1460)
  111. Jacob II (1460)
    See vacant (1460-1468)
  112. Abraham I (1468)
  113. Gregory III (1468-1493)
    See vacant (1493-1503)
  114. Mark III (1503)
    See vacant (1503-1505)
  115. Dorotheus II (1506-1537)
  116. Germanus (1537-1579)
  117. Sophronius IV (1579-1608)
  118. Theophanes III (1608-1644)
  119. Paisios (1645-1660)
  120. Nectarius (1660-1669)
  121. Dositheus II Notarius (1669-1707
  122. Chrysanthus (1707-1731)
  123. Meletius (1731-1737)
  124. Parthenius (1737-1766)
  125. Ephraim II (1766-1771)
  126. Sophronios V (1771-1775)
  127. Abraham II (1775-1787)
  128. Procopius I (1787-1788)
  129. Anthimus (1788-1808)
  130. Polycarp I(1808-1827)
  131. Athanasius V (1827-1845)
  132. Cyril II (1845-1872)
  133. Procopius II (1872-1875)
  134. Hierotheus (1875-1882)
  135. Nicodemus (1882-1890)
  136. Gerasimus (1891-1897)
  137. Damianus (1897-1931)
  138. Timotheos (1935-1955)
    See vacant (1955-1957)
  139. Benedict (1957-1980)
  140. Diodoros (1981-2000)
  141. Irenaios (2001-2005)
  142. Theofilos III (2005-present)

See also


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