Apostle Epaphroditus

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The holy, glorious, all-laudable Apostle Epaphroditus is numbered among the Seventy Apostles, and was bishop of the Thracian city of Adriaca.

St. Epaphroditus was one of the Apostle Paul's closest assistants and companions. St. Paul sent him to the Christians of Philippi, and he is mentioned in an epistle: I thought it necessary to send you Epaphroditus, my brother and coworker and fellow soldier, your messenger and minister to my needs... he was sick and near to death; but God had mercy on him, and not only him but also on me, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow... Receive him in the Lord with all joy; and honor such men, for he almost died for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete your lack of service to me (Phil 2:25-30).

The Church remembers St. Epaphroditus on March 30 with Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Caesar, and Cephas and on December 8 with the same apostles and Onesiphorus.

Apostles of the 70 were chosen and sent by the Lord Jesus Christ himself to preach. They were chosen some time after the selection of the Twelve Apostles (Luke 10:1-24). All seventy are commemorated by the Church on January 4.

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