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Holy Myrrh-bearer Mary, the wife of Cleopas, aunt of Jesus (1st c.); Saint Manaen (Manahen), prophet and teacher of the Church of Antioch (Acts 13:1) (1st c.); Martyr Seleucus (Selefkos), by sawing; Saint Michael the Confessor, Bishop of Synnada in Phrygia Salutaris (826); Hieromartyr Michael "the black-robed", monk of St. Sabbas Monastery (9th century); Hieromartyrs Epitacius, first Bishop of Tui in Galicia (Spain), and Basileus, second Bishop of Braga in Portugal ca.60-95 (1st c.); Saint Euphebius, Bishop of Naples in Italy; Martyr Salonas the Roman, by the sword; Martyrs Donatianus and Rogatianus of Nantes, brothers (ca.284-305) (see also May 24); Saint Merculialis of Forli (Mercurialis), Bishop of Forlì, zealous opponent of paganism and Arianism (406); Saint Desiderius of Langres, Bishop of Langres in Gaul (407); Martyrs Quintianus, Lucius and Julianus, with 19 other Christians in North Africa during the persecution of the Arian Vandals (430); Saint Patricius (Patrice), Bishop of Bayeux in Normandy 464-469 AD (469); Saints Eutychius and Florentius, two monks who governed a monastery in Valcastoria near Nursia, Italy (540); Saint Goban (Gobhnena), Abbot of the monastery of Old Leighlin, from where he went to Tascaffin in Co. Limerick, Ireland (6th/7th c.); Hieromartyr Desiderius, Bishop of Vienne (608); Saint Syagrius (Siacre) of Nice, a monk at Lérins Abbey, who later founded the monastery of St Pons, at Cimiez, after which he became Bishop of Nice 777-787 (787) Saint Guibertus, a hermit on his own estate of Gembloux in Brabant, Belgium, who retired to the monastery of Gorze in France (962); Saint Damian (Damianos in monasticm), (King Demetrius of Georgia) (1125-1156), Hymnographer (1156); Saint Euphrosyne of Polatsk, princess and Abbess of Polotsk (1173); Saint Simon, Bishop of Suzdal (ca.12th c.); Saint Abramios of Yaroslavl, monk and abbot of the Savior Monastery in Yaroslavl (1219); Saint Ioannicius I of Peć, Metropolitan of Peć and Archbishop of Serbia 1272-1276 A.D. (1279); Saint Anthony, Bishop of Rostov (1336); Saint Cyril, Bishop of Rostov (1384); Saint Paisius of Galich, Abbot (1460); Saints Adrian and Bogolep of Uglich, monks of St. Paisius of Uglich Monastery (late 15th c.) (see also August 22 for Monk Bogolep); Saints Anthony and Joannicius of Zaonikiev Monastery (Vologda) (16th c.); Saint Dorotheus of Pskov Lavra, monk and hermit (1622), and Monk Hilarion of the Dormition of the Theotokos monastery near Podolsk (17th-18th c.); Saint Alexander, Bishop and Wonderworker of Pereyaslav (17th c.); Saint Joachim, monk of St. Nicholas monastery of Sartoma (17th c.); Synaxis of All Saints of Rostov and Yaroslavl (established on March 10, 1964): Rostov Wonderworkers, Yaroslav Wonderworkers, Pereslavl Wonderworkers, Uglich Wonderworkers, Poshekhonsk Wonderworkers; Other Commemorations: Icon of the Theotokos 'Thou Art the True Vine' ; Uncovering of the relics (1164) of St. Leontius, Bishop and Wonderworker of Rostov (1073); Saint Athanasius of Novolotsk, fool-for-Christ (16th/17th c.); Hieromartyr Daniel with 30 monks and 200 laymen of Uglich, during the Polish–Muscovite War (1608) (see May 14); Repose of Hieromonk Damascene of Valaam (1825); Repose of Hieroschemamonk Meletius of Svir, disciple of Elder Theodore of Svir (1877); Repose of Nun Euphrosyne, disciple of St. Barsanuphius of Optina (1934); Restitution of the holy relics of Saint Joachim of Ithaca (1868) (see March 2).