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The following is a list of saints from Bulgaria (Списък на Българските светии):
List of Bulgarian [[saint]]s:
*Acacius of Mount Athos - [[May 1]]
==Bulgarian [[saint]]s==
*New-Martyr Anastasius of Bulgaria - [[August 29]]
*Acacius of Mount Athos (Акакий Сярски, преподобномъченик) - [[May 1]]
*Hieromonk Anthymus, the Athonite Fool-for-Christ - [[December 9]]
*[[New Martyrs|New-Martyr]] Anastasius of Bulgaria (Анастасий (Спас) Струмишки, мъченик) - [[August 29]]
*Astion, monk, in Scythia - [[July 7]]
*[[Hieromonk]] Anthymus, the Athonite Fool-for-Christ (Антим) - [[December 9]]
*Saint Boris-Michael, Equal-to-the-Apostles, prince and baptizer of Bulgaria - [[May 2]]
*Astion, [[monk]], in Scythia (Астион, преподобномъченик) - [[July 7]]
*Prince Boyan, Martyrs of Bulgaria - [[March 28]]
*[[Boris I of Bulgaria|Boris-Michael]], Equal-to-the-Apostles, prince and baptizer of Bulgaria (Борис-Михаил, свети) - [[May 2]]
*Martyr Bessarion, Bishop of Smolyan - [[July 29]]
*Prince Boyan, [[Martyr]]s of Bulgaria (Боян, княз Български) - [[March 28]]
*Saint Gabriel, founder of Lesnov Monastery in Bulgaria - [[January 15]]
*[[Martyr]] Bessarion, [[Bishop]] of Smolyan (Висарион смоленски, свещеномъченик) - [[July 29]]
*Great-Martyr George the New at Sofia, Bulgaria - [[May 26]]
*[[Gabriel of Lesnovo|Gabriel]], founder of Lesnov Monastery in Bulgaria (Гаврил Лесновски, преподобни) - [[January 15]]
*Martyr George of Sofia - [[March 26]]
*Great-martyr George the New at Sofia, Bulgaria (Георги Най-нови, мъченик) - [[May 26]]
*New-Martyr George of Sofia - [[February 11]]
*Martyr [[George the Serbian|George of Sofia]] (Георги Софийски (Стари), мъченик) - [[March 26]]
*New-Martyr Damaskinos of Gabrovo, Bulgaria - [[January 16]]
*New-Martyr George of Sofia (Георги Софийски Нови, мъченик) - [[February 11]]
*26 martyrs of Zographou Monastery on Mount Athos - [[October 10]]
*New-Martyr Damaskinos of Gabrovo, Bulgaria (Дамаскин Габровски, свещеномъченик) - [[January 16]]
*Saint Demetrius of Basarbovo - [[October 27]]
*26 martyrs of Zographou Monastery on Mount Athos (Двадесет и шест Зографски мъченици, свети) - [[October 10]]
*New-Martyr Demetrius of Sliven, Bulgaria - [[January 30]]
*Demetrius of Basarbovo (Димитрий Бесарбовски, свети) - [[October 27]]
*Saints Dionysius the Hagiorite - [[June 25]]
*New-Martyr Demetrius of Sliven, Bulgaria (Димитър Сливенски, свети) - [[January 30]]
*Dionysios the monk of Prodromou Skete on Athos - [[November 1]]
*Dionysius the Hagiorite (Дионисий Атонски, преподобни) - [[June 25]]
*Venerable Euthymius the Great - [[January 20]]
*Dionysios the monk of Prodromou Skete on Athos (Дионисий, преподобномъченик) - [[November 1]]
*Martyrs Epictetus, presbyter - [[July 7]]
*Saint Euthymius, Patriarch of Tаrnovo and Bulgaria (Евтимий, патриарх Търновски) - [[January 20]]
*Saint Ephraim the Bulgarian, Patriarch of Serbia - [[June 15]]
*Martyr Epictetus, [[presbyter]] (Епиктет, преподобномъченик) - [[July 7]]
*New-Martyr Chryse (Zlata) of Meglena, Bulgaria - [[October 13]]
*Ephraim the Bulgarian, Patriarch of Serbia (Ефрем, патриарх Белградски, българин) - [[June 15]]
*Martyr Zosimas the Soldier at Antioch in Pisidia - [[June 19]]
*New-Martyr Chryse (Zlata) of Meglena, Bulgaria (Злата Мъгленска, великомъченица) - [[October 13]]
*Saint John, Abbot of Rila in Bulgaria - [[October 19]]
*Martyr [[Zosimus the Soldier|Zosimas the Soldier]] at Antioch in Pisidia (Зосима Созополски, свети) - [[June 19]]
*Saint Joachim I, Patriarch of Tarnovo and Bulgaria - [[January 18]]
*[[John of Rila|John]], Abbot of Rila in Bulgaria (Иван Рилски, чудотворец) - [[October 19]]
*Saint Joachim, monk of Osogov - [[August 16]]
*Joachim I, Patriarch of Tarnovo and Bulgaria (Иоаким I, патриарх Търновски) - [[January 18]]
*New-martyr John the Bulgarian - [[March 5]]
*Joachim, monk of Osogov (Иоаким Осоговски, преподобни) - [[August 16]]
*Saint John-Vladimir, Prince of Bulgaria, ruler of Serbia, Great-martyr and Miracle-worker - [[May 22]]
*New-martyr John the Bulgarian (Иоан Български, мъченик) - [[March 5]]
*Saint John Koukouzelis the Hymnographer of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos - [[October 1]]
*John-Vladimir, Prince of Bulgaria, ruler of Serbia, Great-martyr and Miracle-worker (Иоан Владимир, княз) - [[May 22]]
*New-Martyr John of Tarnovo - [[July 16]]
*John Koukouzelis the Hymnographer of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos (Иоан Кукузел, преподобни) - [[October 1]]
*New-Martyr John of Tarnovo (Иоан Търновски, мъченик) - [[July 16]]
*Saint Cyprian of Serbia (Киприан, свети) - [[September 16]]
*Martyr Kyriaki of [[Nicomedia]] (Кириакия-Неделя, великомъченица) - [[July 7]]
*Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril, Enlightener of the Slavs (Кирил, свети) - [[May 11]]
*Saint [[Clement of Ochrid]], Enlightener of the Bulgarians (Климент, архиепископ Охридски) - [[November 25]]
*Saint Cosmas the Bulgarian of Zographou Monastery (Козма Зографски, преподобни) - [[September 22]]
*New-Martyr Lazarus of Bulgaria who suffered at Pergamus (Лазар Български, мъченик) - [[April 23]]
*Martyr Luke the New of Mytilene (St. Anne Skete) on Mount Athos (Лука Одрински, преподобномъченик) - [[March 23]]
*Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles [[Methodius of Moravia|Methodius]], Enlightener of the Slavs (Методий, архиепископ Моравски) - [[May 11]]
*Saint [[Cyril and Methodius|Methodius]], Equal-to-the-Apostles, Archbishop of Moravia, and Enlightener of the Slavs (Методий, Учител и Просветител славянобългарски) - [[April 6]]
*Righteous Michael the soldier of Bulgaria(Михаил Воин, праведни) - [[November 22]]
*Saint Michael, first Metropolitan of Kiev (Михаил, свети) - [[September 30]]
*Saint [[Naum of Preslav|Nahum]] of Ochrid, Enlightener of the Bulgarians, disciple of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Wonder-worker (Наум Охридски, чудотворец) - [[December 23]]
*Saint Nectarios the Bulgarian of Bitol (Bulgaria) and his elder Saint Philotheos the Righteous, of Karyes Skete on Mount Athos (Нектарий Битолски, преподобни) - [[December 5]]
*Nicetas the Hieromartyr, struggler of Serrai (Никита Сярски, свещеномъченик) - [[April 4]]
*Saint [[Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain|Nicodemus the Righteous]] of [[Mount Athos]] (Никодим Албански, преподобномъченик) - [[July 14]]
*Great-martyr Nicholas of Sofia (Николай Софийски, великомъченик) - [[May 17]]
*New-Martyr Onuphrius Manassias of Chilandar Monastery on Mount Athos (Онуфрий Габровски, преподобномъченик) - [[January 4]]
*Venerable Paisius of Hilandar, Bulgaria (Паисий Хилендарски, преподонни) - [[June 19]]
*Saint [[Paraskeve the New|Paraskeve of Serbia]] (Параскева-Петка Епиватска) - [[October 14]]
*Martyrs at Tiberiopolis: Bishops Timothy and Theodore, Priests Peter, John, Sergius, Theodore and Nicephorus, Deacons Basil and Thomas, Monks Hierotheus, Daniel, Chariton, Socrates, Comasius and Eusebius, and Etymasius (Петнадесет Тивериополски свещеномъченици) - [[November 28]]
*Saint Peter, king of Bulgaria (Петър Български, свети) - [[January 30]]
*Venerable Pimen the Bulgarian of the Zographou Monastery on Mount Athos (Пимен Зографски, преподобни) - [[November 3]]
*New-Martyr Procopius of Varna (Прокопий Варненски, преподономъченик) - [[June 25]]
*Saint Prochorus, abbot in Vranski desert on the river Pshina in Bulgaria (Прохор Пшински, преподобни) - [[January 15]]
*New-Martyr Raiko (John) of Bulgaria (Райко-Иоан Български, мъченик) - [[May 14]]
*Saint Romanus of Tarnovo (Роман Търновски) - [[February 17]]
*Saint Romilus the Hesychast of Ravenica, monk of Mount Athos, disciple of St. Gregory of Sinai, and with him Saints Nestor, Martinius, Daniel, Sisoes, Zosimas, and Gregory (Ромил Бдински (Видински), преподобни) - [[January 16]]
*New-Martyr Simeon of Samokov (Симеон Самоковски, свещеномъченик) - [[August 21]]
*Saint Sophronius, monk of Bulgaria (Софроний Български (Софийски), преподобни) - [[May 28]]
*Saint Sophronius of Vratsa (Софроний, епископ Врачански) - [[March 11]]
*Saint Theodosius of Tarnovo (Теодосий Търновски, преподобни) - [[November 27]]
*Saint Theophilus the Confessor of Bulgaria (Теофил, преподобни) - [[October 10]]
*Hieromartyr Therapont, Bishop of Sardis (Терапонт, свещеномъченик) - [[May 27]]
*New-Martyrs Triandaphyllus (Triantaphillos) of Zagoras (or of Thessaly) and Anastasios of Thessaloniki (or of Thessaly) (Триандафил Старозагорски, мъченик) - [[August 8]]
*Saint [[Philothea of Arges|Philoftheia (Philothea) of Thrace]], the Protectress of Romania (Филотея Търновска, преподобна) - [[December 7]]
*Venerable-martyr James of Mount Athos and his disciples James the deacon and Dionysios the monk of Prodromou Skete on Athos (Яков Кустурски, преподобномъченик) - [[November 1]]
*Venerable-martyr James of Mount Athos and his disciples James the deacon and Dionysios the monk of Prodromou Skete on Athos (Яков, преподобномъченик) - [[November 1]]
==Sources and External links==
"Жития на Българските светии", първо издание, Славянобългарски манастир "Св. Вмчк Георги Зограф", Света Гора, Атон, 2002 г.
[ Bulgarian Orthodox Calendar (in Bulgarian language)]
[[Category:Bulgarian Saints|*]]
[[Category:Bulgarian Saints|*]]
[[Category:Saints|Bulgarian Saints]]
(to be cont.)
[[ro:Lista sfinţilor bulgari]]

Latest revision as of 20:35, January 31, 2013

The following is a list of saints from Bulgaria (Списък на Българските светии):

Bulgarian saints

  • Acacius of Mount Athos (Акакий Сярски, преподобномъченик) - May 1
  • New-Martyr Anastasius of Bulgaria (Анастасий (Спас) Струмишки, мъченик) - August 29
  • Hieromonk Anthymus, the Athonite Fool-for-Christ (Антим) - December 9
  • Astion, monk, in Scythia (Астион, преподобномъченик) - July 7
  • Boris-Michael, Equal-to-the-Apostles, prince and baptizer of Bulgaria (Борис-Михаил, свети) - May 2
  • Prince Boyan, Martyrs of Bulgaria (Боян, княз Български) - March 28
  • Martyr Bessarion, Bishop of Smolyan (Висарион смоленски, свещеномъченик) - July 29
  • Gabriel, founder of Lesnov Monastery in Bulgaria (Гаврил Лесновски, преподобни) - January 15
  • Great-martyr George the New at Sofia, Bulgaria (Георги Най-нови, мъченик) - May 26
  • Martyr George of Sofia (Георги Софийски (Стари), мъченик) - March 26
  • New-Martyr George of Sofia (Георги Софийски Нови, мъченик) - February 11
  • New-Martyr Damaskinos of Gabrovo, Bulgaria (Дамаскин Габровски, свещеномъченик) - January 16
  • 26 martyrs of Zographou Monastery on Mount Athos (Двадесет и шест Зографски мъченици, свети) - October 10
  • Demetrius of Basarbovo (Димитрий Бесарбовски, свети) - October 27
  • New-Martyr Demetrius of Sliven, Bulgaria (Димитър Сливенски, свети) - January 30
  • Dionysius the Hagiorite (Дионисий Атонски, преподобни) - June 25
  • Dionysios the monk of Prodromou Skete on Athos (Дионисий, преподобномъченик) - November 1
  • Saint Euthymius, Patriarch of Tаrnovo and Bulgaria (Евтимий, патриарх Търновски) - January 20
  • Martyr Epictetus, presbyter (Епиктет, преподобномъченик) - July 7
  • Ephraim the Bulgarian, Patriarch of Serbia (Ефрем, патриарх Белградски, българин) - June 15
  • New-Martyr Chryse (Zlata) of Meglena, Bulgaria (Злата Мъгленска, великомъченица) - October 13
  • Martyr Zosimas the Soldier at Antioch in Pisidia (Зосима Созополски, свети) - June 19
  • John, Abbot of Rila in Bulgaria (Иван Рилски, чудотворец) - October 19
  • Joachim I, Patriarch of Tarnovo and Bulgaria (Иоаким I, патриарх Търновски) - January 18
  • Joachim, monk of Osogov (Иоаким Осоговски, преподобни) - August 16
  • New-martyr John the Bulgarian (Иоан Български, мъченик) - March 5
  • John-Vladimir, Prince of Bulgaria, ruler of Serbia, Great-martyr and Miracle-worker (Иоан Владимир, княз) - May 22
  • John Koukouzelis the Hymnographer of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos (Иоан Кукузел, преподобни) - October 1
  • New-Martyr John of Tarnovo (Иоан Търновски, мъченик) - July 16
  • Saint Cyprian of Serbia (Киприан, свети) - September 16
  • Martyr Kyriaki of Nicomedia (Кириакия-Неделя, великомъченица) - July 7
  • Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril, Enlightener of the Slavs (Кирил, свети) - May 11
  • Saint Clement of Ochrid, Enlightener of the Bulgarians (Климент, архиепископ Охридски) - November 25
  • Saint Cosmas the Bulgarian of Zographou Monastery (Козма Зографски, преподобни) - September 22
  • New-Martyr Lazarus of Bulgaria who suffered at Pergamus (Лазар Български, мъченик) - April 23
  • Martyr Luke the New of Mytilene (St. Anne Skete) on Mount Athos (Лука Одрински, преподобномъченик) - March 23
  • Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius, Enlightener of the Slavs (Методий, архиепископ Моравски) - May 11
  • Saint Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Archbishop of Moravia, and Enlightener of the Slavs (Методий, Учител и Просветител славянобългарски) - April 6
  • Righteous Michael the soldier of Bulgaria(Михаил Воин, праведни) - November 22
  • Saint Michael, first Metropolitan of Kiev (Михаил, свети) - September 30
  • Saint Nahum of Ochrid, Enlightener of the Bulgarians, disciple of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Wonder-worker (Наум Охридски, чудотворец) - December 23
  • Saint Nectarios the Bulgarian of Bitol (Bulgaria) and his elder Saint Philotheos the Righteous, of Karyes Skete on Mount Athos (Нектарий Битолски, преподобни) - December 5
  • Nicetas the Hieromartyr, struggler of Serrai (Никита Сярски, свещеномъченик) - April 4
  • Saint Nicodemus the Righteous of Mount Athos (Никодим Албански, преподобномъченик) - July 14
  • Great-martyr Nicholas of Sofia (Николай Софийски, великомъченик) - May 17
  • New-Martyr Onuphrius Manassias of Chilandar Monastery on Mount Athos (Онуфрий Габровски, преподобномъченик) - January 4
  • Venerable Paisius of Hilandar, Bulgaria (Паисий Хилендарски, преподонни) - June 19
  • Saint Paraskeve of Serbia (Параскева-Петка Епиватска) - October 14
  • Martyrs at Tiberiopolis: Bishops Timothy and Theodore, Priests Peter, John, Sergius, Theodore and Nicephorus, Deacons Basil and Thomas, Monks Hierotheus, Daniel, Chariton, Socrates, Comasius and Eusebius, and Etymasius (Петнадесет Тивериополски свещеномъченици) - November 28
  • Saint Peter, king of Bulgaria (Петър Български, свети) - January 30
  • Venerable Pimen the Bulgarian of the Zographou Monastery on Mount Athos (Пимен Зографски, преподобни) - November 3
  • New-Martyr Procopius of Varna (Прокопий Варненски, преподономъченик) - June 25
  • Saint Prochorus, abbot in Vranski desert on the river Pshina in Bulgaria (Прохор Пшински, преподобни) - January 15
  • New-Martyr Raiko (John) of Bulgaria (Райко-Иоан Български, мъченик) - May 14
  • Saint Romanus of Tarnovo (Роман Търновски) - February 17
  • Saint Romilus the Hesychast of Ravenica, monk of Mount Athos, disciple of St. Gregory of Sinai, and with him Saints Nestor, Martinius, Daniel, Sisoes, Zosimas, and Gregory (Ромил Бдински (Видински), преподобни) - January 16
  • New-Martyr Simeon of Samokov (Симеон Самоковски, свещеномъченик) - August 21
  • Saint Sophronius, monk of Bulgaria (Софроний Български (Софийски), преподобни) - May 28
  • Saint Sophronius of Vratsa (Софроний, епископ Врачански) - March 11
  • Saint Theodosius of Tarnovo (Теодосий Търновски, преподобни) - November 27
  • Saint Theophilus the Confessor of Bulgaria (Теофил, преподобни) - October 10
  • Hieromartyr Therapont, Bishop of Sardis (Терапонт, свещеномъченик) - May 27
  • New-Martyrs Triandaphyllus (Triantaphillos) of Zagoras (or of Thessaly) and Anastasios of Thessaloniki (or of Thessaly) (Триандафил Старозагорски, мъченик) - August 8
  • Saint Philoftheia (Philothea) of Thrace, the Protectress of Romania (Филотея Търновска, преподобна) - December 7
  • Venerable-martyr James of Mount Athos and his disciples James the deacon and Dionysios the monk of Prodromou Skete on Athos (Яков Кустурски, преподобномъченик) - November 1
  • Venerable-martyr James of Mount Athos and his disciples James the deacon and Dionysios the monk of Prodromou Skete on Athos (Яков, преподобномъченик) - November 1

Sources and External links

"Жития на Българските светии", първо издание, Славянобългарски манастир "Св. Вмчк Георги Зограф", Света Гора, Атон, 2002 г.

Bulgarian Orthodox Calendar (in Bulgarian language)