Luke (Chrysoberges) of Constantinople

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Luke Chrysoberges of Constantinople (Greek: Λουκάς Χρυσοβέργης) was Patriarch of Constantinople between 1156 and 1169. During his patriarchate Patr. Luke Chrysoberges was confronted with a number of theological issues concerning the relation between the Son and the Father in the Holy Trinity. Through regularly held councils, Patr. Luke Chrysoberges developed a discipline among the clergy and established policies restricting clergy and monks from participating in secular courts. He also regularized issues on marriage and divorce, and handling monastery property.

Early in his patriarchate, he convened the 1157 local Council of Constantinople, the Synod of Blachernae, that considered and condemned the errors of Soterichus Pantengenus, patriarch-elect of Antioch, and others, who asserted that the Sacrifice upon the Cross was offered to the Father and to the Holy Spirit alone, and not to the Word, the Son of God. [1]

Later, Patr. Luke Chrysoberges convened a local Council in 1166 that condemned as heretical the position of Demetrius, who was from Lampi in Phrygia, on the relation between the Son and the Father in the HolyTrinity. The issue developed from the teaching by Dimitirus of the significance of the phrase in the Gospel of St John: "for my Father is greater than I" (KJV) refers only to Christ's human nature and explaining the statement in various ways, one of which was that the statement refers to the fact that Christ's human nature retained its properties in the hypostatic union. [2]

As the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord developed later than that of Pascha, regularization of the celebration lagged also. In 1166, Patr. Luke Chrysoberges established a uniform period of forty days for the Nativity fast, beginning on November 15.

The popularity of the icon known as Our Lady of Vladimir began when Patr. Luke Chrysoberges sent the new icon to the Grand Prince Yury Dolgoruky of Kiev in 1131. His son Andrei took the icon to Vladimir where it was housed in the Assumption Cathedral and became legendary.[3]


  1. Jump up [1] Sinodo dei Blachernae, locali Sinodo di Costantinopoli, 1157 AD Automatic English translation
  2. Jump up [2] Consiglio di Costantinopoli e locali del Consiglio, 1166 AD Automatic English translation
  3. Jump up [3] Theotocos Vladimirskaya
Succession box:
Luke (Chrysoberges) of Constantinople
Preceded by:
Constantine IV Chliarenus
Patriarch of Constantinople
Succeeded by:
Michael III of Anchialus
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