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The holy, glorious and right-victorious hieromartyrs Paisius (Пајсије) and Habakkuk (Авакум) were monks at the Tavna Monastery near Čačak in Serbia. Paisius was an igumen, and Habakkuk a hierodeacon. Habakkuk arrived from Moštanica Monastery which was near Banja Luka.

As Christians, both were impaled on stakes by the Turks on the Kalemegdan in Belgrade on December 17, 1814. Paisius carried his stake through the streets of Belgrade while the courageous Abacuk sang. When Habakkuk's mother begged him with tears to embrace Islam in order to save his life, this wonderful soldier of Christ replied to her:

"My mother, thank you for your milk,
But for your counsel I thank you not:
There is no faith as beautiful as a Christian one
A Serb is Christ's; he rejoices in death.
Today for the Name of Christ."

Even Turks were impressed by his attitude. Turkish governor ordered torturers to kill Habakkuk painlessly. Тheir feast day is December 17.