User talk:ASDamick

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Fr. Andrew is currently reserving the right to make his wiki-contributions extremely sporadic.

"Church" v. "church"

I understand "the Church" v. "a church" when it comes to a parish. However, I thought that one could also have "a Church" meaning an entity such as the Church of Russia. Currently, that article (Jursidiction section) mentions: "This includes these self-governing Churches:" Is this wrong? (I would appreciate it if you would add some clarification to the Style Manual on this so I can refer back to it.) Thank you. —magda (talk) 15:05, June 2, 2008 (UTC)

Vandalism 10June08

Figured just after I did it... :/ ...Wonder if there's a way to have a setting where all of an editors edits can just be mass-reverted? — by Pιsτévο talk complaints at 11:56, June 10, 2008 (UTC)

  • Thank you very much, Fr. Andrew. It's just my duty.--Θεόδωρος 12:02, June 10, 2008 (UTC)

I've noticed you are able to delete particular edits from the revision history. I think Pope Saint Dioscorus I of Alexandria (Coptic POV) still needs help (or just to be transferred to OrthodoxSource and deleted here), but I'd like to know how to delete selected edits, and what the "undo" button does ... without harming an actual article. —magda (talk) 19:47, June 11, 2008 (UTC)

Thank you. I hadn't even noticed the (show/hide) link until you pointed it out. —magda (talk) 22:15, June 11, 2008 (UTC)
Hmm. Poking it doesn't seem to work in this case. I can rollback to the previous edit, or I can undo, but each option seems to deal with single edits, when I want to go back several edits. I have tried several times to copy and paste from an older edit, but I think that there may be too much data. I feel uncomfortable transferring this article to OrthodoxSource, because I don't know whether we have the right to use most of the material from this article (most of it seems to be from this article). In any case, if you can get the article restored (I give up), I think it needs a significant amount of cleanup. —magda (talk) 22:52, June 11, 2008 (UTC)

Help on Code

Hi, I have looked through the various Help Files but there doesnt seem to be one that teaches you (or define) how to use the parameters (and what these are) for code. I have been working on putting a {{ }} together but I want to collapse my table. Do you know of a reference I cna read to educate myself on this code? and what will work on OrthodoxWiki? Vasiliki 02:58, June 12, 2008 (UTC)

Do you know if the are supposed to work on OrthodoxWiki? They work on Wikipedia -- Vasiliki

Recruitment of "expert"

Hi, I wanted to ask you to help me ... I am hoping that at this point in time, the number of people who go to OrthodoxSource is limited to ...two, three at the max ...because it will get crazy before a nice sensible 'framework' is put in place ... anyway, can you pop over to Orthodox Source for a moment ... and take a look at what I have started to do and please dont freak out ... I am pretty computer savvy .. the only problem is I am having difficulty with the #if code ... which is messing up the format for this template Development of Template for "Author" definitions" which is a key template to get this site up and running. Keep it quiet that I am working on that site because otherwise too many people will start sticky beaking into it and modifying things without the framework finishing ... -- Vasiliki

So, who should I recruit??? See, my development so far ... I want someone to work with! Any ideas? Vasiliki

take a look ....

Existing structure

Thanks on the revert on my addition to the "graduates". I like to follow the existing structure a best I can. A few times I've noted what appears to be more than one path, usually over using similar titles for articles and categories that I think adds confusion in navigating. At this time I can't remember my "examples!" Multiple paths may be necessary sometime, but my intent is to work within the present structure and keep the structure simple to follow. Wsk 14:09, June 18, 2008 (UTC)


PSCA = "Provisional Supreme Church Authority [of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad]", aka the "Agathangelites" -- the latest schismatic jurisdiction to emerge in Ukraine. I'll get a brief article about them up. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Aleks (talkcontribs) .


1. I am not trying to live in "bubble" world where only I can edit and only I can do as I please ... so, please dont go inferring that I should "bugger off" and start my own wiki if that is what I want ...

2. I am not upset because you deleted the DVD articles, or Category links (because I make OW mistakes) I never said that so please dont infer that. I am/was upset with the overall revert you made to the OrthodoxSource Main Page. That was a significant (rv) and I just would have liked the opportunity to have been treated like an equal in that case - drop me a conversational note giving me a warning that you intend to do it. That was what upset me, 'the fact you didnt think I was worth discussing it in the first place

3. I tend to get defensive with you because from Day One you have been pretty abrupt with me on just about every occassion ... so that pattern has made me feel like you dont think I am worth discussing with in the first place - even if you do talk to me ... it has been talking "down" on occassions, little comments in the past "highlighting" my weaknesses have made me feel inferior ... and have made me feel that everyone has a superior grasp of "English", I dont ... so ... I do note, that you are so willing to be "patient" with me; Wow, how awesome that you can exhibit patience with me? how good does that make me feel?

It doesnt matter. The point is, I dont seem to do it right in here. So, goodbye from today. I wont contribute to OW anymore if you all think that my contributions lack 'quality", what is the point of wasting my time and yours? - Vasiliki 04:52, June 19, 2008 (UTC)

See my response on your talk page. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 05:00, June 19, 2008 (UTC)

My Apology and request for Help

I want to apologise for coming across (in written text) as such a cry baby ... I guarantee you I get frustrated that I can not explain myself simply and quickly and appropriately and I know you are a cool priest but I do get upset on big ticket items because all i want is the opportunity to discuss ... In any case, accept my apologies for going all huffy yesterday. I still stand by the fact I will not contribute to OW any longer since I feel that I am a nuisance rather than a help. However, in OS I really do want to contribute to developing the framework/skeleton (ie. Set up all the codes and the worksheets) that can then be "filled" with the revelant Bibliographical lists by others (or even me). To do that, I really need someone to talk with over in the OS wiki. At the moment, I want to discuss a framework for Liturgical Texts (BEFORE) I go ahead and set up the entire code/framework .... Can you help me? DESIGN of Liturgical Text Portal - Vasiliki 00:35, June 20, 2008 (UTC)

Estonian "Issue"



Regarding your comments about the Estonian Church. You write: "The reason for the difference in naming is that the EP's Estonian church is not regarded by the EP as a constituent part—rather, the EP regards the Estonian church as autonomous, having the same status as Finland, Sinai, etc. The MP, however, regards its Estonian church as being essentially an integral part of the MP, in contrast with the Church of Ukraine, which it regards as autonomous. Thus, the distinction."

Please explain to me, what the difference in status is between the Ukrainian and Estonian Churches (MP). It seems to me that both have the same status within the MP. The Primate of the Ukrainian Church is confirmed by the Moscow Patriarch; so is the Primate of the Estonian Church (MP). Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Church serve in the Council and Synod of the Russian Church; so do hierarchs of the Estonian Church (MP). In fact, the Metropolitan of Kiev is an ex officio permanent member of the Holy Synod in Moscow. The Ukrainian Church receives its chrism from the Moscow Patriarch; so does the Estonian Church (MP). The name of the Patriarch of Moscow is elevated at services in the Ukrainian Church and in the Estonian Church before the names of the Metropolitans of Kiev and Tallinn, respectively.

Thus, I see no difference between their status as "integral parts of the MP" or not. I do not know what the status of the Estonian Church (EP) is within the EP. However, it seems to me that, for matters of OrthodoxWiki:

1. If the Ukrainian Church is listed as an autonomous church with unrecognized autonomy in the box of autonomous / autocephalous churches, so too should be the Estonian Church (MP), alongside the Estonian Church (EP). This is already happening on the French version of the project.

2. There should be two articles. One called "Church of Estonia (EP)" and one called "Church of Estonia (MP)". The article "Church of Estonia" ought to be a disambiguation page. Doing otherwise may be construed as taking sides in a canonical debate.

Yours in Christ, --Aleks 15:56, June 23, 2008 (UTC)

Done --Adeosja 16:46, August 15, 2009 (UTC)

New Article - Georgii Shavelsky

Hi, when you have the time, could you please create his Biography - Georgii Shavelsky - to compliment the osource Memoir you create? I have cut and paste a really bad "Google" translation of a biography I found from the 'source', see below. ... I do not read or understand Russian so there is no way I can edit the google translation for accuracy of information bc I can not cross check it with the authentic material in the Russian language. I created a OrthodoxSource article to link the Memoir you created, please visit osource:Author:Georgii Shavelsky to link the OW article and also modify the osource article. - Vasiliki 01:22, June 26, 2008 (UTC)

Life, identity and fate of his father George Shavelski represents an unusually coherent whole. Since their memories of. George starts only in 1911, when he received the appointment as military and maritime Protopresvitera clergy, Publisher them. Chekhov is experiencing living need to give readers a better understanding of the life of this exceptional man and a prominent cleric.

George O. Shavelsky was born on January 6, 1871 in the village Dubokray Vitebsk province, in the family dyachka that heavy peasant labour extractive piece of bread for his large family. Primary education has received in the future Protopresbyter Duhovnom College and then graduated from the first course Theological Seminary. Ahead holds the promise of higher education in the Theological Academy. But on. George has chosen to dedicate themselves to serving ordinary people, and in 1891 was appointed psalomshchika very poor parish of Vitebsk province. Here at the same time, and he became a teacher in rural schools. Four years later, he took the San priesthood and was appointed rector in his native village of another province. Two years later, his wife died, leaving him two-year-old girl. However, Father Georgy not fallen spirit, wholeheartedly commend pastoral work. Soon, on the recommendation of the bishop of Vitebsk, about. George was sent to St. Petersburg for the admission of Spiritual Academy. He brilliantly stood the entrance examination and immediately allocate as the best student of the Academy. [6]

As far back as when his student, about. George was appointed preacher at the Alexandrovsky Engineering Plant and decent in the name of Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich in Strelna. As a student 3 - course, he became rector Suvorovskoy church.

When broke out Russian-Japanese war, about. George volunteered to go to the front and received the appointment in the army regimental first priest, then divisional decent, mostly at the end of the priest Manchu armies. For his outstanding leadership and exceptional prowess (the risk to the life he visited the front line, where once suffered severe concussion), about. George was elevated to the rank of archpriest of St. and awarded honors. And St. George. Vladimir with swords.

In March 1906 on. George returned to his pastoral ministry in Suvorovskoy Church in St. Petersburg. In addition to pastoral service, Fr. Georgy very early borrowed teaching activity. Since 1906 - till 1910 - the year he was zakonouchitelem in Smolny Institute, a professor of theology in 1910 Historical Studies Institute. In the same in 1910 about. George became a member of the military spiritual Protopresbyter. The next in 1911, about. George was appointed Protopresbyter military and maritime clergy Russian Empire.

Events shook Russia's first revolution of 1904-5. heightened public interest Church circles to religious education officers and soldiers. O. George was the initiator of special institutions for officers theological readings. His lectures always been a huge success. At the initiative on. George, such readings have been organized in Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov and Kazan garrisons.

Even before the start 1 - World War II, in the first period [7] his protopresviterstva (1911-1914's.) About. George has totally restructured and greatly raise the military and especially maritime clergy, it attracted a number of prominent clerics. It should be noted, and emphasize his ability and the ability to select a talented assistants and keep firmly in their hands, those, different abilities were not always at a height in nature. From the clergy subordinate to him, he demanded that everyone worked fully its forces and capabilities, but will certainly worked; negligent and stroptivyh he pursued and expelled. His kipuchey energy and skill to come to any good and useful case and bring it to the end, as well as their availability, responsiveness and willingness to come to the aid of everyone in need, he earned the love, respect and trust him in a subordinate of about 5,000 people (during the war) clergy, which in 1917 at its All-Russian congress elected him his life Protopresbyter.

By the end of July 1914. George has prepared a draft name to the highest total reorganization of management and maritime military clergy. To carry out his he was not given. Gryanula war. George O. received the appointment in Stavku High-Chief. Further story of his life and work on. George tells himself to the attention of readers memoir. After the end of civil war. George moved to Bulgaria. Here he first became an ordinary priest. Outstanding ability and talent on the bright predicant. George was soon rated as the Bulgarian church authorities and local universities. George O. was brought to the pedagogical work first as a teacher Sophia University, then as a professor of Theological [8], Faculty of Sofia University, while he was zakonouchitelem and director of Russian grammar school.

George O. and was destined to survive the Second World War. He died rather quietly ugas 2 - October 1951. Despite the fact that the death of Fr. George could not inform all his friends, relatives and acquaintances, the news of the death of Fr. George razneslas with lightning speed, not only for Sofia, but also for the province. The funeral on. George attracted a huge number of people simply wanted to ashes beloved pastor and mentor.

Outstanding organizational skills, teaching skills, independence of judgement, faithful to their convictions, combined in on. Georgia with remarkable humility in his personal life and habits. This modesty especially stay invisible when compared with the breadth of its aid near and far. These qualities about. George Shavelskogo served as a source of legends, which is still in his lifetime became folded around his behalf.

The Reason You Make the Big Bucks

Fr. Andrew, as I noted on the main moderator page, the Liturgy of St. Tikhon article needs moderation -- more than you provided. I'm offended at being equated with my attacker, and had you bothered to read the bulk of the post, you'd note I more than presented a thorough case for why my edits improved the article. IMO, the word "almost" should be struck from the record, but the last time this same poster started three simultaneous edit-wars with me (Feb. 12-14), you threatened to ban us both if we ever did it again. (There I am getting blamed for responding again.) So, to avoid being banned by you, I'm asking you to do the moderator's job, read the background material about how the AWRV has implemented all these in actual fact (which you probably know already), and (if you're convinced) strike the word "almost" from the article (or if not, let us know why not). You're a moderator, and I'm tired of being blamed for responding -- so have at it. :) --Willibrord 03:32, June 28, 2008 (UTC)

Thanks. I know how busy you must be with PLC coming up, but I appreciate your looking things over.--Willibrord 22:56, June 28, 2008 (UTC)

Deacon Ben got in trouble for "responding"? He deleted an entire article of mine. (I put it back :) ) BTW, Father Andrew, THANK YOU for being objective and noting that a page titled "Western Rite and Old Calendarists" was about the Western Rite and Old Calendarists. I would love to review what "Willibrord" was "confirming"-- forgive my presumption but the man has an agenda. I wish I had the exact quote of Patriarch Elias of Antioch the first time he saw the "St Tikhon" liturgy: to paraphrase, he expressed surprised at an Orthodox liturgy that never once mentioned the Theotokos. --JosephSuaiden 21:14, July 18, 2008 (UTC)

Something the North Got Right

"I'm a Southerner by birth and at heart, though I do wish there were more proper bakeries south of the Mason-Dixon Line. That's possibly one of the major things Yankees have gotten right."

They didn't do too bad at emancipation or crop-burning, either.--Willibrord 03:36, June 28, 2008 (UTC)

Wikipedia: article or version permalink

I am curious as to why you changed the Wikipedia link back to the general article (for the Leo VI article). Since the Wikipedia page was listed as a source, my understanding is that OrthodoxWiki prefers the version permalink (cf. OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual (Importing)); for external links (not sources), I can understand using the interwiki for the general Wikipedia article, but this one is a source. —magda (talk) 16:22, July 1, 2008 (UTC)

Non-standard characters

I remember (so I hope this happened) discussing on the wiki the policy of using standard Latin characters for article names. However, I cannot find any mention of this policy or any discussion about it. I checked the move log, and the only moves for "standard characters" are mine. Do you remember anything about this, or do you have thoughts on writing this up as a policy? (I think it's a good idea to have non-standard characters within the article, and as a redirect to the article.) —magda (talk) 22:06, July 1, 2008 (UTC)

"African Orthodox Chruch"

Hi Fr Andrew :) I wanted to ask you about a topic I just came across.... In the Time of Church History article, the entry for 1924 refers to: "..Bp. Daniel William Alexander convenes meeting in Kimberley, South Africa, which decides to secede from the African Church (a Protestant denomination) and affiliate with the "African Orthodox Church" in New York under George McGuire;"

Anyways, I accidentally came across a webpage that discusses the history of the "African Orthodox Church", stating "The A.O.C. was founded by George Alexander McGuire in 1921."

After reading this short summary, I am still not sure who this group is,..obsvioulsy non-canonical with mainstream Orthodoxy?? So, should we have an article on this group in the OW, for clarification purposes? Or at least an article on George Alexander McGuire? What do you think? Cheers, Chris. Angellight 888 18:32, July 4, 2008 (UTC)

A request for Orthodox Christian participants in a project

Dear Admin AsDamick,

Since I believe in the unity of saints in regards to Christendom as a whole and because I have read excellent works written by Orthodox Christians, I was hoping to get the Orthodox Christian community involved in a project.

The project I currently have going is the refutation of atheism on the internet. As part of this effort, I created what is likely the seventh most popular article on atheism on the internet in the English speaking world and the article can be found here: The article is currently ranked #7 at Google USA for the search "atheism". I can use this article to help other articles rank high on the search engines for various articles on atheism by featuring those articles in the aforementioned article.

I currently work in the search engine optimization field which is simplified is helping clients rank high for Google for various topics and searches. I am willing to teach you some excellent principles in regards to this field so your material would likely have prominence on the internet. The principles are easy to learn and it would be my pleasure to teach my fellow Christians involved in a anti-atheism campaign some fundamental principles in regards to getting their material to rank high for the search engines and do it on a volunteer basis.

Since Orthodox Christianity suffered greatly under atheistic communism, I would like to have the Orthodox Community be a part of the anti-atheism campaign. Also, there are many Orthodox Christians. Perhaps you could provide me useful feedback in relation to the above anti-atheism article. Also, perhaps you could help me gain the contributions of Orthodox Christians to the anti-atheism campaign.

I decided to start this campaign partly due to the the New Atheism that has reared its head as of late.

Please let me know if you or others are interested in any of the above. You can contact me at my user talk page. Manchuria 14:49, July 13, 2008 (UTC)

OSource Main Page

Hi, could you please replace current Main Page code with revised code that I have temporarily placed at: osource:Sandbox. Thanks - Vasiliki 03:05, July 16, 2008 (UTC)

Hosting copyright material on OrthodoxSource

Hi, I have received permission from an Orthodox priest to host his articles on OrthodoxSource. Now, I wanted to make sure that this would be ok before going and dumping his articles on OS so that I dont get (a) myself into trouble and (b) OrthodoxSource into trouble. What is the process for "documenting" the permission to use the article? Its only me that has a copy of this email on my private gmail email - do I forward Father John Schroedel a copy and is that enough to cover orthodoxSource from copyright issues???? I am very interested to understand what to do from here before I start dumping his material. Vasiliki 02:02, July 21, 2008 (UTC)

Help Me ... please

Can you please modify the Main Page on OrthodoxSource to "remove" the sentence "An online repository of archival and contemporary open-license Orthodox content..." which advertises orthodoxSource as "Open-license" ...

I was emailing Father John Schroedel who explained that by this sentence it can be understood that: by open-license, I would mean something that can be freely copied, and perhaps modified. The Creative Commons licenses do a good job of allowing a range of terms and conditions while still encouraging the free use of the content.

This is one of his concerns, since he visions: I had envisioned, for example, putting archival/historical content there -- such as the old pamphlets that constitute a large part of the printed record of Orthodox in the U.S. in the early part of the last century, or photos of Orthodox places that are distributed under a creative commons license, or other public materials, epecially those items of significance for the history and identity of the Orthodox community.

I would like to make him happy (and do things right of course) but I can not modify the Main Page to rectify this mistake of mine :-) That sentence "An online repository of archival and contemporary open-license Orthodox content..." is a direct cut and paste from "WikiSource" when I was setting up the structure and since you have locked the Main Page, I can not rectify my edit ... - Vasiliki 23:49, July 21, 2008 (UTC)

Fr John - old Pamphlets

Hi, because I am in Australia picking up the phone is a hard thing to do :-) Can you speak with Father John and ask him which Pamphlets he would like loaded onto OrthodoxSource. I am happy to start "setting" it all up for him ...if you like you can email me the *.pdf's on my personal email ... Do you know how to access my email without me having to post it publicaly? Vasiliki 00:07, July 22, 2008 (UTC)

I really have no idea what you're talking about. Unfortunately, I am also unable to do much outside contact at the moment, since I am at a clergy conference and away from home. (I also don't even have Fr. John's phone number!) —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 19:31, July 23, 2008 (UTC)


Look, thanks for that. I did a OW search on the word "Taxiarhis" and did not find it ... it never occured to me to search on the "Taxiarchis" spelling ... thanks for fixing up and sorry to waste your time on something I should have picked up in the first instance. - Vasiliki 23:14, July 30, 2008 (UTC)


Hi, I am a little confused because I didnt revert anyones edits (?) As for the actual note you left on my page ... Thanks and Sorry, if I "intercepted" the edit by the Publication company but I didnt think (at the time) I made any drastic changes (like I didnt delete anything). I dont believe I 'disciplined' them either I made a friendly suggestion and encouraged them by even adding a link and the potential for them to contribute! Anyway, I dont know why as a grown woman I have to explain and apologise by now you should know that I am keen in assisting here so by default - SORRY! Thanks for the heads-up! Maybe you can think about "using"/or "directing" me towards what you actually want from me because quite frankly it gets tiring doing the wrong thing all the time :-) and then being 'advised' :-) so, I will leave it up to you to leave a "task list" for me to follow through on. Cheerio and God Bless. Vasiliki 22:50, August 6, 2008 (UTC)


What are the steps in "My Preferences" for making my email accessible without being public? - Vasiliki 23:07, August 6, 2008 (UTC)

Talk:Sarum Use

Hello Fr, I was trying to add some comments to this discussion page, and when I tried to save it removed all existing comments. Tried to undo the revision, and the undo did not save. Not able to restore,,can you please help?? Thanks, Angellight 888 21:22, August 26, 2008 (UTC)

Hi, two of your links do now work on the "Writings" page ...


I thought you might want to know this so you could update the page. Vasiliki 23:28, November 2, 2008 (UTC)

PS. I also took a photo of an icon of Chrysostom within the Church of the Holy Trinity, Taksim, Constantinople. It is a gorgeous fresco of him ... I am more than happy to give you permmission to use it on your webpage ... oh yeah, and His relics (God Bless, at the Patriarchate I was weeping when I realised who I was venerating) catch only ... can you change the background colour of the web page from black to something more positive and colourful like white?? LOL Vasiliki 23:30, November 2, 2008 (UTC)


Hey, it's getting all too hard :-)

I have asked in the past for some assistance but been ignored - except for Andrew, who has legitimately stepped in and helped set up codes and stuff. Awesome guy. I can offer again, what I said months ago, ... if you, or someone, can just DUMP material into a Sandbox ... that you believe should be ON Osource or you want on Osource ... I will do the clean up work and categorisation and formatting the very next day :-) if we dont all come to some working solution the site will just sit there neglected ... which would be such a shame as there are many people who are accessing it to read the articles.

So, what do you say? Will you work with me? Give me 'dumps' of "anytyhing" that does not breach copyright and I will fix it up for the good of OW/OS and the Orthodox community?

Vasiliki 22:29, November 20, 2008 (UTC)

Updating The Great Schism

Fr. Andrew:

Who would you prefer that I get permission from to post this material? (I will do so, if possible) , because I believe it will greatly benefit this article!


Jaye (Jacifus)

Great Schism Edit


I respectfully disagree that the Entire Eastern Church was not excommunicated. The Bull said as much. I refer you to Bishop Kallistos "The Orthodox Church". I consider his account to be carefully researched and accurate.

Jaye (jacifus)

Please refer comments on the content of specific articles to their respective talk pages. Thanks! —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 01:08, December 14, 2008 (UTC)

Editing OId Believers

Dear father Andrew,

Perhaps you should have a look at the Old Believers article one again. All cleaning up has been reverted by Fatman2021, without any explanation on the Discussion page.

I suppose we don't leave the article as it is now and if you have the authority to clean up once again, I'd strongly suggest you'd do so. (If I were to do the job, I'm afraid an edit war with Fatman2021 may become inevitable.) Vasstar 14:13, December 14, 2008 (UTC)

URGENT - Ambush by computer generated Users

Hi, we are about to be ambushed by computer generated User accounts ....... Vasiliki 04:05, December 17, 2008 (UTC)

Name of ROC

I have read the policy by the link you have indicated. Frankly, i did not quite get the meaning clear, or the purpose thereof. The thing with the ROC is that there are 2 legally official names of the entity (as registered by the RF Justice Minisrty): Русская православная церковь and Московский патриархат. In all honesty, the name used in the relevant article has never been in existence, albeit it could be an historiographic designation covering the multitude of names; in effect the ROC had not had a properly official name prior to 1943, when it was formally recognised by state under this name.Max 18:00, December 18, 2008 (UTC)

This is answered on Talk:Church of Russia. As is noted in a number of our policy documents, we have our own taxonomy here, which often does not reflect official, legal names. The official OrthodoxWiki standard for all Orthodox churches is Church of [Place]. This policy has been in effect pretty much since the wiki was founded in 2004. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 19:37, December 18, 2008 (UTC)
  • I can perfectly see the logic behind such taxonomy and even accept it. But the point is, as i noted in my original edit comment, that such designation is not only formally incorrect, but in essence as well (by essence i mean the ecclesiological reasoning that obviously underpins your taxonomy). This is no more a Church of Russia than it is a Church of Ukraine (in fact, Ukraine could well lay a historically better grounded claim to it), or Latvia, for that matter. If one were to base the wording of the designation on the title of a Primate in question (which would be a legitimate thing to do within your taxonomy), the article would have to be called "Church of Moscow" (or "Church of Rus"). Paradoxically, you have chosen to employ the current official name of a country, which constitutes only a fraction (less than half by parish numbers) of the "canonical territory" of the ROC. How can you warrant that?Max 20:00, December 22, 2008 (UTC)
It's warranted with a combination of basic ecclesiology (i.e., the Church is not "Russian," "Greek," etc., but it is the Church in and of a particular place—Russia, Greece, etc.) and of English usage. ("Church of Russia" gets about 30,000 hits on Google.) It's notably the usage of such groups as the OCA[2], etc. Of course its usage pales in comparison with "Russian Orthodox Church," but that term is objectionable for the reasons previously noted. ("Church of Moscow" is a somewhat idiosyncratic term hardly ever used except in larger, translated phrases such as "Estonian Church of Moscow Patriarchate.")
The many parishes in Ukraine are covered by a separate article: Church of Ukraine (along with articles on the irregular bodies, as well).
No matter what one names these articles, they'll not be satisfactory to all. This is what our policy here is. Our policy has been to use the city names for the ancient patriarchates but common country names for the newer autocephalous and autonomous churches (the exceptions are the OCA, which is of somewhat irregular status, and the Church of Sinai, which designates a region). You'll notice that this is consistently the case.
Anyway, the proper place to discuss the names of articles is on the talk pages of the articles themselves. That way, everyone interested in working on the article can participate. Please direct future comments to Talk:Church of Russia. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 21:25, December 22, 2008 (UTC)

Prove to Me that We need that Guy

I will be the first to put UP my hand and say "WE NEED THAT GUY"! bet you never thought I would say that they way "sou vgazo glwssa oli tin wra" Vasiliki 03:15, December 19, 2008 (UTC)

Vasiliki, it's not "we need that guy," but rather I'm the Guy Who Says "Prove To Me That We Need That [article/addition/thing/etc.]." There is a reason why I placed the hyphens where I did. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 21:04, December 19, 2008 (UTC)
I give up ... I just wish you could not be so 'scholastic'with me some times and just ... lighten up :) I apologise in advance ... Vasiliki 13:13, December 20, 2008 (UTC)
Vasiliki, it's not "scholastic" to expect that readers actually read carefully. It's just good language usage. There's a reason why grammar, syntax, punctuation, etc., work the way they do. It might help if you didn't so frequently assume the worst when reading what other folks write.
Certainly, perhaps this level of reading and writing comprehension is not needed for everyday life (though I think it is!), but it surely is absolutely crucial when writing a reference work like an encyclopedia! Indeed, if being "scholastic" is needed anywhere, it's here. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 16:21, December 20, 2008 (UTC)


Hello Father, Eulogeite. First I wanted to wish you very warm Christmas wishes. Christ is born, Glorify Him! :) I wanted to ask if I can proceed and create the 10 sub-articles for the Timeline of Church History article (one sub-article for each of the 10 periods listed on the main article). Each sub-article would look exactly the same as the main article now does ,except that it would contain only the information for that particular era of course. I proposed a criterion on the talk page for what may be included on the reduced main timeline page; basically, if you agree and I can proceed to create the 10 sub-articles, with your blessing, and then shorten the remaining main article according to the criteria I attempted to set out, it would be great; I would emphasize that no information would be lost -- all the complete listings of the current timeline would remain on the 10-sub-articles. Or, I could create the 10-sub-rticles, and then you could do the final edit (reduction) of the main page then? Just an idea! Please let me know what you think! Cheers and Merry Christmas Father. Chris. :) Angellight 888 03:03, December 21, 2008 (UTC)

Deletion of template

HEY - you deleted two templates so all the information on these is GONE! How do I get the information back? I know you are the moderator/administrator but can you PLEASE just ONCE be kinder ... give me a 24 hour notice to MOVE the information????? Can you please resupply the stuff IN the templates. Vasiliki 03:00, January 1, 2009 (UTC)

It's not gone. I've noted on your Talk page where you can find it. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 13:50, January 1, 2009 (UTC)

Font Colours

Which article talks about how to do font colours and different text styles in HTML? Vasiliki 03:25, January 5, 2009 (UTC)

There isn't one on the wiki. There are plenty of HTML tutorials elsewhere, though. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 04:20, January 6, 2009 (UTC)

Ah you're a quick one!

Not bad--you got rid of my talk post in just less than 24 hours. Not hat's off to you sir! You have a gift for wiki-editing!—The preceding unsigned comment was added by AmanUwellCant (talkcontribs) .

Inherently disruptive posts without any engagement regarding content are removed as a matter of form. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 01:56, January 22, 2009 (UTC)

Thank U for the work you put in

I am not the site owner but I am sure that if awards could be given to the most hard-woring Users on Orthodoxwiki there would be three to give out: you, Wsk and ASDamick! I wanted to pause at this point in my OrthodoxWiki career and acknowledge the efforts of those people who really do put a lot of time and effort into keeping OW alive and say Thank you for the work and time you put into making the articles rewarding!!! Vasiliki 03:55, January 20, 2009 (UTC)

Antioch and the Armenians

I have been to a canonical Antiochian church where they gave communion to Armenians . How do they do this ? Eugene 20:25, January 23, 2009 (UTC)

Is it a sin to be ethnically Armenian? Anyway, I cannot answer for what is done in a particular parish. Why not talk to the pastor? —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 22:44, January 23, 2009 (UTC)

As in Armenian Apostolic. And he said that they were in communion with them, that's why I'm asking you because you said on your page that it's not possible Eugene 23:49, January 23, 2009 (UTC)

The Armenian Apostolic church is not in communion with the Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. This is how my and all the bishops of our Archdiocese consistently answer when questioned on the topic.
Again, I cannot answer for what is done at a parish which is outside of my responsibility, especially when it is not clear that all the facts are apparent. (We have, for instance, Coptic Christians who commune at our parish, but that is because they are members of our parish, having been received into communion through confession of faith.) —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 00:52, January 24, 2009 (UTC)

Technical problem

I am a new user and could not find the detailed information about how to bring images from Wikimedia Commons to Orthodox Wiki. I would be very grateful if you could help. Bag 21:28, March 6, 2009 (UTC)

Article titles

Hi, should I put the country name in the titles of my articles on churches (like Białystok, Poland)? They're already cathegorized as "Polish churches" so I don't think it's necessary. Bag 09:06, March 9, 2009 (UTC)


Hello again, I looked at the St. John Chrysostom page, and thought that the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival should be included. It would show that he has inspired children to orate the word of God to others, continuing in his footsteps. Since I have participated in the past and am in it again this year, I though it would be a good idea to mention it, and maybe put a link to the GOARCH website where they talk more about it and give more information. Tell me what you think! Thanks, --Iliada 18:01, March 16, 2009 (UTC)

I've responded to your comment at Talk:John Chrysostom. In the future, you may wish to keep your comments limited only to the specific article in question. Posting it in multiple places is not in itself likely to gain notice. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 01:36, March 19, 2009 (UTC)

Is WO a live forum of information or is it selective in the information it displays?

This post refers to your changes in the page;

St. George Free Serbian Orthodox Church (Forrest, Australian Capital Territory)

I myself am not involved on the dispute and have no intention of support to either side in this tragedy.

When I originally viewed this page I was disheartened to observe the lack of information and that misleading information had been posted there. I understand that this most likely had been posted by a user and as such is not subject to your personal knowledge.

I conducted several days of investigation and research in order to update the page appropriately and even went to the extent of seeking the authorisation to post the information from the Church and organisation, which they granted.

I find it offensive that you would label this work as “Heavily Point of View”.

I fail to understand why you would allow false and misleading information to remain posted. A young and inspired person chooses to update the page using only fact and you would rather support outdated and misinformed material.

The general community that observed this page in its renewed form offered significant positive feedback.

I will stand corrected if you can show me grounds for your dismissal of my updates to this page? I can provide you with factual record and account of all the information I had posted on that page and request that it be allowed to remain.

If persons should see fit to add to that information, I implore them to do so.

Otherwise I believe that the page should be removed as it displays false and misleading information and if you should require I can have this formally requested from the community and association which this information refers to?

I can understand your removal of the Postal address and agree fairly to the emission of such information. All I ask is be fair in relation to the content of the post?

I am willing to build and develop the page if you can suggest some points that would make the information less “Point of View”?

Young Serb

Young Serb, I suspect that the conclusion of the original article (which was very POV) may have taken from the facts that were in play. In response to Fr Andrew's request, I have taken the liberty of bringing the two together.
Please consider that, as a parish, the subject matter was dubiously noteworthy enough to place on OrthodoxWiki; as a parish that has now placed itself outside the Church, more so. This doesn't excuse incorrect information, of course; but if you consider that details are sparse, this may have been done for a reason - this is, conceptually, an encyclopaedia, and is therefore rather lacking in emotive speech and in minutiae. However, should you find the article to still be misleading, please correct it. — by Pιsτévο talk complaints at 13:37, April 24, 2009 (UTC)


Χριστος ανεστη! This has nothing to do with Orthodox Wikipedia, but when I read the 3 youths passage on Holy Saturday, I noticed that Azarias is not one of the original three youths. there's Meeshak, Shadrack, and Abendago. Those three are describes throughout the whole reading, but then it says that Azarias said something. Who is Azarias? Thanks, --Iliada 17:29, April 24, 2009 (UTC)

Shadrac, Meshach, and Abednago are the Babylonian names of the Hebrew Hananiah (Ananias), Azariah (Azarias) and Mishael (Misael). —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 23:14, April 25, 2009 (UTC)

With the feast!

Today already Pentecost is, but at you on the Main page still congratulations with Ascention.

Proposed New Page?

Greetings Father. :) I wanted to ask your opinion about a new page I was thinking of adding. While researching some old books and resources for some of my articles, I found a number of puzzling abbreviations besides authors names, who were mostly Roman Catholic authors or scholars or from religious orders. Anyways, I found this list here: Abbreviations of Religious Orders and Priestly Fraternitiies, and was thinking it would be a good reference page to add here, cataloged in a Roman catholic category perhaps. Just an idea, this info would help eliminate guesswork when going over historical documents. Cheers, Angellight 888 23:59, July 8, 2009 (UTC)

Request for speedy deletion

Delete please this error redirect [3] as recently created redirect page resulting from a typographical error. --Imerek 22:04, March 12, 2010 (UTC)

What is Orthodoxwiki?

I noticed you deleted (rather speedily) the Luther page I imported. I'm wondering if Orthodoxwiki is "Articles on topics directly pertaining to Orthodoxy" or "Articles giving Orthodox views on all topics." —The preceding unsigned comment was added by CircularReason (talkcontribs) .

See: OrthodoxWiki:Style_Manual#Types_of_Articles. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 19:44, June 19, 2010 (UTC)

New Template

Hello Fr Andrew, warm greetings :)

I had an idea to create a new template for Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church history, where the various shared or related historical themes, subjects and articles of both churches could be grouped together neatly in one pathfinder / template. I have come to realize that it is quite a daunting task, and I was hoping I could ask for your opinion on what I have worked out so far (see this link, on my talk-page). Many of the words or headings I have titled may need to be changed, and the focus tightened... I have used the word "history" rather than "relations" in the title, because it seems more appropriate and allows for the inclusion of links to relevant articles. I thought it would go nicely at the bottom of the Timeline of Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic relations article; including such templates as you know is a successful pattern over at Wikipedia, and this particular timeline is one place on OW where I think it would be useful, and allow for the elimination of "see also" links, and some "external links" at the same time. Whenever you may have time for a look it would be much appreciated, and feel free to go ahead and edit/change/correct/remove or add if you want to; I saved it on my talk page so I can work on it there until it is ready if we decide to keep it. Cheers and thanks, Angellight 888 00:25, October 3, 2010 (UTC)

Delete my account

This wiki isn't for me, it does not and cannot build from any other source, unless it falls explicitly within the orthodox source material specifically. I just want to create articles based on Biblical topics and elaborate on them based on scholarship in all areas, not just Orthodoxy. Perhaps Theopedia would suit me better.--Tony 18:59, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Done. —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 23:54, May 30, 2011 (UTC)


After seeing that you addressed the medication spam pages I reported, I followed the link and saw with pleasure that you are the same Fr. Andrew I've run into elsewhere.


A pleasure, JonathansCornerCom 22:51, August 17, 2011 (UTC)


Hi Fr Andrew, I'm looking for responses for my proposal (to delete the parish directory pages for Australia) on - your thoughts? — by Pιsτévο talk complaints at 19:16, January 31, 2013 (HST)


Can you please tell me how you managed to built this wonderful wiki? Receptie123 19:55, July 18, 2013 (HST)

It wasn't me!  :) —Fr. Andrew talk contribs (THINK!) 03:50, August 6, 2013 (HST)