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__NOTOC__[[Image:Ignatije.JPG|right|thumb|155px|Bishop Ignatije (Midic) of Pozarevac and Branicevo]]His Eminence '''Ignatije (Midić)''' (Serbian: Игнатије/Игњатије Мидић) is the [[bishop]] of the [[diocese]] of Požarevac and Braničevo in [[Church of Serbia|Serbia]].                     
__NOTOC__[[Image:Ignatije.JPG|right|thumb|155px|Bishop Ignatije (Midic) of Pozarevac and Branicevo]]
His Eminence '''Ignatius''' or '''Ignatije (Midić)''' (Serbian: Игнатије/Игњатије Мидић) is the [[bishop]] of the [[diocese]] of Požarevac and Braničevo in [[Church of Serbia|Serbia]].                     
==Early life and education==
==Early life and education==
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==Monk and hierarch==
==Monk and hierarch==
In 1991 he entered the [[Monastery of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God (Belgrade, Serbia)|Monastery of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God]] (Manastir Vavedenja Presvete Bogorodice) in Belgrade, where he was [[tonsure]]d as a monk and later [[ordination|ordained]] a [[deacon]] and a [[presbyter|priest]]. Finally, he was elected bishop of Požarevac and Braničevo in 1994 by the [[Holy Synod|Holy Assembly]] of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In the Church of Pozarevac on June 26, 1994, he was [[consecration of a bishop|consecrated]] by the His Holiness [[Pavle (Stojcevic) of Serbia|Pavle]], Metropolitan of Karlovac and [[Patriarch]] of Serbia in the [[cathedral]] of the Holy [[Archangel]]s [[Archangel Michael|Michael]] and [[Archangel Gabriel|Gabriel]] in Požarevac. Bishop Ignatije is the author of many studies, including the books ''Remember the Future'' and ''The Being as Eschatological Communion''.
In 1991 he entered the [[Monastery of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God (Belgrade, Serbia)|Monastery of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God]] (Manastir Vavedenja Presvete Bogorodice) in Belgrade, where he was [[tonsure]]d as a monk and later [[ordination|ordained]] a [[deacon]] and a [[presbyter|priest]]. Finally, he was elected bishop of Požarevac and Braničevo in 1994 by the [[Holy Synod|Holy Assembly]] of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In the Church of Pozarevac on June 26, 1994, he was [[consecration of a bishop|consecrated]] by the His Holiness [[Pavle (Stojcevic) of Serbia|Pavle]], Metropolitan of Karlovac and [[Patriarch]] of Serbia in the [[cathedral]] of the Holy [[Archangel]]s [[Archangel Michael|Michael]] and [[Archangel Gabriel|Gabriel]] in Požarevac. Bishop Ignatije is the author of many studies, including the books ''Remember the Future'' and ''The Being as Eschatological Communion''. He appears, with Bishop Athanasius (Jevtic) and Bishop Maxim (Vasilijevic), as one of the main serbian disciples of Metropolitan John (Zizioulas).

Latest revision as of 08:38, February 9, 2013

Bishop Ignatije (Midic) of Pozarevac and Branicevo

His Eminence Ignatius or Ignatije (Midić) (Serbian: Игнатије/Игњатије Мидић) is the bishop of the diocese of Požarevac and Braničevo in Serbia.

Early life and education

He was born on October 17, 1954, in Knez Selo, Nis, Serbia. His primary education start whan he was a young boy at a parent's home, local Church community and from ages seven to fourteen he attended local Primary School in his birthplace. After Primary School, his education continues and he enrolled in the Theological Seminary of St. Sava in Belgrade in 1969, and he graduated in 1974. He then began attending the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade in 1980. From 1981 to 1987 he studied at the University of Athens' Department of Theology under the supervision of Professor John Zizioulas. In 1987 he completed his doctoral thesis on The Mystery of the Church: Systematic and Historical Presence of the Mystery of the Church by St Maximus the Confessor and was awarded the degree of Doctorate of Theology. After 1988 he taught as a professor of dogmatics and systematic theology at the Orthodox Theological Department in the University of Belgrade, Serbia.

Monk and hierarch

In 1991 he entered the Monastery of the Presentation of the Most Holy Mother of God (Manastir Vavedenja Presvete Bogorodice) in Belgrade, where he was tonsured as a monk and later ordained a deacon and a priest. Finally, he was elected bishop of Požarevac and Braničevo in 1994 by the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In the Church of Pozarevac on June 26, 1994, he was consecrated by the His Holiness Pavle, Metropolitan of Karlovac and Patriarch of Serbia in the cathedral of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel in Požarevac. Bishop Ignatije is the author of many studies, including the books Remember the Future and The Being as Eschatological Communion. He appears, with Bishop Athanasius (Jevtic) and Bishop Maxim (Vasilijevic), as one of the main serbian disciples of Metropolitan John (Zizioulas).

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Ignatije (Midić) of Pozarevac
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Bishop of Požarevac and Braničevo
Succeeded by:
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Bibliography of published works (in Serbian)

  • 1989. "ЕСХАТОЛОШКА ДИМЕНЗИЈА ЦРКВЕ И ЊЕН УТИЦАЈ НА ХРИШЋАНСКИ ЖИВОТ", Теолошки погледи 1-2, Београд 1989. стр. 77-91.
  • 1990. "ПРАВОСЛАВНА АНТРОПОЛОГИЈА И САВРЕМЕНИ ЕГЗИСТЕНЦИЈАЛИЗАМ", Богословље, Београд 1990, стр. 33-47.
  • 1994. "ЗАЈЕДНИЦА У ЉУБАВИ", Источник 10, 1994, стр. 127-129.
  • 1995. "ЦРКВА И ЊЕН ИДЕНТИТЕТ", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 13-28.
  • 1995. "ПРАВОСЛАВНА ДУХОВНОСТ ДАНАС", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 29-40.
  • 1995. "ОД БОГА КАО ВИШЕ СИЛЕ ДО БОГА КАО ЛИЧНОСТИ", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 41-66.
  • 1995. "ОВАПЛОЋЕЊЕ И СПАСИТЕЉ У ХРИШЋАНСКОМ УЧЕЊУ", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 67-83.
  • 1995. "ПРАВОСЛАВЉЕ КАО ЛЕК ПРОТИВ СМРТИ", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 84-102.
  • 1995. "ОД СЛОБОДЕ КАО БУНТА ДО СЛОБОДЕ КАО БИЋА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 103-123.
  • 1995. "КРАТАК ОСВРТ ПОВОДОМ ИЗЛОЖБЕ ИКОНА САВРЕМЕНИХ СРПСКИХ ИКОНОПИСАЦА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 124-134.
  • 1995. "САВРЕМЕНИ СВЕТ И ПРАВОСЛАВНА ЦРКВА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 135-148.
  • 1995. "СУДБИНА, ГРЕХ И СЛОБОДА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 149-157.
  • 1995. "О ИЗВОРУ И СУШТИНИ ПРАВОСЛАВНОГ МОНАШТВА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 158-170.
  • 1995. "ИЗМЕЂУ МОРАЛИЗМА И НАЦИОНАЛИЗМА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 171-176.
  • 1995. "КРАТАК ОСВРТ НА ТЕОЛОГИЈУ СВ. МАКСИМА ИСПОВЕДНИКА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 177-183.
  • 1995. "ТУМАЧЕЊЕ XИВ БЕСЕДЕ СВ. ГРИГОРИЈА БОГОСЛОВА", Сећање на будућност, Београд 1995, стр. 184-215.
  • 1995. "О САБОРНОСТИ ЦРКВЕ", Саборност 1, Пожаревац 1995.
  • 1995. "О ВАСКРСЕЊУ ХРИСТОВОМ" , Саборност 2, Пожаревац 1995.
  • 1995. "ЛИТУРГИЈОМ СЕ ГРАДИ ЦАРСТВО БОЖИЈЕ" , Саборност 3-4, Пожаревац 1995.
  • 1996. "ПОМИРЕЊЕ – СОЦИЈАЛНО-ПОЛИТИЧКЕ ДИМЕНЗИЈЕ" , Саборност 1, Пожаревац 1996.
  • 1996. "ОДНОС СВЕТА И ЧОВЕКА СА БОГОМ" , Саборност 2-3, Пожаревац 1996.
  • 1996. "О (НЕ)ПОЗНАЊУ БОГА" , Саборност 4, Пожаревац 1996. (Отачник бр 1)
  • 1997. "ЕСХАТОН КАО УЗРОК ПОСТОЈАЊУ ЦРКВЕ" , Саборност 1-2, Пожаревац 1997.
  • 1997. "ЧОВЕК КАО ИКОНА И ПОДОБИЈЕ БОЖИЈЕ" , Саборност 3-4, Пожаревац 1997.
  • 1998. "ТЕОЛОШКА ОСНОВА ЦРКВЕНОГ СЛИКАРСТВА", Саборност 1-2, Пожаревац 1998.
  • 1998. "СТРАДАЊЕ КАО ИЗАЗОВ ЉУДСКОЈ СЛОБОДИ", Саборност 3-4, Пожаревац 1998.
  • 2000. "ДУХ СВЕТИ И ЈЕДИНСТВО ЦРКВЕ", Саборност 1-2, Пожаревац 2000.
  • 2000. "ЦИЉ ВЕРОНАУКЕ ЈЕ ДА ЉУДИ УЂУ У ЦРКВУ" , Саборност 3-4, Пожаревац 2000.
  • 2000. "ОДНОС ЦРКВЕ И ЦАРСТВА БОЖИЈЕГ" , Саборност 3-4, Пожаревац 2000.
  • 2001. "ИСТИНА СВЕТА И ХРИШЋАНСКО ОТКРИВЕЊЕ" , Саборност 1-4, Пожаревац 2001.
  • 2001. "РЕЧ О МОЛИТВИ", Предговор молитвенику, Православни молитвеник, Пожаревац, 2001.
  • 2001. "ЦРКВЕНИ СЛОВАР", Уџбеник за 1. разред ОШ, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства, Београд, 2001.
  • 2002. "ПРАВОСЛАВНИ КАТИХИЗИС", Уџбеник за 1. и 2. разред средњих школа, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства, Београд, 2002.
  • 2003. "ОНТОЛОГИЈА И ЕТИКА У СВЕТЛУ ХРИСТОЛОГИЈЕ СВЕТОГ МАКСИМА" , Саборност 1-4, Пожаревац 2003.
  • 2003. "ПРАВОСЛАВНИ КАТИХИЗИС" Приручник за наставнике основних и средњих школа, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства, Београд, 2003.
  • 2003. "ПРАВОСЛАВНИ КАТИХИЗИС", Уџбеник за 2. разред ОШ, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства, Београд, 2003.
  • 2004. "ПРАВОСЛАВНИ КАТИХИЗИС", Уџбеник за 3. разред ОШ, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства, Београд, 2004.
  • 2004. "ПРАВОСЛАВНИ КАТИХИЗИС", Уџбеник за 4. разред ОШ, Завод за уџбенике и наставна средства, Београд, 2004.


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