Joasaph II (Novotorzhets) of Moscow

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Joasaph II (Novotorzhets) of Moscow, Russian: Иоасаф II (Новоторжец), was Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia from 1667 to 1672. He participated in the trial of Patr. Nikon which deposed him.


Little is known of the life of Joasaph. He was monastic who was the archimandrite of the Rozhdestvensky (Nativity) Monastery in Vladimir from 1654 to 1656. On April 25, 1656, he was appointed archimandrite of the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra just north of Moscow. In 1666, Joasaph participated in the trial of Patr. Nikon for the offense of reviling the czar and the church. While having condemned Nikon, the court also approved his reforms and continued to enforce them which action led to the Old Believer schism.

After Patr. Nikon's deposition, Archim. Joasaph was elected on February 10, 1667 to succeed him as patriarch of All Russia. During his patriarchate, Patr. Joasaph was active in the fight against dissenters, yet was considered to be a kindly old man who was meek and mild.

Patr. Joasaph reposed on February 11, 1672 and was buried six days later on February 17 in the Dormition Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.[1]


  1. Jump up Makarii (Bulgakov), Istoriia russkoi tserkvi (Moscow) vol. XII, pp. 760-792.
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Joasaph II (Novotorzhets) of Moscow
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Patriarch of Moscow
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