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Holy Trinity

Revision as of 21:03, November 16, 2022 by Cora-Catherine (talk | contribs) (Added analogies and consolidated things under the heading "Explanation of the Trinity." Unfortunately I had no citations to add.)
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Orthodox Christians worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—the Holy Trinity, the one God. Following the Holy Scriptures and the Church Fathers, the Church believes that the Trinity is three divine persons (hypostases) who share one essence (ousia). It is paradoxical to believe thus, but that is how God has revealed himself. All three persons are consubstantial with each other, that is, they are of one essence (homoousios) and coeternal. There never was a time when any of the persons of the Trinity did not exist. God is beyond and before time and yet acts within time, moving and speaking within history.

The Hospitality of Abraham, an Old Testament type of the Holy Trinity.

Explanation of the Trinity

What God is not: God is not an impersonal essence nor merely a "higher power." Neither are God or Trinity simple names for what would otherwise be seen as three gods (i.e. a term which would hide polytheism).

Common Analogies: Though the Trinity is a mystery beyond comprehension, two analogies are often used to help us glimpse what the term means. The first is the sun, and the second is man himself.

THE SUN: The sun is characterized by three elements. 1. The ball of burning gas is the source of all (like the Father). 2. The light is visible to all (like the Son). 3. The heat is felt, but not seen (like the Holy Spirit or Comforter). The sun has never been the sun without its light and heat, and the light and heat cannot exist without their source. In addition, while they may co-exist, they do not produce each other in and of themselves. (ex. You can’t read by the light of a heating pad, nor can you count on getting warm wherever it is bright.)

MAN: It is said that each human has been made in the image of God, and as such each human bears similarities to our Trinitarian Lord and God: 1. Man's complete mind and heart (including intellect, creativity, feelings, morality, intuition, etc.) is like the Father. 2. Man's flesh, both tangible and a temple of the Holy Spirit, is akin to the Son who became incarnate and was filled with the Spirit. 3. Man's life or breath is akin the Holy Spirit. Man (any human) is all three. One cannot be human without all three. There is never a time that man existed without all three. A mind or life cannot exist without a body, and the body does not exist (at least at the start) without a mind and life.

In each of these analogies there is a three-ness and one-ness but no polytheism. According to Saint Gregory the Theologian, trying to go further to comprehend unbegotten-ness (Father), begotten-ness (Son), or procession (Holy Spirit) leads to insanity. Therefore the Church traditionally approaches God in divine mystery (and apophatically), content to encounter Him rather than comprehend Him (which is impossible).

Image & Likeness distinguished

It should be noted that while each person is in the image of God, we were also created to be in His likeness. This, however, is where the fall is evident; for, His likeness refers to His goodness, and to be like Him, we would need to be good as well. Obviously we fall from this aim. (Lord have mercy!)

The Trinity Explained in the Creed

The primary statement of what the Church believes about God is to be found in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.