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Monica of Hippo

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Monica and her husband had three children: Augustine, Navigius and Perpetua who were not [[baptism|baptized]] due her husband’s objections. While Augustine showed early talents as a scholar and teacher, at the same time he lived a life of debauchery - living with a mistress and subscribing to the [[heresy]] of Manichaeism. In pursuit of his career as a orator and teacher, Augustine left Africa and moved first to Rome and then to Milan where he met and learned about Christianity from Ambrose. After the death of her husband, Monica followed Augustine to Milan where in 387 her son was baptized on the eve of Pascha, to her great joy.
In his "Confessions", [[Augustine of Hippo |Augustine]] writes, "my mother shed more tears for me than mothers shed over their dead children. With her deep faith, which was granted to her because of her great piety, she saw me as morally dead. And You, Lord, heard her petition and did not overlook her tears with which she watered the earth wherever she prayed. Her pains to have me reborn through the Spirit were greater than those she suffered for me to be born in the flesh."
Shortly after Augustine’s conversion and baptism, Monica was returning to Africa with her sons, Augustine and Navigius. At Ostia, the port city of Rome, she became ill and died in 387, at the age of fifty six. She was first buried at Ostia before her saintly [[relics]] were transferred in the sixth century to the [[crypt]] of a local [[church]]. In the fifteenth century, her relics were translated to the Church of St. Augustine in Rome.