Timothy (disambiguation)
The name Timothy masc. proper name, from Fr. Timothée, from L. Timotheus, from Gk. Timotheos, lit. "honoring God," from time "honor, respect" + theos "god."
List of saints with this name:
- St. Timothy, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of “Prousas” (June 10)
- St. Timothy, Priest-Martyr and Bishop (November 28)
- Apostle Timothy (January 22 and January 4)
- St. Timothy the Martyr (January 24)
- St. Timothy the Martyr (April 10)
- St. Timothy the Martyr (May 3)
- St. Timothy the Martyr (August 19)
- St. Timothy the Martyr (November 5)
- St. Timothy the Martyr (December 19)