Litanies - a prayerful sequence of supplications which are intoned by a deacon or the priest in the name of all those praying. After each petition the choir, or people, sing, "Lord, have mercy," or, "Grant this, O Lord."
Each of litany concludes with an exclamation by the priest glorifying the Holy Trinity.
Great Litany
Great Litany, or Litany of Peace, begins with the words "In peace, let us pray to the Lord." It contains many different petitions for prosperity and salvation of various groups.
Small Litany
The Small Litany is a shortened form of the Great Litany. It begins with the words: "Again and again in peace let us pray to the Lord." It contains three petitions.
Augmented Litany
The Augmented Litany begins with the words "Have mercy upon us, O God, according to Thy great mercy, we pray Thee, hearken and have mercy." After each petition the choir responds with "Lord, have mercy" thrice. Therefore the litany is termed "augmented," since it is an intensified supplication.
Litany of Fervent Supplication
The Litany of Fervent Supplication is characterized by the three-fold Lord, have mercy.
This litany is the one through which the people pray for their own particular needs, as well as those of the entire Church, their neighbors, their country and the entire world.
Litany for the Reposed
The Litany for the Reposed is composed of entreaties to the Lord that he might grant rest in the Heavenly Kingdom to the souls of the departed by forgiving them all their sins.