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October 1

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Feasts: The Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, at the Blachernae church in Constantinople (911); Saints: Saint Ananias of Damascus, one of the Seventy Apostles and first Bishop of Damascus (1st c.); Martyr Domninus of Thessalonica (4th c.); Holy Emperor Mirian III of Iberia and Empress Nana of Mtskheta, Georgia, Equals-to-the-Apostles, St. Abiathar of Mtskheta, and St. Sidonia, disciple of St. Nina (4th c.); Venerable Romanos the Melodist, "Sweet-singer" (ca.556); Monk-Martyrs Michael, Abbot of Zovia Monastery near Sebaste, and 36 fathers with him (ca.790); Saint Melchizedek, Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia (ca.1030); Saint Piatus of Tournai, who enlightened the areas around Tournai in Belgium and Chartres in France (ca.286); Martyrs Verissimus, Maxima and Julia, in Portugal under Diocletian (ca.302); Martyrs Aretas, and five-hundred-and-four other martyrs, at Rome; Saint Aladius (Albaud), Bishop of Toul in France. (ca.520); Saint Bavo of Ghent, penitent and hermit, patron of Haarlem in the Netherlands (659); Saint Dodo, Abbot of Wallers-en-Faigne (750); Saint Fidharleus, restorer of the monastery of Rathin in Ireland (762); Martyr-prince Mylor of Brittany (Melorius); Saint Virila, Abbot of the Monastery of the Saviour in Leyre in Spain (ca. 1000); Saint Gregory the Singer of the Great Lavra of Mount Athos (Gregory Domesticus) (1355); Saint John Koukouzelis the Hymnographer of the Great Lavra on Mount Athos (1360); Venerable Sabbas, Abbot of Vishera in Novgorod, the Wonderworker (1461); Saint Domna Slipchenko, Fool-for-Christ, native of Poltava (1872); New Hieromartyr Alexis, priest (1918); New Hieromartyr Michael (Vologodsky), priest of Krasnoyarsk (1920); New Hieromartyr George (Archangelsky), priest (1937); New Hieromartyrs Alexander, Gregory, Nicholas, priests (1937); Martyr John (1937); New Hieromartyr Archpriest Ismael (Rozhdestvensky) of Strelna (St. Petersburg) (1938); New Hieromartyr Theodore (1940); Other Commemorations: Commemoration of the Apparition of the Pillar with the Robe of the Lord at Mtskheta, Georgia (ca.330); Translation of the relics of Saint Remigios of Rheims, Apostle to the Franks (533); Synaxis of the of the Most-Holy Theotokos Gorgoepikoos ("She who is quick to hear"), at the Dochiariou monastery on Mount Athos (1664); Repose of Hiero-schemamonk Euthemius of Valaam (1829); Icons: Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Pokrov” (Pskov-Protection Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos) (1581); Icon of the Theotokos of Brayiliv-Pochaiv (Brailovska) at Brayiliv near Vinnitsa; Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Lublin (Liublinsk); Transfer of the Terebovlya Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God from Terebovlya to Lvov (1672); Icon of the Mother of God of Gerbovets (Herbovetska) (1790, 1859); Icon of the Mother of God of Kasperov (Kasperivska), defended the city of Odessa during the Crimean War (1853-1855); Icon of the Mother of God of Barsk (Barska) (1887).