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John III of Alexandria

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John III of Alexandria was the Patriarch and Pope of Alexandria of the Church of Alexandria from 505 to 516. A Miaphysite, he is also listed as John II by the Church of Alexandria (Coptic). Patr. John was patriarch during the period of the developing schism between the Chalcedonians and non-Chalcedonians.


John's early life is unknown. Prior to his election as patriarch, John was a solitary monk living in the Egyptian desert. He was consecrated Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria on May 29, 505, successor to John II. John III's patriarchate occurred during the imperial reign of emperor Anastasius I and that of Patr. Severus of Antioch who both were non-Chalcedonians.

John was famous for writing many hagiographical pieces and sermons. He also engaged in correspondence with Patr. Severus of Antioch concerning their common christology.

Patr. John III reposed on May 22, 516.

Succession box:
John III of Alexandria
Preceded by:
John II
Patriarch of Alexandria
Succeeded by:
Dioscorus II
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