January 19
- Arsenius, Archbishop of Corfu
- Anthony Rawah the Qoraisite
- Anthony of Georgia
- Euphrasia of Nicomedia
- Macarius the Great (of Egypt)
- Macarius of Alexandria (the Citizen)
- Macarius of the Lavra of the Kiev Caves
- Macarius, deacon at the Lavra of the Kiev Caves
- Mark of Ephesus
- Meletius the Confessor
- Theodore of Novgorod, the Fool-for-Christ
- The miracle wrought by St. Basil the Great at Nicaea, when he opened the gates of the church (cf. Jan 1)
- The translation of the relics of Gregory the Theologian ot the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople during the reign of Constantine Porphyrogenitus (10th c.)