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The Greek Archdiocese of North America has placed on the internet an extensive overview of the origins of the Paschal and [[Holy Week]] services including other Orthodox service books and discussion of the Typikon. These sites are noted under External links with another site that discusses the state of the Slavic Typikon.
The Greek Archdiocese of North America has placed on the internet an extensive overview of the origins of the Paschal and [[Holy Week]] services including other Orthodox service books and discussion of the Typikon. These sites are noted under External links with another site that discusses the state of the Slavic Typikon.
==External links==
==External links that Discuss the Typikon==
*[http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith/articles/article8504.asp The Origins of Pascha and Great Week - Part I]
*[http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith/articles/article8504.asp The Origins of Pascha and Great Week - Part I]
*[http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith/articles/article8505.asp The Origins of Pascha and Great Week - Part II]
*[http://www.goarch.org/en/ourfaith/articles/article8505.asp The Origins of Pascha and Great Week - Part II]
*[http://www.orthodoxinfo.com/praxis/typicon.aspx How to Keep the Church Typicon: The Question of Uniformity in the Church Services Discussed at the Council of Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (1951), by St. John (Maximovitch)]
*[http://www.stjohndc.org/russian/What/e_9609ca.htm The Late, Great Typikon]
*[http://www.stjohndc.org/russian/What/e_9609ca.htm The Late, Great Typikon]
*[http://www.metropolitancantorinstitute.org/Typikon.html The Typikon] (includes brief history, from an [[Eastern Catholic]] website)
*[http://www.metropolitancantorinstitute.org/Typikon.html The Typikon] (includes brief history, from an [[Eastern Catholic]] website)
*[http://www.orthodox.net/ustav/index.html Information on and from the Typikon]
*[http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/ustav/messages The Ustav List: A Discussion Group about the Typikon, that focuses more on Russian and Old Calendar liturgical issues]
*[http://groups.yahoo.com/group/typikon/messages The Typikon List: A Discussion Group about the Typikon that focuses more on New Calendar Liturgical issues, and both Byzantine and Slavic practice]
*[http://www.holy-trinity.org/liturgics/ The Holy Trinity Cathedral Liturgics Page]
==External links with Rubrics based on the Typikon
*[http://www.saintjonah.org/rub/ Rubrics for Upcoming Vigils] (Old Calendar).
*[http://www.saintjonah.org/rub/ Rubrics for Upcoming Vigils] (Old Calendar).
*[http://www.saintjonah.org/lit/ Rubrics and Texts for the Divine Liturgy] (Old Calendar).
*[http://www.saintjonah.org/lit/ Rubrics and Texts for the Divine Liturgy] (Old Calendar).
*[http://www.saintjonah.org/typ/ Rubrics and Texts for Typika] (Old Calendar).
*[http://www.saintjonah.org/typ/ Rubrics and Texts for Typika] (Old Calendar).
*[http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/typikon/ An English Translation of the Slavic Typikon (an ongoing project)]
*[http://www.orthodox.net/ustav/index.html Information on and from the Typikon]
*[http://www.networks-now.net/litresswraoc/Typicon_Charts.htm How to put the Services together] (Antiochian).
*[http://www.networks-now.net/litresswraoc/Typicon_Charts.htm How to put the Services together] (Antiochian).
*[http://www.antiochian.org/1110642035 The Antiochian Liturgical Guide, Online]  
*[http://www.antiochian.org/1110642035 The Antiochian Liturgical Guide, Online]  
*[http://sgpm.goarch.org/ematins/matins.htm Texts for Sunday Matins] (New Calendar / Greek Archdiocese).
*[http://sgpm.goarch.org/ematins/matins.htm Texts for Sunday Matins] (New Calendar / Greek Archdiocese).
*[http://www.holy-trinity.org/liturgics/ The Holy Trinity Cathedral Liturgics Page]
*[http://www.dioceseofalaska.org/html/liturgical_resources.html The Russian Orthodox Diocese of Alaska Liturgical Calendar (Old Calendar Rubrics)]
*[http://www.dioceseofalaska.org/html/liturgical_resources.html The Russian Orthodox Diocese of Alaska Liturgical Calendar (Old Calendar Rubrics)]
*[http://www.holytrinitymission.org/books/english/order_divine_services_fecula.htm Excerpts from the "The Order of Divine Services" According to the usage of the Russian Orthodox Church, By Peter Fekula and Matthew Williams
*[http://www.holytrinitymission.org/books/english/hierarchical_services_rubrics.htm Rubrics for Hierarchical Services (Instructions for Clergy and Altar Servers)]
*[http://www.holytrinitymission.org/books/english/liturgical_rubrics_1.htm Liturgical Instructions for Non-Hierarchical Services (for Clergy and Altar Servers)]
*[http://www.holytrinitymission.org/books/english/manual_services_sokolov.htm A Manual of Divine Services, by Archpriest D. Sokolof]
==External links with Translations of the Typikon==
*[http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/typikon/ An English Translation of the Slavic Typikon (an ongoing project)]
*[http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/frc/psprotheoria.html A Draft Translation of the Biolakes Typikon]  
*[http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/frc/psprotheoria.html A Draft Translation of the Biolakes Typikon]  
*[http://www.holytrinitymission.org/books/english/typikon_1.htm Abbridged Typikon]

Revision as of 03:22, April 4, 2007

The Typikon is the book of directives and rubrics that establishes in the Orthodox Christian Church the order of divine services for each day of the year. It assumes the existence of liturgical books that contain the fixed and variable parts of these services. In monastery usage, the typikon of the monastery includes both the rule of life of the community and the rule of prayer.

The liturgical books presently used by the Orthodox Church have originated either in monasteries or have been greatly influenced by monastic practices. The services of the daily cycle of worship used today in the Orthodox East reflect monastic usages and traditions, especially those of the two monastic centers that produced and developed them, the Holy Lavra of St. Savas of Jerusalem and the Monastery of Studion in Constantinople.

The liturgical tradition originating with The Typikon of St. Savas produced by the Lavra in its initial stages was influenced by the customs and practices of the monastic communities in the Near East, Egypt, Palestine, and Asia Minor. Under St. Theodore the Studion Monastery in Constantinople became the center of monastic revival and reform in the imperial city. During the times of the iconoclastic controversy the Palestinian monastic typikon came to the Constantinople monasteries. In the Studion Monastery a synthesis occurred as elements of the Cathedral Office of Constantinople were added to the Palestinian typikon. In time this Studite synthesis was further modified by Palestinian monks to produce a revised Typikon of St. Savas that remained in general use until the nineteenth century.

The difficulty of using a monastic typikon at the parish level came to a head as the nineteenth century began, and abbreviations and omissions of the services became widespread. Thus, the Ecumenical Patriarch authorized the revision of the typikon for parish use. This revision became known as Ecclesiastical Typikon according to the Style of the Great Church of Christ, and was published in 1838. This revision was further revised in the Typikon of the Great Church of Christ, published in 1888.

To meet the needs of the Slavic world translations for a Slavic typikon originated as soon as missions to the Slavic world began. With the revisions originating in the Mediterranean world coupled with the Mongol invasions the Slavic typikon lost its conformity to the that standard in the Byzantine world. This was recognized by the Church of Russia in the seventeenth century. It was this revision effort of the Slavic typikon that resulted in the Raskolnik (Old Believers) controversies under Czar Alexis and Patriarch Nikon of Moscow.

The primary differences between the liturgical practice of the Byzantine and Slavic worlds stem from their origins in the Savaite and Studite typika, respectively, along with subsequent revisions.


The Greek Archdiocese of North America has placed on the internet an extensive overview of the origins of the Paschal and Holy Week services including other Orthodox service books and discussion of the Typikon. These sites are noted under External links with another site that discusses the state of the Slavic Typikon.

External links that Discuss the Typikon

==External links with Rubrics based on the Typikon

External links with Translations of the Typikon