Template:January 19
Virgin-Martyr Euphrasia of Nicomedia (303) Saint Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene (ca.307-323); Venerable Macarius the Great of Egypt (390); Venerable Macarius of Alexandria, the Citizen (ca.394); Venerable Macarius, Bishop of Ierissos, on the Chalkidiki peninsula (ca.395-408); Venerable Anthony the Stylite of Martqopi, founder of monasticism in Georgia (6th c.); Martyr Anthony Rawah the Qoraisite (797); Saint Arsenius of Kerkyra, Archbishop of Corfu (953); Martyr Pontian, in Spoleto, Italy under Marcus Aurelius (169); Virgin-martyr Messalina, in Foligno, Italy (251); Martyrs Maris, Martha, Abachum and Audifax, in Rome (270); Martyrs Paul, Gerontius, Januarius, Saturninus, Saccesius, Julius, Catius, Pius and Germanus, in Numidia in North Africa; Saint Firminus, third Bishop of Gévaudan (Gabales); Saint Bassian of Lodi, Bishop of Lodi in Lombardy (413); Saint Contestus (Contentius), Bishop of Bayeux (510); Saint Laumer (Lomer, Laudomarus), Abbot of Corbion Monastery (593); Saint Branwalader (Breward) of Cornwall, Bishop in Jersey in the Channel Islands. (6th c.); Saint Nathalan (Nachlan, Nauchlan), Bishop of Tullicht, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland (678); Saint Remigius of Rouen, Bishop of Rouen in France (772); Saint Arcontius, Bishop of Viviers, killed by a mob for having upheld the rights of the Church (ca.8th c.); Saint Catellus (Castellus), Bishop of Castellamare to the south of Naples (9th c.); Venerable Cosmas, of the Monastery of St. John Chrysostom, at Koutsovendis, Cyprus; Venerable Macarius the Faster and Deacon of the Kiev Caves (Near Caves) (12th c.); Venerable Meletius the Gallesiote, Confessor of Mount Galesion (north of Ephesus), monk (1283); Venerable Macarius, Deacon of the Kiev Caves (Far Caves), Wonderworker (13th-14th c.); Blessed Theodore of Novgorod, Fool-for-Christ (1392); Saint Mark Evgenikos of Ephesus, Archbishop of Ephesus, who resisted the Roman Catholic heresies (1444); Saint Macarius the Roman of Novgorod, Abbot (1550); New Hieromartyr Peter Skipetrov, Archpriest, of Petrograd (1918) - (see also February 1); New Hieromartyr Nicholas Vostorgov, Priest (1930); Martyr Theodore (1940); Other Commemorations: Commemoration of the miracle wrought by St. Basil the Great at Nicaea, when by his prayer he opened the gates of the Universal (Catholic) church and entrusted it to the Orthodox; Translation of the relics (950) of Saint Gregory the Theologian (389) to the Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople during the reign of Constantine Porphyrogenitus; Opening of the relics (1652) of Saint Sabbas of Storozhev in Zvenigorod (1406); Repose of Schemanun Anatolia of Diveyevo (1949).