A sticheron (plural: stichera) is a type of hymn used mainly in Vespers and Matins. A sticherarion is a book containing the stichera for the morning and evening services throughout the year. Stichera are also found in the Menaion and Octoechos. (This should not be confused with the sticharion, which is a kind of vestment.)
Stichera are commonly written in cycles on particular themes or for use in particular liturgical contexts. Examples of such themes include:
- The Beatitudes
- Particular saints ("stichera aposticha")
- The Resurrection
Examples of liturgical contexts where stichera are commonly used include:
Stichera are usually sung in alternation with verses from the Psalms or other scriptural sources. In liturgical books, they are designated as having a particular tone.
Settings of stichera are frequently found in recordings of Orthodox liturgical music, some by well known composers.