OrthodoxWiki:Image categories
This is an annotated list of image categories in use on OrthodoxWiki, broken down by area. For an alphabetical list, please see Category:Images. For context, please see OrthodoxWiki:Photo galleries.
[hide]Categories in use include:
By License
- Category:Public Domain - for public domain images. This has already been done (Though maybe it should have been "Public Domain Images" for consistency? Or maybe this category could include everything in the public domain?)
- Category:GFDL Images - For images released under the GNU Free Documentation License - Done
- Category:CC by-nc-sa - For images released under any version of a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike License (using Template:Cc by-nc-sa) - Done
- Category:CC by-sa - For images released under any version of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (using Template:Cc by-sa) - Done
- Category:Fair use Images - For images that have been marked "Fair use" - See Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Fairuse - Done
- Category:Unverified Images - For images that have been marked "Unverified" - See Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Unverified - Done
By source
- Category:OCA.org Images - For images used by permission from OCA.org - See Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Oca - Done
- Category:HLP Images - For images used by permission from Holy Land Photos - See Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Hlp - Done
- Category:Skete Images - For images used by permission from Skete.com - See Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Skete.com - Done
- Category:HTM Images - For images used by permission from Holy Transfiguration Monastery - See Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Htm - Done
- Category:Damick Images
By jurisdiction (or region)
Help Wanted
- Category:Antiochian Archdiocese Images - we should go through Category:Images of Hierarchs, etc. and add other jurisidiction categories too -- Category:OCA Images, etc.
By Subject
- Category:Images of Hierarchs - including Bishops, Archbishops, Metropolitans, Patriarchs, etc., both living and departed, both icons and photos.
- Category:Images of Churches - for church buildings, etc.
- Category:Icons - On second thought, let's use this as the category for images, articles can have their own -- how about Category:About Icons.
- Category:Images of Priests - for images of priests
- Category:Images of Monastics - for monks and nuns
- Category:Monastery Images
- Category:Mosaics
- Category:Iconostasis - Yes, we'll have enough :-)
- Category:Crosses
- Category:Images of Texts
- Category:OrthodoxWiki Images- For official and unofficial images used by OrthodoxWiki, including logos, linkbuttons, and system images, etc.
- Category:Maps
- Category:Logos - for non-OrthodoxWiki seals and logos
- Category:User Images - for profile images and other user-specific pictures.
- Category:Icon Corners
- Category:Holy England
- Category:Pilgrimage Sites
- Category:Shrines and Memorials -
- Category:Liturgical Items
- Category:Bells