May 10
Apostle Simon the Zealot; Martyr Hesychius the Palatine of Antioch (ca.304); Saint Isidora the Fool-for-Christ, of Tabennisi, Egypt (ca. 365); Saint Isidore of Alexandria (319-404), Hieromonk and Hospitaller (hospital administrator) (404); Venerable Passarion the Presbyter (Passarion of Palestine), Agapius and Philemon (mid 5th c.); Blessed Thais (Taisia) of Egypt (5th c.) (see also October 8); Saint Laurence of Egypt, monk (6th c.); Martyrs Calepodius, Palmatius, Simplicius, Felix, Blanda and Companions (ca.222-232); Martyrs Alphius, Philadelphus, Cyprian, at Lentini in Sicily (251); Martyrs Erasmus, Onesimus, and 14 other martyrs, in Sicily (251); Saint Aurelian of Limoges, Disciple of St Martial of Limoges in France (3rd c.); Martyrs Quartus and Quintus, two citizens of Capua who were condemned and executed in Rome; Saint Comgall, founder and abbot of Bangor (602); Saint Cataldus, born in Munster in Ireland, became a monk at Lismore, then Bishop of Taranto; renowned for miracles (7th c.); Virgin-martyr Solangia (Solange) (880); Saint Simeon the Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal of the Kiev Near Caves (1226); Saint Laurence, monastic founder at Mt. Pelion in Volos (late 14th c.); Blessed Simon of Yurievits and Zharki, Fool-for-Christ (1584); Saint Eustathios of Crimea (1745-1759), martyred in Theodosia, Crimea (1759); Saint Synesius of Irkutsk (1787); Other Commemorations: Passage of the relics (1087) of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker through the island of Zakynthos, while on their way to Bari; Translation of the relics (1670) of the Blessed martyr Basil of Mangazea in Siberia (1602); "Kiev-Bratskaya" Icon of the Mother of God (1654); Repose of Eldress Taisia (Thaisia) of Voronezh (1840); Repose of Hieromonk Andrew (in schema Abramius) of Whitehoof Convent (1902).