Metropolis of Veria and Naousa

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The Metropolis of Veria and Naousa is one of the metropolises of the New Lands in Greece that is within the jurisdiction of the Church of Constantinople but de facto is administered for practical reasons as part of the Church of Greece under an agreement between the churches of Athens and Constantinople. The metropolis is located in Greek Macedonia in northern Greece.


The city of Veria is built on the site of the ancient city of Berea where, according to Acts of the Apostles 17:10-15, the Apostle Paul and Silas preached to the inhabitants after leaving Thessalonica in the years 49 or 52 during his second missionary journey.[1]



  • Skete of Prodromos (St. John the Baptist) For Men
  • Monastery of Panagia at Dovra For Men
  • Monastery of Panagia Soumela at Kastania[2] For Men
  • Monastery of Timios Prodromos (St. John the Baptist) at Naousa For Women
  • Monastery of St. Athanasios Sfinitsas at Agathia
  • Monastery of St. Kiriaki at Loutro

