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Seraphim (Romantsov)

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Elder Seraphim (Romantsov), known in the world as Ivan Romanovich Romantsov, was a Schema-Archimandrite, a Russian elder who lived in the Glinsk monastery and in Sukhumi (Abkhazia). He was glorified by the Holy Synod of the Church of Ukraine on March 25, 2009 with other Glinsk elders: Schema-Archimandrite Andronik (Lukash) (1880–1974) and Schema-Metropolitan Seraphim (Mazhuga) (1896–1985).


Ivan was born on June 28, 1885, in a village of Voronok of the Krupetsk volost of the Kursk province in family of a peasant. Little information is known about his early life, since the elder did not say anything due to his modesty. After the graduation from the parish school and repose of his parents, Ivan entered the Glinsk monastery. In 1914-1916, he took part in the World War I, was wounded and after the recovery he returned to the monastery. In 1919, Ivan was tonsured a monk with the name Juvenalis. His elder, hieromonk Aristoklis (Veter), taught him a wholehearted daily confession of thoughts and attention to all the movements of the heart. Later, Seraphim believed that the inner doing is very important for the spiritual growth and salvation.

In 1919, Juvenalis was ordained hierodeacon and, in 1926, when he moved to Sukhumi after the closure of the Glinsk monastery, he was ordained a hieromonk and tonsured into Great Schema with the name of Seraphim. In 1931, Seraphim was arrested and sent to the White Sea Canal construction.

From 1934 to 1946, Fr. Seraphim lived an ascetic life in Kirghizia where he was hidden by a pious family. In 1946-1947 he lived in Tashkent as a confessor at the Cathedral. In 1948, after the return to the reopened Glinsk monastery, he was made a spiritual farther by archimandrite Seraphim (Amelin).

Most of all, Fr. Seraphim wanted to bring his spiritual children to humility, about which he wrote: "Everything that you need for salvation is the true humility, inner conviction that you are worse of the sinners and of all, but this is the greatest gift of God, and it is gained by many works and sweats. Then the man feels in his heart such calmness that is inexplicable in human words. Day and night, look for this precious jewel. Truly humble, if he has any gifts from God - prayer or tears, fasting, all of it he carefully conceals, for the human praise, like a moth, eats everything." In his letters and instructions, Fr. Seraphim constantly warned against conviction of others.

In 1961, after second closure of the Glinsk monastery, Fr. Seraphim moved to Sukhumi (Abkhazia). Never before the church at Sukhumi was crowded as when Fr.Seraphim was living there. He was confessing people and sending out many letters, responding to the questions from his spiritual children. According to Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin), the true reason why Fr. Seraphim settled in Sukhumi, was the pastoral care of the hermits from the nearby mountains.

Fr. Seraphim himself was experienced in the Jesus Prayer. He considered obedience to be absolutely necessary to practice the Prayer. He said that if a person in hard works achieve the skill to the Jesus Prayer, but without healing of the soul through the obedience, if he will not cut out own will, then the prayer, uttered out of habit, would not be that true inner unceasing prayer of which the ascetics wrote. The prayer will remain only as words, as a proud mind can not unite with the name of Jesus Christ - this incomprehensible Humility.

On December 18, 1975, during the vigil, Fr. Seraphim felt ill. He went to his bed. All the time the elder read aloud the Jesus Prayer, and when tired, asked the others to continue to read it. During two weeks, he daily took the Holy Communion. Being fully conscious, the Elder was honored to see many of his brethren in the spirit, who, according to him, were singing the sticheron "Eternal council". And then the elder in a weak voice sang: "O taste and see that the Lord is good. Allelujah." After the vision, he said, "What I have prayed all my life and what I was searching for, it is opened now in my heart, my soul is filled with grace, so that I could not even hold it." And then said, "Now I'm going to die". On December 31 he closed his eyes for the last time and the next day, on January 1, 1976, the elder reposed.
