OrthodoxWiki:Help wanted
This Help Wanted page is for posting solicitations for assistance for various in-progress articles and projects on OrthodoxWiki. You can either post a request for help or respond to such requests on the Talk page.
Requests for new articles should be posted in Suggestions.
If nothing listed below strikes your interest, here are some other ideas:
- Add richer content to stub pages, lengthen short pages that warrant being longer, and help expand new pages that are just getting started.
- Refine the content of unnecessarily long pages and clean up pages that could possess a higher quality of content.
- Help create wanted pages that don't currently possess any content, but are highly relevant to other pages.
- Add uncategorized pages to relevant categories and link orphaned or dead-end pages to other articles that possess similar or relevant information.
[hide]Link buttons
We are looking for talented and/or motivated individuals to create some nice link buttons for OrthodoxWiki. Other design suggestions are also encouraged. Visit the Community Portal for current offerings.
Church Calendar
See Style Manual regarding the tremendous amount of work that needs to be done on the Church Calendar
Friends - today I started an article about evangelicalism. There is a lot that still needs to be added. Please feel free to help out with this article. What is most needed, I think, is the section on Orthodox responses to evangelical positions. - Geoff
Introduction to Orthodox Christianity
Please make some suggestions at the Talk page for the upcoming series on an Introduction to Orthodox Christianity.
Witnessing Orthodoxy
I just wrote this article on witnessing Orthodoxy. I need the help of people experienced/educated in witnessing the Orthodox faith to non and ex believers to help make this into a very informative article. I have posted up a very rough work that I wanted to suggest basing this on at [2], please feel free to use that if you wish.