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Brendan the Navigator

33 bytes added, 18:34, February 8, 2008
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[[Image:Brendan.jpg|right|frame|Brendan the Voyager]]
Saint Our venerable and God-bearing father '''Brendan the VoyageNavigator''' (or '''Navigatorthe Voyager'''), was a sixth-century Irish Orthodox [[monk]]. He was perhaps the first Orthodox Christian to set foot on Canadian soil, and as such, is the first of the saints to set foot in North America. He is also known as Saint '''Brendan of Clonfert'''. He is remembered by the Church on [[May 16]].
:But to cultivate the soul for it is immortal:
:Wherefore, O holy father, thy spirit rejoices with the Angels.
 ==External linklinks==
*[ St. Brendan's Journey & Immigration] -Orthodox Canada
*[[w:Brendan]] – Wikipedia
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