Philip Kariatlis
Philip Kariatlis is a lecturer at St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College, Sydney, Australia.
[hide]Translations by author
- Translation of Harkianakis, (Archbishop) Stylianos, The Infallibility of the Church in Orthodox Theology. Sydney: Australasian Theological Forum, St. Andrew's Orthodox Press, 2006.
Articles in refereed journals
- The Role of Women in the Orthodox Church, Phronema 21(2006).
- The Christological Foundations of the Ekklesia both as Gift and Goal of Koinonia: As Depicted in the Gospel According to Saint Mathew, INTER 1(2006) (Forthcoming).
- Woman and the Ordained Ministry: Theological Considerations from an Orthodox Perspective, Interface 8/2(2005): 135-156.
- Orthodox Reflections on Church Unity', Phronema 19(2004): 23-37.
- Contemporary Christian Spirituality: Insights from the Eastern Orthodox Medieval Mystical Tradition, in Pacifica 17/3 (2004): 311-319.
- Origins and Limits of Authority in the Church and its Relationship to Authenticity in Phronema 18 (2003): 61-75.
- The Notion of Memorial and its Centrality for a Proper Understanding of the Eucharist, Phronema 13(1998): 53-54.
Articles in non-refereed journals
- 'The Freedom of Morality: Parts II & III', Voice of Orthodoxy 28/1-2 & 3 (2006): 4-5 & 15-16.
- 'St Thomas – The Apostle Full of Faith', Voice of Orthodoxy 28/4 (2006): 29-30.
- 'Pentecost and the Church', Voice of Orthodoxy 28/5 (2006): 29-30.
- 'Theophany: the gift of God's personal communion with the entire world', Voice of Orthodoxy 27/1-2 (2005): 4-5.
- 'The Triumph of Orthodoxy: The Role of the Monks in the Iconoclastic Controversy', Voice of Orthodoxy 27/3 & 27/4 (2005): 20-21 & 33-34.
- 'The Church as Koinonia (Gift and Goal) in the New Testament: A Case Study from the Church in Corinth', Voice of Orthodoxy 27/5 & 27/6 (2005): 44-45 & 44-46.
- 'A Description of the So-Called Idiotites of God: their Source and Theological Validity', Voice of Orthodoxy 27/7 (2005): 68-69.
- 'Mary Theotokos and the Third Ecumenical Council', Voice of Orthodoxy 27/8-10 (2005): 80-81, 92-93 & 105-106.
- 'The Freedom of Obedience', Voice of Orthodoxy 27/11(2005): 117-118.
- 'The Joyous Feast of Christmas', Voice of Orthodoxy 27/12 (2005): 128-129.
- 'Jesus Christ – The Centre of our Faith; The Scriptural Image of Christ', VEMA Feb (2005): 8/26-9/27.
- 'Jesus Christ – The Centre of our Faith; The Scriptural Image of Christ', VEMA Mar (2005): 8/26-9/27.
- 'Jesus Christ: The Suffering Servant', VEMA Apr (2005): 10/44-11/45.
- 'The Scriptural Image of Jesus Christ as God', VEMA May (2005): 8/26-9/27.
- 'The Formation of Christology: Challenges to the Christian Faith in Jesus Christ from the New Testament and Beyond', VEMA Jun (2005): 8/26-9/27.
- 'Arianism: Challenges to the Christian Faith in Jesus Christ', VEMA July (2005): 8/26-9/27.
- 'How the Integrity and Identity of the Church is Maintained throughout History', in Voice of Orthodoxy 26/1 (2004): 5-6.
- 'The Life of St Gregory Palamas and the Significance of his Teaching for the Christian Life Today', in Voice of Orthodoxy 26/2 (2004): 17-18.
- 'The Resurrection of Christ: Our Passover into Joy through the Cross', in Voice of Orthodoxy 26/3 (2004): 29-30 & 26/4 (2004): 41-43.
- 'The Notion of Koinonia in Orthodox Ecclesiology Seen within the Dialectic of Foundation and Goal', in Voice of Orthodoxy 26/5 (2004): 52-54.
- 'A Credible Presentation of Redemption Today', in Voice of Orthodoxy 26/6 (2004): 64-66.
- 'The Life and Times of St Irenaeus of Lyons', in Voice of Orthodoxy 26/7 (2004): 76-78.
- 'Visions of the Invisible', in Voice of Orthodoxy 26/8-26/11 (2004): 89-91; 100-102; 112-114 & 125-126.
- 'Who is God the Father?', in VEMA Feb (2004): 8/26-9/27.
- 'God as Creator of Heaven and Earth and of all Things Visible and Invisible', in VEMA Mar (2004): 8/36-9/37.
- 'God – Creator of the Heavenly World', in VEMA Apr (2004): 8/26-9/27
- 'God and Evil Spirits', in VEMA May (2004): 8/26-9/27.
- 'Human Person-Crown of God's Creation', in VEMA Jun (2004): 8/26-9/27.
- 'The Glory of Man and Woman as Created by God', in VEMA Jul (2004): 8/40-9/41
- 'Sin: Missing the Mark of God's Original Plan for Humankind', in VEMA Aug & Sept (2004): 8/26-9/27 & 8/26-9/27.
- 'Jesus Christ – The Centre of Our Faith: An Historical Investigation', in VEMA Oct (2004): 8/26-9/27
- 'Jesus Christ – The Centre of Our Faith: The Scriptural Image of Christ', in VEMA Nov (2004): 8/26-9/27
- 'The Celebration of Christmas', in VEMA Dec (2004): 10/44-11/45
- 'The Contribution of Women in the Post Resurrection Stories as described by the Gospel of St John' in Voice of Orthodoxy 25/4 (2003): 37-38.
- 'Who am I?' in Voice of Orthodoxy 25/5-6 (2003): 49-50 & 60.
- 'How Christian Spirituality can avoid Semi-Pelagianism' in Voice of Orthodoxy 25/9 (2003): 99-101
- 'Primacy and Collegiality' in Voice of Orthodoxy 25/10 (2003): 107-108
- 'The Celebration of Christmas' in Voice of Orthodoxy 25/12 (2003): 132-133
- 'Who is the God of the Christians?' in VEMA Newspaper (2003): 9/31
- 'How the Formulation of the Trinity came about' in VEMA Newspaper (2003): 8/38-9/39
Conference Papers
- The Notion of Koinonia as both Foundation and Goal in Orthodox Ecclesiology, to ANZATS, Queen's College, Melbourne, 2004.
- The Orthodox Understanding of Unity, to the Third Theological Symposium of the NSW Ecumenical Council, Sydney, 2002.