Ancient Faith Radio
Ancient Faith Radio is an Orthodox internet radio station, operated by John and Tonya Maddex, founded at All Saints Orthodox Church in Chicago, Illinois, but is now part of Conciliar Media Ministries (with Conciliar Press) which is under the auspices of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. According to its website, this program "exists to supplement the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic church with on line audio programming of music, prayers, readings, lectures and interviews."[1]
In addition to radio programming, Ancient Faith Radio's website offers a series of podcasts by different authors, which are also broadcast on the station itself. Current podcasts include:
- Our Life in Christ hosted by Steven Robinson and Bill Gould.
- The Path a daily podcast from Fr. Tom Soroka which includes readings from the lectionary of the Orthodox Church and reflections on those readings.
- The Illumined Heart hosted by Kevin Allen.
- Homilies from All Saints Orthodox Church by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon.
- Postcards from Greece by Fr. Peter Heers, editor of Divine Ascent, A Journal of Orthodox Faith and founder of Uncut Mountain Press.
- Speaking the Truth in Love by Fr. Thomas Hopko.
- Search the Scriptures by Dr. Jeannie Constantinou. Bible study, with early church history, theology, and patristics.
- (and many others)
John Maddex
John is the President/CEO of Conciliar Media Ministries and was formerly the Manager of Broadcast Stations at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago providing oversight for their 35 owned and operated radio stations. He is also on the Board of the National Religious Broadcaster as well as the Fellowship of St. James, the publishers of Touchstone Magazine and a brand new magazine for younger adults called SALVO. John worked for three years at Focus on the Family as the Administrative Director of Broadcasting and while there served on the Leadership Cabinet with Dr. James Dobson. He is married to Tonya and has two children and six grandchildren. John and Tonya came to Orthodoxy in 1999.
See also
- Orthodox Media
- Frederica Mathewes-Green
- Mother Melania from the Holy Monastery of St. Barbara Monastery (Santa Barbara, California)
External links
- Official site
- Conciliar Media Ministries
- All Saints Orthodox Church
- Illuminated Heart: Interview with John Maddex posted by Father John Whiteford on his blog on November 3, 2007.