Lipovan Orthodox Old-Rite Church

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The Lipovan Orthodox Old-Rite Church (or Orthodox Old-ritualist Church, Orthodox Old-Rite Church) is the Romanian based jurisdiction of the Belokrinitskaya Hierarchy (Eastern Orthodox Church).

The head of the Church carries the title of Metropolitan of Belo-Krinitsa and All Old Orthodox Christians. His see is officially (not in fact) in Bila Krynytsya (Bukowina), his residence in Brăila, Romania (current titular: Metropolitan Leonty since 24 October 1996).


Lipovans are Russian Old Believers who fled Russia in the late 17th early 18th centuries in order to escape the persecution of their faith. The first part of their name derives from an early church leader, (English form) Philip.


Four eparchies in Romania:

  • Eparchy of Brăila and Tulcea
  • Eparchy of Slava
  • Eparchy of Bukovina and Moldavia
  • Eparchy of North America, Western Europe, Australia, and Georgia of the former Soviet Union


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