List of parishes in Quebec (Canada)
Here is a list of Orthodox churches in the Canadian province of Quebec:
Chomeday Laval
- St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Chomedey Laval (GOC)
- Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church, Chomeday Laval (GOC)
- St George Greek Orthodox Church (GOC)
- Koimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church (GOC)
- Evangelismos Greek Orthodox Church (GOC)
- Archangels Greek Orthodox Community (GOC)
- St. Irene & St. Markella Greek Orthodox Church (GOC)
- St. Sophie Cathedral, Montreal (UOCC)
- St. Mary The Protectress Congergation, Montreal (UOCC)
- St. George Church, Montreal (AOC)
- St. Nicholas Church, Montreal (AOC)
- Virgin Mary Church, Montreal (AOC)
- St John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Cathedral (Romanian Orthodox Church)
- Saint Ivan Rilsky Eglise Orthodoxe Bulgare, Montreal (Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church)
- St. Nicholas Mission, Montreal [1] (OCA)
- Holy Brancoveanu Martyrs Mission, Montreal [2] (OCA)
- Annunciation Church, Montreal [3] (OCA)
- Ascension of the Lord Mission, Montreal (OCA)
- The Sign of the Theotokos Church, Montreal (OCA)
- St. Benoit de Nursie Church, Montreal [4] (OCA)
- St. Seraphim Skete, Montreal & Rawdon [5](OCA)
- St. Seraphim Cemetery, Montreal & Rawdon [6] (OCA)
- St. Seraphim Church, Montreal & Rawdon [7] (OCA)
- SS. Peter and Paul Sobor, Montreal & Rawdon [8] (OCA)
Quebec City
- Evangelismos Greek Orthodox Community (GOC)
- SS. Peter and Paul Mission, Quebec City [9] (OCA)
- Holy Trinity Mission, Quebec City [10] (OCA)
- Communaute Monastique de St. Seraphim de Sarov, Rawdon [11] (OCA)
- Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan, Rawdon (ROCOR) (regular summer services only; otherwise occasional)
St. Hubert
- St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Community, St. Hubert (GOC)
- St. Marina Greek Orthodox Church, St. Hubert (GOC)
Ville La Salle
- St. Dionysios Greek Orthodox Community, Ville La Salle (GOC)
- St. Efstratios Greek Orthdox Community, Trois-Rivieres (GOC)
Rest of Quebec
- St. Simeon Mission Parish, Ascot (SOC)
- St. George Romanian Orthodox Mission, Brossard (Romanian Orthodox Church)
- Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Community, Dollard Des Ormeaux (GOC)
- St. Sergius of Radonezh Chapel, Lac Labelle [12] (OCA)
- Monastère Orthodoxe De La Protection De La Mère De Dieu, Lachute (Romanian Orthodox Church)
- Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Mansonville (ROCOR) (currently controlled by schismatics)
- St. Nicholas Cathedral, Outremont (ROCOR)
- Sts. Archangels Michael and Gabriel Romanian Orthodox Church, Saint-Laurent (Romanian Orthodox Church)
- Holy Trinity Church, Westmount (SOC)