OrthodoxWiki:Patron saint
A little while ago, there was some discussion about nominating a patron saint for OrthodoxWiki.
User:Uncreatedlight keenly felt this need, and User:Joe Rodgers also commented: "So, in a bigger picture, is there a saint, common to all Orthodox Christans who we could pick as a patron saint? For those so inclined, requests for intercession from this Saint could be made for God's help in our endeavors. Your thoughts?"
I think it's time to move this discussion forward a little bit. The saints are alive and well. It would be fully proper if we asked one or two especially for their heavenly intercessions. With this in mind, I'd like to open up the floor for nominations.
I think we're looking for as Orthodox saint who was known as an historian, writer, or compiler of information -- someone who modelled in their life the values and virtues we are striving for in the OrthodoxWiki project.
Please post your suggestions, along with an explanation, here.
Small typo in: "I think we're looking for as Orthodox saint" Should be: "I think we're looking for an Orthodox saint"