This article forms part of the series on the The Old Testament - Septuagint | |
or simply "LXX", the Koine Greek version of the Hebrew Bible. | |
Pentateuch or "the Law" | |
1.Genesis | 2.Exodus | 3.Leviticus | 4.Numbers | 5.Deuteronomy | |
Historical Books | |
6.Joshua | 7.Judges | 8.Ruth 9.I Kingdoms | 10.II Kingdoms | 11.III Kingdoms | 12.IV Kingdoms | |
Books of Wisdom | |
24.Book of Psalms | 25.Job | 26.Proverbs 27.Ecclesiastes | 28.Song of Solomon 29.Wisdom of Solomon | 30.Wisdom of Sirach | |
The Prophets | |
The Minor Prophets, or "The Twelve" 31.Hosea | 32.Amos | 33.Micah | 34.Joel | 35.Obadiah | 36.Jonah | |
The Major Prophets 43.Isaiah | 44.Jeremiah | 45.Baruch | 46.Lamentations | |
Appendix | |
IV Maccabees | |
The Book of Joshua, is the first of the twelve Historical books and the sixth book from the Old Testament. The English title, Joshua, comes from the Hebrew Yeshua and the the Greek Iesous, meaning "the Lord is salvation". Joshua's original name was Hoshea but Moses changed this name to Joshua (Book of Numbers 13:16). This change was prophetic, for it made Joshua a type of Jesus Christ.
Traditionally attributed to Joshua whose name means "Salvation".
Major Theme
God is faithful to fulfill His promise to the children of Israel.
The Israelites will inherit the land of promise through (a) obedience to God's Law and His commands, and (b) Joshua's leadership and God's intervention. The failures are the result of Israel's disobedience.
Under Joshua's leadership, the Israelites are poised to enter the promised land from the east side of the Jordan River, just north of the Dead Sea. Upon entering the land they would meet Canaanites and Amorites, who had settled there some 500 years previously and had an established system of city-states. The geography the Israelites would encounter consisted of both rugged, barren mountains and fertile farmland. The pagan religion of the Canaanites consisted of numerous gods and goddesses.
- Conquest of the Promised Land (1:1-12:24)
- Division of the Land of Promise (13:1-22:34)
- Settlement and Conclusion of Joshua's Ministry (23:1-24:33)