Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece

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The Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece is an Old Calendarist body (one of the Florinite jurisdictions) which in 1935 broke from the Church of Greece over the latter's use of the "new calendar," also known as the Revised Julian Calendar, a hybrid calendar using the Gregorian method of dating for the immovable feasts and the Orthodox Paschalion for the dating of the movable feasts. The adoption of the new calendar is viewed as an assault on the ecclesiological beliefs of the Church, in that it promotes common worship with heretics to further the goals of syncretistic Ecumenism, while sacrificing liturgical unity among all Orthodox Christians. It is not in communion with the mainstream Orthodox Church. Its current primate is Archbishop Chrysostomos II (Kiousis) of Athens and All Greece.

Primates (1935-present)

  • Metropolitan Germanos of Demetrias (1935-1943)
  • Metropolitan Chrysostom of Florina (1943-1955)
  • Archbishop Akakios of Talantion (1960-1963)
  • Archbishop Auxentios of Athens (1963-1986)
  • Archbishop Chrysostom of Athens (1986-present)

Current hierarchs

  • Archbishop Chrysostom of Athens
  • Metropolitan Akakios of Diavlia
  • Metropolitan Maximos of Demetrias
  • Metropolitan Kallinikos of Achaia
  • Metropolitan Justin of Evripos
  • Metropolitan Pavlos of America
  • Metropolitan Gerontios of Peiraeus
  • Metropolitan Chrysostom of Attica
  • Bishop Gregory of Christianoupolis
  • Bishop Theodosios of Vresthena
  • Bishop Photios of Marathon
  • Bishop Christodoulos of Theoupolis
  • Metropolitan Spyridon of Australia (retired)

External link

Official website